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Posts Tagged ‘oral health’

How Liverpool Dental Spa can Bridge the Gap between Teeth

Friday, January 26th, 2018

If you have a missing tooth, you may be considering your options. We strongly recommend replacing lost teeth for many reasons, and we offer some excellent treatments. Missing teeth can affect the aesthetic of the smile and your confidence, but they can also have a negative impact on your oral health. We are delighted to offer patients in Liverpool an array of fantastic tooth replacement options, including dental bridges.

What exactly is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is a form of restoration, which is used to fill gaps when a tooth has been lost through injury or dental disease. The aim of the bridge is to literally bridge the gap between the remaining teeth. The most common type of bridge is a traditional fixed bridge. This type of bridge is made from a false tooth, which is fused to a crown on each side. Bridges can be made from ceramics, which produces a very natural and lifelike aesthetic.

The benefits of a dental bridge

Dental bridges offer a wealth of benefits for patients who are missing one or more natural teeth. Bridges are much more affordable than dental implants and they can be fitted in just 2 appointments. As they are made from ceramics, bridges are also very discreet and you won’t be able to spot the difference between the bridge and the natural teeth. Bridges are also more convenient than dentures and they should last up to 15 years if they are well looked-after.

If you have a missing tooth and you’re exploring your options, our friendly dentists will be happy to provide you with information about bridges, discuss alternatives and answer any questions you have. Call us today or pop in and see us if you’re in town.

Three Tips to Keeping Your Teeth Clean this Christmas

Wednesday, December 20th, 2017

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year for a lot of reasons, but it can also be a difficult time, especially when it comes to your oral health. If you are keen to keep dental dramas at bay, here are 3 tips to help you keep your teeth clean this Christmas:

  1. Brush twice a day: polls suggest that a large proportion of people only brush once a day, despite advice from dentists to clean the teeth twice a day. Brushing is a means of removing food debris and bacteria from the mouth and reducing the risk of plaque formation. When you brush, use gentle circular strokes, brush along the gum line and use fluoride toothpaste.
  1. Clean between the teeth: brushing is brilliant, but it can’t clean the entire mouth. It’s impossible to fit a brush head between the teeth and this is why cleaning the gaps between the teeth is so important. You can either use dental floss or inter-dental brushes, which are tiny hand-held brushes that are specially designed to clean between the teeth.
  1. Avoid snacking: it’s not just important to keep an eye on what you eat. It’s also beneficial to think about when you eat. When you eat, bacteria in the mouth start to feed and this causes them to release acids, which erode the enamel. If you eat throughout the day, this means that your enamel never has chance to recover, making the teeth susceptible to damage and decay.

Five Tooth-Kind Christmas Food Swaps

Monday, December 11th, 2017

Christmas is a time of year when many of us tear up the diet rulebooks and go to town with edible treats. While it’s enjoyable to indulge your taste buds at this time of year, spare a thought for your teeth. If you’re keen to preserve your smile, here are 5 tooth-friendly food swaps to consider:

  1. Honey-roasted ham for salmon: ham is a traditional crowd-pleaser at Christmas, but if you’ve basted the joint in treacle, cola or honey, the sugar content will increase significantly. Instead of a honey-roasted ham this year, why not opt for salmon instead? You can use salmon as a main dish or create tasty canapes. Salmon is rich in omega oils and essential fats, which help to keep your gum healthy.
  2. Full fat for diet drinks: if you’re cracking open the pop or choosing mixers to go with spirits, opt for diet versions, as they contain very little sugar. Although diet drinks are sugar-free, they are still acidic, so use a straw and avoid drinking them between meals.
  3. Christmas pudding for a cheese board: Christmas pudding may taste great, but it’s packed with sugar and sticky raisins that will cling to the teeth. Instead, opt for a cheese board. Cheese is high in calcium and it also has a high pH value, which helps to neutralize acids in the mouth.
  4. Sugary cereals for porridge: it’s Christmas morning and you need plenty of energy to get through the day. Instead of reaching for sugary breakfast cereals, make a bowl of porridge. Porridge oats are high in fibre, they release energy slowly and they have a much lower sugar content. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, add blueberries, a banana or a spoonful of honey.
  5. Eggnog for prosecco: if you’re having a drink this Christmas, choose prosecco instead of eggnog. Prosecco has a much lower sugar content and it’s also less calorific. Try and stick to drinking at mealtimes only, as prosecco is acidic.

Four Food Swaps For Healthy Teeth this October

Friday, October 27th, 2017

When you’re designing menus or perusing the supermarket aisles, don’t just consider your waistline. We tend to focus on losing weight or being healthier, but we often forget our oral health. This October, why not try these food swaps for healthier smiles?

Dried fruit for fresh fruit: fruit contains sugar, but these sugars are natural and fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals. Dried fruits have become a very popular snack, but they’re often doused in added sugar and they’re often not as healthy as you may think.

Ice cream for Greek yoghurt: it’s chilly outside and ice cream season is over. This autumn, swap sugary ice creams and lollies for healthy, calcium-rich natural Greek yoghurt. Yoghurt is filling, it’s tasty and it’s really good for your teeth. Add some fresh berries or a spoonful of honey for flavour.

Sugary cereals for porridge: many popular breakfast cereals are laden with sugar and you can reduce your daily sugar consumption significantly by starting the day in the right way. Instead of filling a bowl with sugary puffs, balls or hoops, go for porridge. Porridge oats release energy slowly, they contain fibre and they have low sugar content.

Fizzy drinks for milk: fizzy drinks are one of the worst offenders when it comes to sugar content. Instead of coating your teeth in sugar with a can of pop, have a glass of milk or a milky cup of tea. Milk contains calcium, which is essential for healthy teeth and bones.

Three Reasons Why Prevention is Incredibly Important

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

As dentists, we never tire of telling our patients that prevention is better than cure. If you haven’t given your dental health much thought of late, here are 3 good reasons why prevention is important:

  1. Lower risk of oral diseases: the most obvious benefit of preventive approaches is a lower risk of oral diseases such as decay and gum disease. If you go to the dentist every 6-9 months, you can lower your risk of developing problems by up to 60 percent. If you throw in a brilliant brushing regime, you can increase the figure even more. Looking after your teeth and gums takes a few minutes a day and it’ll save you a whole lot of pain and keep your smile looking beautiful.
  2. Lower cost of dental care: the cost of preventative dental care is much lower than treatments that are used to cure dental issues. If you spend a small amount on routine check-ups, you’ll reduce your risk of paying out hundreds, or even thousands in dental bills over the coming years.
  3. Increased happiness and productivity: if you’ve ever suffered from toothache or had a dental abscess before, you’ll know all too well that poor dental health can make life a misery. Dealing with dental issues doesn’t just make it virtually impossible to concentrate at work, it will also affect your happiness and wellbeing. Start paying more attention to your teeth and gums now, and you’ll notice a positive difference for years to come.

Did You Know How Much Stopping Smoking Will Help Your Teeth?

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017

It may not be the start of a brand new year, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make a resolution to try and give up smoking. Most of the time, we associate quitting with benefits for the heart and lungs, but did you know that giving up smoking can also do wonders for your oral health?

What effects does smoking have on oral health?

Smoking has a detrimental impact on almost every organ in the body, and it can be very harmful for your oral health. Smoking increases the risk of gum disease because it reduces blood flow to the gums. It can also increase the risk of implant failure and increase healing time after dental treatment. Smoking also stains the teeth and it causes bad breath.

One of the most important considerations for those giving up smoking is reducing the risk of developing cancer. We tend to think about lung cancer when the subject of smoking crops up, but smoking is also the main risk factor for many other types of cancer, including mouth cancer. Mouth cancer affects the soft tissue in the mouth and throat and the number of cases diagnosed in the UK has increased by a third in the last ten years.

Help with giving up smoking

Giving up smoking is no walk in the park. At Liverpool Dental Spa, we understand that quitting is really difficult and we are here to advise you, offer you help and support and also encourage you along the way. If you’d like help with giving up smoking, give us a ring today or contact us through the website. Our experienced dental team will be happy to help.

Top Five Tooth Friendly Drinks to Enjoy in the Summer Sun

Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

The sun is popping out from time to time and this can only mean one thing, summer is finally here! If you’re keen to make the most of the long, hazy days, you may be looking forward to afternoons in the park or the beer garden or barbeques with friends and family. When the sun’s shining, your teeth may not be your first thought, but it’s so important to look after your dental health. If you’re keen to keep your smile in shape this summer, here are 5 tooth-friendly drinks to enjoy in the sunshine:

  1. Water: water is hands-down the best option come rain or shine. Water will quench your thirst if it’s hot outside and it doesn’t contain sugar.
  2. Green tea: it may seem crazy to drink tea when it’s hot, but hot drinks are actually supposed to cool you down. Green tea is a great choice because it is packed with antioxidants, which help to reduce the risk of gum disease.
  3. Milk: milk may not be the most obvious choice for a summer day, but it’s really good for your teeth. Milk is a good source of calcium, and it may be an appealing alternative to coffee or tea if you fancy something other than a hot drink before bed.
  4. Homemade smoothies: if you’re on a health kick, you’re probably trying to increase your intake of fruit and vegetables. Smoothies can be a really healthy choice, but they can also cause problems for your teeth. This is because smoothies that you buy from cafes and supermarkets tend to contain a lot of added sugar. To enjoy the health benefits without the added sugar, make your own smoothies at home.
  5. Diet mixers: if you’re enjoying an alcoholic drink on a sunny day, and you’re worried about your teeth, avoid cocktails and sugary fizzy drinks and opt for diet mixers instead. These aren’t brilliant for your teeth because they’re acidic but they are less harmful than full-sugar versions.

Top Five Tooth Friendly Summer Foods

Thursday, July 27th, 2017

Summer is a time when many of us try our best to be healthy and get in shape. If you’re keen to keep your smile looking great, as well as working on your beach body this summer, here are 5 tooth-friendly foods to add to your diet:

  1. Yoghurt: yoghurt is rich in calcium and it’s a great substitute for desserts like cheesecake, ice cream and biscuits if you’re looking for a healthier alternative. Stick to natural yoghurt rather than sweetened versions, which can contain a lot of sugar, and add flavour with berries or a spoonful of honey.
  2. Blueberries: blueberries are packed with antioxidants and they are a good source of vitamin C, which is good news for your gums.
  3. Strawberries: strawberries are not just a good source of vitamin C. they can also help to clean and polish your teeth thanks to their rough skin. When you eat strawberries, the dimpled texture scrubs off surface stains, giving you a radiant, glowing smile.
  4. Cheese: cheese is a great addition to salads and cold pasta dishes and a staple picnic snack. Cheese contains calcium, which is important for strong teeth and bones, but it also has a very high pH value, which reduces acidity in the mouth.
  5. Raw vegetables: if you’re searching for a healthy snack idea, don’t reach for crisps or sweets. Instead, peel some carrots or chop up some celery, cucumber or peppers. These foods often have high water content, and chewing on them stimulates your gums and increases saliva production.

Top Five Ways to Teach Your Children to Keep Their Teeth Healthy

Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

Every year in the UK, hundreds of children have treatment in hospital for dental issues. At Liverpool Dental Spa, we’re passionate about prevention, and we’re eager to encourage good habits from an early age. If you’re a parent, here are 5 ways to teach your children to keep their teeth healthy:

  1. Supervise brushing: when you have young children, they may need help with brushing, and when you have older children, they may need that extra incentive to do a good job. Kids tend to whizz a brush around their mouth, and this constitutes brushing their teeth. By supervising them, you can make sure they’re doing a thorough job each time.
  2. Play a song: many of us don’t brush for long enough, and this can damage our teeth and gums. Try and make teeth cleaning fun and encourage your children to brush for longer by putting a song on, and challenging the children to brush from start to finish.
  3. Arrange regular check-ups: it’s really important for children to see the dentist. If they’re used to having check-ups, they’re much less likely to feel anxious when they get older.
  4. Make it fun: many children moan about having to brush their teeth, so try and make it a more appealing use of their time. Make up some games, set challenges, and brush together as a family. You can also get some great child-friendly toothbrushes and toothpastes, which may help them to get a little more excited about cleaning their teeth.
  5. Healthy eating: one of the biggest problems facing dentists at the moment is a sugar-heavy diet. Dentists see children all the time who have lots of cavities as a result of their diet. Sugary foods should be given only as treats, rather than as part of the daily diet. Try and reduce your sugar intake as a family by swapping sugary cereals for porridge or whole grain cereals, replacing fizzy drinks with water or sugar-free cordial and avoiding foods like crisps, popcorn, sweets and biscuits, especially between meals.

Give Your Teeth Their Healthiest Christmas Yet!

Monday, December 12th, 2016

Christmas is the most wonderful time of year for most of us, but when it comes to your dental health, there are risks. During the festive period, we tend to relax our diets and indulge on all kinds of traditional treats. This Christmas, spare a thought for your teeth and gums, and give them the healthiest Christmas yet. All you need to do is bear these simple tips in mind:

Book a routine check-up: if you haven’t been to the dentist in the last 6-12 months, now is an ideal tie to make an appointment before Christmas. Nobody wants to spend the festive period missing out on the fun because they’ve got toothache. When you see your dentist, they will carry out a series of checks to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy. If there are problems, they can be treated. If you have signs of decay and gum disease, for example, leaving them can result in serious damage.

Avoid snacking: it’s tempting to graze all day at Christmas time when there are bowls of nuts and crisps scattered around, and family-size tubs of chocolate on offer. Snacking doesn’t just ruin main meals. It also increases your risk of dental disease. When you eat, bacteria release acids that attack your enamel, making it soft. It takes time for the enamel to reharden. If you’re snacking, this means that your enamel never has chance to recover, and there’s a real risk of cavities forming. Try and stick to eating at mealtimes.

Eat in moderation: it’s understandable to go a bit crazy at Christmas time, but try and moderate your intake of sugary foods and drinks. There are plenty of savoury delights that you can enjoy instead. One simple way of reducing your sugar intake is to swap fizzy drinks for sugar-free versions. Fizzy drinks are acidic, so if you are drinking diet versions, use a straw, and drink a glass of water or milk afterwards.

Keep up with your normal oral hygiene regime: at Christmas time, we tend to go into holiday mode and slack off a little. It’s fine to enjoy a lie-in, but don’t relax your oral hygiene regime. It’s essential to clean your teeth twice a day every day for at least two minutes each time.


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern