Sleep is essential for health and wellbeing and we provide a range of treatments and techniques to help patients who suffer with snoring and sleep apnoea to enjoy better quality sleep. If you regularly experience disrupted sleep patterns or your sleep disorders are affecting your mood, your performance at work or your relationship with the people around you, now is the time to act. Don’t suffer in silence! We are here to help.
About sleep apnoea
Sleep apnoea is a sleeping disorder that affects breathing. The term apnoea refers to disrupted breathing, which is caused by the airway becoming blocked for at least 10 seconds at a time. In severe cases, sleep apnoea can be very dangerous oreven fatal and therefore careful management is essential.
There are a number of risk factors for sleep apnoea, including obesity, taking certain types of medication and smoking.
What can be done for sleep apnoea patients?
In minor cases, patients can often see a positive difference in the quality of sleep after making changes to their lifestyle. This is particularly relevant in cases where patients are overweight or they smoke heavily or drink alcohol before bed on a regular basis.
We can also provide specially designed devices, such as bite guard, which keep the airway open to increase air flow while you sleep.
How can I find out more?
If you’d like to find out more about how we could help with snoring or sleep apnoea, simply call reception, pop in if you’re in the city centre or fill in the online enquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.