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Posts Tagged ‘root canal surgery’

Root Canal Treatment for Patients in Liverpool

Friday, March 18th, 2016

If tooth decay has become severe or there is gum disease present there is a risk that the root canal may become infected. This is the soft pulp section of the tooth where the nerve ending is found and unlike other dental infections it cannot be treated by antibiotics.

What is root canal treatment?

This treatment involves having the soft pulp at the centre of the tooth removed and filled. This treatment is usually used when tooth decay has penetrated the central structure of the tooth and the only way of saving the tooth is to clear out the decay and fill it.

What is involved in the treatment?

X-rays will be taken to assess the extent of the infection. In some cases your dental professional may suggest you wait a few weeks or months to see if with good oral hygiene the infection clears up. However, if it persists or gets worse the only option is root canal treatment. The tooth will be drilled into so that the dentist can remove the pulp. Once the canal is clear and washed out it will be filled. The tooth will be filled and in some cases a crown may be fitted to provide additional support and protection for the tooth.

Will the tooth look different after treatment?

Sometimes teeth that have had root canal treatment do appear darker than untreated teeth. If this is the case the tooth can be whitened to make it blend in with the surrounding healthy teeth.

What will happen if treatment is not completed?

In the long run the tooth will have to be removed. Once the infection becomes severe the pain associated with it will become unbearable. This is why root canal treatment is recommended in some cases as this will at least save the tooth and avoid the need of a dental implant or denture.

Root Canal Treatment to Save Your Smile

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

Even with the best oral hygiene in place tooth decay can still occur. If the decay begins deep within the tooth it can be hard to spot until it has progressed to the external tooth surface. This could mean that it has infected the internal structure of the tooth. When this occurs the only option is root canal treatment as antibiotics cannot treat infection that is inside the tooth.

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is performed when the internal ‘living’ section of the tooth has become damaged, decayed or severely infected. The tooth will be drilled, as per a normal filling, but this will continue until the soft living pulp of the tooth is exposed. The pulp is then removed and the cavity washed out to ensure all traces of decay and infection are removed. It is then filled and sealed to prevent further infection. The tooth will then either have a standard filling to complete the treatment or a crown may be fitted.

How can this treatment save my smile?

If left untreated the end result will be that the decayed or infected tooth will have to be removed. In some cases the infection can spread to the neighbouring teeth, so it is never wise to leave a tooth untreated. By undergoing root canal treatment the dentist can save the natural tooth and with it your smile. It is common for teeth that have had this treatment to appear darker than the others. This can easily be countered by means of bleaching so that it blends in with the healthy teeth.

What happens if the infection returns?

This infection in the tooth should return the treatment can be repeated, however it is rarely needed as root canal treatment is highly successful.

What is Root Canal Treatment and When is it Necessary?

Friday, July 10th, 2015

Normally, if you bring up root canal treatment in conversation, you’ll be greeted with anxious faces. But at Liverpool Dental Spa, we do our best to assure patients that root canal treatment is nothing to worry about and this effective procedure can actually make the difference between losing and saving a tooth.

What exactly is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is a general dental procedure designed to remove decayed tissue and help prevent the spread of infection. It is called upon when a dental infection has reached the living tissue of the tooth, known as the pulp. Once the pulp becomes infected, blood supply to the tooth is reduced and this increases the risk of further infection and the development of painful abscesses. Root canal treatment helps to stem infection and create a stronger, healthier tooth.

The procedure has something of a bad reputation, but we can assure you that you will be absolutely fine. In fact, many of our patients leave the practice and wonder what all the fuss was about. Before you have treatment, your tooth will be numbed completely to minimise discomfort. Once the local anaesthetic has taken effect, your dentist will drill into the tooth and start clearing decayed tissue from the root canals. It’s important to clean the tooth thoroughly to get rid of any potentially harmful bacteria and debris. Once the root canals have been cleared, they are then filled with gutta percha (a type of dental material) and sealed. Sealing the root canals helps to prevent the spread of infection.

Usually, after root canal treatment, it is a good idea to place a new crown to reinforce the tooth and offer even greater protection.  we usually place a temporary crown following the procedure and then the permanent crown around two weeks later.

Is there an alternative to root canal treatment?

Usually, root canal treatment is only required when the tooth is already damaged or decayed extensively and the only other option is to extract it.

The Truth About Root Canal Treatment

Friday, May 22nd, 2015

There is a widespread belief that root canal treatment is a painful, terrifying dental procedure and we’re here to set the record straight and tell you the truth about root canal therapy. The reality is that this procedure has an unjustified bad name. It can, in fact, be a saviour for painful, infected teeth and make the difference between keeping and losing a tooth. If you’ve been told that you need root canal treatment or you have dental pain and are putting off going to the dentist, we can assure you that you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is a general dental procedure carried out to treat an infected tooth. This course of action is usually recommended once an infection has reached the living part of the tooth known as the pulp. The pulp contains the nerves and blood vessels and once it becomes infected, there is a high risk of further infection, abscesses and eventual loss of the tooth. In most cases, root canal treatment can make the difference between saving and extracting a tooth.

The actual procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic. Once the tooth is completely numb, your dentist will drill into the tooth to reach the root canals. They will then remove any infected and decayed tissue and ensure that the root canals are clear. The root canals will be filled with gutta percha to seal them and prevent infection from spreading. After this, a new crown may be fitted to strengthen the tooth. After root canal treatment, you may experience very mild discomfort once the effects of the anaesthetic start to wear off, but this should only be temporary and you can use over the counter pain relief.

We understand that many dental patients feel nervous, especially when faced with a procedure such as root canal treatment, and we have a range of techniques and the latest technology on offer to help anxious patients to feel more relaxed and ensure that treatment is as painless and comfortable as possible. If you do suffer from dental phobia or anxiety, please do not hesitate to tell your dentist. They will go out of their way to reassure you and help you to feel calm and safe.

What Happens During Root Canal Surgery For Patients In Liverpool?

Monday, January 7th, 2013

When a patient complains of tooth ache or arrives at our door with a badly damaged or infected tooth, the symptoms are assessed and diagnosis made according to the individual’s circumstances. The outcome from this will vary from case to case, but it may be that you require root canal treatment to treat the painful symptoms and prevent further dental problems. A root canal is performed when bacteria or plaque manages to reach the inner chamber of a tooth and infect the blood and nerve supply.

Root canal treatment process

While it is considered a surgical procedure root canal treatment can be carried out in one visit to your dentist. However, it is normally done over a series of visits. The process will typically include the following steps:

  1. First, x-rays are taken and assessed to determine if a root canal is required. This will be discussed with the patient.
  2. Both the patient and dentist will need to agree that a root canal is the right treatment pathway, after which the procedure can begin.
  3. A rubber dam will be placed around the tooth which is in need of treatment to protect it against saliva.
  4. The tooth and the areas around the tooth are numbed and treatment can then begin.
  5. Following anaesthetic administration, a small hole is made inside the tooth to access the inner chamber.
  6. This is when diseased pulp tissue is removed.
  7. The canals will be measured for the filling to be placed there.
  8. After each canal in the tooth has been measured they are cleaned and treated with antiseptic to prevent infection.
  9. Next, the teeth are filled and a temporary fitting is placed over the tooth before a permanent crown is fitted, often at a separate appointment.

Contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool for more information.







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