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Posts Tagged ‘Sedation Liverpool’

The Different Kinds of Dental Sedation

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Nervous dental patients have a range of options for anxiety and stress relief. Selecting a sedation treatment will allow a calmer and more enjoyable dental treatment experience while enabling a dentist to provide safe dental care.

Types of dental sedation

The type of dental sedation needed may depend on the level of dental treatment and dental phobia. At Liverpool Dental Spa, we provide  sedation for relaxed dental treatment. This is our preferred method, but dentists up and down the country offer different types, so we’ve listed some of the most common:

Tranquiliser medications

A dentist or doctor may prescribe a tranquiliser for an individual to take the night before or morning of treatment. The effect is to lower stress levels that may build-up with anxiety as an individual approaches the time of their dental treatment. Tranquilizers are an effective medication means of calming nerves.

Inhalation sedation

Another option in sedation is inhaling nitrous oxide, which immediately places you in a peaceful, warm and content frame of mind. Inhalation sedation may be used to induce a sleep mode or to retain a level of relaxed consciousness during dental treatment.


The Ins and Outs of Sedation Dentistry

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Sedation dentistry involves being given a sedative injection before dental treatment to reduce anxiety and fear about having the dental treatment. People have dental phobia that sometimes stems from childhood and can they fear not just needles and drills but the actual dentist too! Sedation is a means of addressing the stress symptom.

Who is a candidate for sedation?

People from all walks of life can request to have sedation dentistry if it is in their best interest to do so. Talk with your dentist to determine if you are a suitable candidate.

Having sedation can help in the following cases:

  • If you want to reduce your awareness of the dental treatment experience.
  • Where you have fears about specific dental procedures, like fillings.
  • If you already suffer mental illness or high levels of anxiety.
  • For unpleasant dental procedures, like having a tooth removed.
  • When other relaxation techniques don’t work, such as meditation or calm music.
  • To relax the throat to combat a sensitive gag reflex

Dental sedation might not be for everyone

Some people take medications for illness and sedation could conflict with their prescribed drugs. A dentist may therefore recommend against dental sedation. In cases where people are refusing dental treatment and even sedation because their fears are so great, it is better to address the cause of the fear first.

Sedation treats the symptoms of dental phobia, which is anxiety stemming from the fears. Having therapy to overcome your fears will help relieve dental phobia symptoms. You can speak with your GP or dentist about what treatments are available.

We Treat Hundreds Of Phobic Patients In The Heart Of Liverpool

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

We understand that many patients suffer from dental anxiety and we have experience in treating patients with dental phobia. Unfortunately, when patients suffer from severe anxiety, this can prevent them from getting the treatment they need; we are here to help and we will do everything we can to make your time with us as stress-free and relaxing as possible.

One of most effective techniques for treating phobic patients in Liverpool is sedation.

About sedation

Sedation is a technique we use to make dental treatment more comfortable and less daunting for nervous patients. Sedation involves the use of sedative medication, which helps to bring the body into a state of profound relaxation. Once you have been sedated, you will not feel any pain and it is likely that you will not remember much about the procedure once you have come around. Sedation is not like general anaesthetic; you will be conscious during the procedure and you will be able to hear and speak to your dentist if you wish to.

What happens after sedation?

If you have been sedated for treatment, it will take a little while for the effects of the medication to wear off and we recommend that you come with a friend or relative so that they can accompany you home and wait with you until the effects have worn off completely. It is not advisable to drive, drink alcohol or operate machinery for at least 24 hours after sedation.

How could sedation benefit me?

If you feel very anxious when you go to the dentist, you suffer from dental phobia or you are dreading having dental treatment, sedation may be beneficial for you. Sedation helps to reduce anxiety and eliminate pain from a procedure and this can help you to feel relaxed before and during your treatment. If you would like to find out more about sedation, we will be happy to talk you through treatment and answer your questions at Liverpool Dental spa in Liverpool.

Patients in Liverpool Who are Nervous are Calmed During Their Treatment with Dental Sedation

Monday, June 18th, 2012

A large portion of the UK population feel nervous when going to the dentist, with some people suffering so severely from a fear of the dentist that they avoid any contact, even when tooth loss, bleeding gums and severe pain occur and they desperately need treatment.

What are the causes of dental phobia?

Dental phobia can occur for a number for reasons, each one varying from person to person. Negative past experiences at the dentist, whether due to pain or the uncaring attitude of the practitioner can all cause psychologically harm, which can lead to dental phobia.

What can be done to help dental phobic patients?

Today, the attitude and treatments provided by your dentist have changed and many dentists undergo specific training to help them find the best ways to treat their nervous patients. Taking appointments slowly and listening to the requests of the patient is one of the simplest ways of alleviating any feelings of distress, and using pain free injections such as the WAND device is another helpful method of enabling nervous patients to have a pain free experience when at the dentist.

However, one treatment above all else has brought a sense of calm to the dental chair-namely Sedation.

What is Sedation and how does it work?

Sedation is used to ease a patient into a contented, relaxed state, where they feel no pain, no anxiety and no fear. Administered via a vein, the sedation solution eases a patient into a feeling of calm without making then unconscious. You will still be able to breathe by yourself and you will be able to response to simply requests from your dentist, but you will neither feel nor fear the procedure that is going on.

If you are nervous of the dentist and would like to know about dental sedation please get in touch with the practice. We offer sedation to patients throughout Liverpool and the UK and would be happy to help you receive the treatment you need.


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern