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Posts Tagged ‘sleep apnoea treatment Liverpool’

Sleep Peacefully Following Our Sleep Apnoea Advice

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

Losing sleep can leave you feeling tired, drained and lethargic. If you suffer from disturbed sleep as a result of snoring or sleep apnoea, Liverpool Dental Spa are here to help. We aim to enable you to enjoy a good night’s sleep in no time, so that your start every day feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy the day ahead.

What is Sleep apnoea?

Sleep apnoea is a sleeping disorder that affects breathing while you sleep. Apnoea causes breathing to be interrupted while you sleep and this is caused by the muscles in the throat relaxing to obstruct the airway. Severe cases of sleep apnoea can be extremely dangerous and it is important that this disorder is managed very carefully.

The major risk factors for Sleep apnoea include obesity, taking certain types of medication, smoking and drinking alcohol. Sleep apnoea is most common in men aged between 30 and 60 years old.

How can we help?

We provide advice about coping with and managing snoring and sleep apnoea and we are able to offer information to help patients enjoy a better night’s sleep. Many of the risk factors for sleep apnoea are related to lifestyle factors and choices and we can help patients to make healthy choices to boost their general health and reduce the risk of sleep apnoea.

We offer advice about quitting smoking, diet and nutrition and we can also help with relieving stress, which may be linked to snoring.

If you have sleeping woes, call us and arrange a consultation. We can help to get your sleeping back on track.

Diagnosis and Treatment for Sleep Apnoea

Thursday, November 26th, 2015

Get advice about sleep apnoea from Liverpool dentists

Sleep apnoea causes the muscles in your throat to relax during sleep, thus blocking the airways. It is most common in those who are over forty years of age.

When the airways are blocked, oxygen cannot reach the brain and a signal is sent to your body to wake up.  As a result, those with sleep apnoea have frequently disrupted sleep.  As anyone who has had problems sleeping will know, this can make life difficult in several ways.  Those with sleep apnoea find that they are more likely to be involved in traffic accidents as they will frequently be tired in the day and have compromised reaction times.  Even worse than this, studies have linked the hypertension that can be brought on by sleep apnoea is linked with an increased tendency towards strokes and heart attacks.

If you are overweight or smoke your risk of developing sleep apnoea increases and a tendency to drink alcohol before sleep can also bring about the condition.  The use of sleeping pills and sedatives has also been linked with sleep apnoea and some studies demonstrate that the disorder has a tendency to run in families, meaning you are more likely to suffer from sleep apnoea if a relative has it.

Your Liverpool dentist has access to the parts of your mouth involved with sleep apnoea and so they are in an excellent position to diagnose the condition during one of your six month check ups.  If it is found that you have sleep apnoea you might be given one of two types of device to alleviate the condition.

How is Sleep Apnoea Diagnosed and Treated?

Monday, November 2nd, 2015

Get advice on sleep apnea from Liverpool dentists

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects about one and half percent of British women and three and a half percent of British men.  It is most prevalent in those over forty years old.  It involves the relaxation of your throat muscles during sleep, which blocks the airways briefly.

If oxygen suddenly cannot reach the brain, the brain sends a signal to your body to wake up so sleep apnea sufferers have very disrupted sleeping patterns.  Experiencing sleep apnea and the resulting disruptions to sleep can make life rather difficult for sufferers.  Drowsiness during the day because of insufficient sleep can slow down reaction times and sleep apnea patients are actually more likely to be involved in car accidents.  The hypertension that can be brought on by sleep apnea increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

High risk categories include people who are overweight and smokers.  Drinking alcohol before sleep can increase the chance of sleep apnea, as can the use of sleeping pills and other sedatives.  Hormonal changes can lead to sleep apnea too.  Some studies have shown that the condition runs in families.

Because your Liverpool dentist has access to your tongue and soft palate, both of which are involved in sleep apnea, he or she can help to diagnose the condition.  You might be prescribed a mask to initiate continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to make sure than oxygen steadily flows to your lungs during the night.

Looking for a cosmetic dentist? City of Liverpool dentists are here to help

Your Liverpool dentist can give you more information about sleep apnea should you require it.


Mental Health Problems Associated with Sleep Apnoea

Friday, September 18th, 2015

Sleep apnoea is a serious sleep disorder that requires careful management. In the most severe cases, sleep apnoea can be fatal and it is essential that patients who display symptoms of this disorder receive the appropriate support and treatment. Sleep apnoea is characterised by periods of interrupted breathing that occurs as a result of the airway becoming blocked.

If you suffer from sleep apnoea, this can have a major bearing on the quality of your sleep, and frequent disturbed nights can soon take their toll on your physical and mental health.

Sleep apnoea and mental health

Anyone who experiences disturbed sleep patterns, insomnia or a lack of sleep on a frequent basis are at risk of experiencing problems related to both their physical and mental health. We need sleep to recover, rest and regenerate and without it, we start to suffer. In the short-term, a lack of sleep may contribute to daytime tiredness and lack of motivation, energy and concentration. In the long-term, disrupted sleep may increase the risk of stress, anxiety and depression. Sleep problems can also cause issues in relationships.

The chances of depression may also be elevated by a lack of oxygen reaching the brain as a result of sleep apnoea, which causes reduced air flow while you sleep.

What can be done for sleep apnoea?

There are various treatment options for sleep apnoea and the type of treatment usually depends on the cause and severity of the individual case. In minor cases, lifestyle changes such as increasing exercise, losing weight and giving up smoking may be sufficient to ease symptoms. In moderate cases, using a mandibular advancement device may help. This device moves the lower jaw forward slightly, increasing air flow while you sleep. In the most severe cases, CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) may be recommended. This involves wearing a breathing mask while you sleep.

Solutions for Sleep Apnoea

Friday, August 14th, 2015

At Liverpool Dental Spa, we offer a comprehensive range of services including treatment for snoring and sleep apnoea. If you regularly experience disturbed nights or struggle to breathe during sleep, we can help.

What is sleep apnoea and what are the signs?

Sleep apnoea is a sleeping disorder that makes it difficult to breathe while you sleep. Sleep apnoea is defined by periods of interrupted breathing that last for 10 seconds or longer. It can range in severity and in serious cases it can be fatal. Common signs of sleep apnoea include very loud snoring, laboured breathing, gasping for breath when you sleep, disturbed sleep patterns contributing to daytime tiredness, irritability, lack of motivation or concentration and mood swings.

Who is at risk for sleep apnoea?

Here are some of the main risk factors for sleep apnoea:

  • Obesity
  • Family history of the disorder
  • smoking
  • Heavy drinking and drinking in the evening

How we can help

We work with other health professionals to provide care for patients who suffer with snoring and sleep apnoea. We are able to provide information and advice related to making positive lifestyle choices such as losing weight and giving up smoking and we also offer custom-made bite guards to help  increase airflow while you sleep. These bite guards are specially made to fit your mouth, so you will able to sleep in comfort and they keep the airway open, making it easier to breathe.

If you would like more information about our services or would like to book a consultation, call us today or pop in if you are in Liverpool city centre.


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