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Posts Tagged ‘preventative dentistry liverpool’

Defeating Decay: Focus on Fluoride

Thursday, September 24th, 2015

At Liverpool Dental Spa, one of our main concerns is fighting dental decay and we encourage our patients to take steps to protect their teeth from cavities and keep harmful bacteria at bay. Here are some of the measures we recommend for strong, healthy teeth:

Preventative treatments

We offer a selection of preventative dental treatments designed to protect your teeth from decay, including fluoride varnish and fissure sealant treatment. Fluoride varnish treatment takes minutes and there is absolutely no pain involved. Fluoride is simply painted onto the tooth enamel to strengthen it. Fissure sealant treatment is also really straightforward. It involves creating a sealant barrier between bacteria and the tiny cracks and pits in the tooth surface. It’s very simple, it’s completely painless and it only takes a few minutes. We simply apply sealant to the tooth and then set it using a bright light beam.

Fluoride toothpaste

We recommend fluoride toothpaste for adults and children (children aged under 7 years old should use specially designed children’s toothpaste products, which contain a smaller amount of fluoride). Fluoride is a mineral found naturally in water and added to water supplies in some areas of the country. Fluoride has oral health benefits as it helps to make the enamel stronger and protect the teeth from cavities. Always follow the usage instructions carefully when brushing.

A good oral hygiene regime

A good oral hygiene regime makes a massive difference to your oral health and the good news is, it only takes five minutes a day to give your teeth a good clean and polish. We recommend brushing your teeth each morning and evening for around two minutes each time using fluoride toothpaste and a brush with a small head and soft or medium bristles. We also advise you to use inter-dental brushes or floss to clean between your teeth.

A healthy diet

Your diet is heavily linked to your risk of decay, so keep an eye on what you eat, particularly when it comes to sugar consumption. Avoid sugary and acidic foods, especially between meals and always wait at least 60 minutes after eating to brush your teeth.

Exorcise Goulish Gum Disease in Liverpool

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

If you’re battling bleeding gums and you think you may have ghoulish gum disease, we are here to exorcise your dental demons and allow you to enjoy pain-free, healthy gums.

About gum disease

Gum disease is a common oral disease, which is most commonly caused by plaque. Plaque is a substance that forms in the mouth when bacteria and food debris are joined together by saliva. It is sticky and it clings to the gum line and the outer enamel surface of the teeth. When bacteria feed, they release plaque acids, which irritate your gums, causing them to become painful, red and tender. You may notice that your gums feel swollen and sore and they may bleed when you brush your teeth.

What to do if you have symptoms of gum disease

If you have signs of gum disease, including bleeding, painful and inflamed gums, call us and book an appointment. With gum disease, it’s best to treat the problem as soon as possible so that the condition doesn’t become more advanced. Mild gum disease is treatable, but advanced gum disease (periodontal disease) causes permanent damage to the gums and the underlying bone tissue, resulting in premature loss of the teeth.

If you have mild gum disease, also known as gingivitis, we can usually treat this effectively with hygiene treatments. We can also offer advice about how to prevent gum disease with good oral hygiene at home, diet and giving up smoking.

Preventing gum disease

Gum disease is preventable and simply devoting 5 minutes every day to oral hygiene will stand your gums in very good stead. Try to ensure you spend at least 2 minutes every morning and evening brushing your teeth, taking care to cover every surface of every individual tooth and avoiding brushing too firmly. Regular dental checks are also really important and we recommend sticking to a healthy diet and limiting the amount of sugar you consume.

If you have risk factors for gum disease, we also recommend seeing one of our incredible dental hygienists on a regular basis.


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern