Nervous dental patients have a range of options for anxiety and stress relief. Selecting a sedation treatment will allow a calmer and more enjoyable dental treatment experience while enabling a dentist to provide safe dental care.
Types of dental sedation
The type of dental sedation needed may depend on the level of dental treatment and dental phobia. At Liverpool Dental Spa, we provide sedation for relaxed dental treatment. This is our preferred method, but dentists up and down the country offer different types, so we’ve listed some of the most common:
Tranquiliser medications
A dentist or doctor may prescribe a tranquiliser for an individual to take the night before or morning of treatment. The effect is to lower stress levels that may build-up with anxiety as an individual approaches the time of their dental treatment. Tranquilizers are an effective medication means of calming nerves.
Inhalation sedation
Another option in sedation is inhaling nitrous oxide, which immediately places you in a peaceful, warm and content frame of mind. Inhalation sedation may be used to induce a sleep mode or to retain a level of relaxed consciousness during dental treatment.
Tags: dental sedation, dental sedation Liverpool, Sedation Liverpool