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Posts Tagged ‘missing teeth treatment’

How we Treat Missing Teeth

Monday, October 24th, 2016

We offer a host of options for patients looking to replace missing teeth. Whether you have lost a single tooth through injury or decay or you have a full set of missing teeth, we can help to restore your smile and enable you to eat and speak without any difficulty or hassle.

Our treatments

We have treatments available to replace single missing teeth, as well as full arches of teeth. Our options cater for all budgets and treatment preferences and we will go through all the different treatments with you during the consultation to help you make a decision.


Dentures have been around for many years and they remain a very popular choice for patients who have a large number of missing teeth. We provide full and partial dentures, and we use the finest quality materials to produce prostheses that are functional and life-like. Dentures restore the aesthetic of the smile and enable you to carry out important functions, such as chewing and grinding down food and speaking.

We also offer implant-retained dentures, which are dentures that are supported by dental implants. These dentures are secured firmly and they enable you to enjoy improved functionality, as well as peace of mind, as your denture will never slip or slide out of position.

Dental implants

Dental implants are a viable option for patients with one or several missing teeth, as they can be connected to bridges, crowns and dentures. Implants are designed to replace the root of the missing tooth and they are the closest substitute for a natural tooth; they last a lifetime and they also provide amazing aesthetics. The treatment process does take some time, but the results of treatment are very impressive and once the new restoration is in place, you can relax and enjoy your new smile.

Dental bridges

Dental bridges are an affordable solution for single missing teeth. The most common type of bridge, the traditional fixed bridge, comprises of a false tooth, which is secured by a crown on either side. Bridges can be made from various different materials, including ceramics such as porcelain for a natural aesthetic and they should last for up to 15 years. The treatment process is relatively simple and there is minimal discomfort involved.

If you have missing teeth, call us today and we will be happy to explore all the options with you!

Marvellous Missing Teeth Treatments

Tuesday, January 26th, 2016

Injuries, accidents, ageing and oral disease can all contribute to an elevated risk of tooth loss. If you’ve lost a tooth or have a number of missing teeth, we have an extensive range of options to replace your teeth and restore your beautiful smile.

Our tooth replacement treatments include dentures, dental implants and dental bridges.


Dentures are the longest-serving tooth replacement treatment. These sets of prosthetic teeth, which are made from acrylic and plastic, are a popular choice for replacing full sets of teeth, but can also be used as a substitute for a small number of teeth. In this case, a partial denture is used.Dentures are custom-made and can usually be fitted two weeks after the consultation. Dentures do last a long time, but may have to be adjusted or replaced as the shape of the mouth changes constantly and this means that the fit of the denture may need to be modified.

Dental implants

Dental implants offer patients with single or multiple missing teeth a long-term, highly effective solution. Implants are small titanium posts secured into openings in the jaw bone. They are able to integrate into the bone tissue to replace the tooth root and anchor the new restoration with incredible levels of stability. Implants are compatible with bridges, dentures and single crowns and are built to last a lifetime. They are more expensive than other treatments, but last a lot longer.

Dental bridges

Dental bridges are a popular solution for a single missing tooth. They are more affordable than dental implants and treatment usually only takes two sessions. Bridges are custom-made for the individual using precious metals or ceramics and made up of a false tooth anchored by a new crown on each side. Once a bridge is in place, it should last for around 10-15 years. For a natural look, we recommend porcelain bridges, as they match the colour of the natural teeth perfectly and therefore you can’t tell the difference between the false tooth and the rest of the teeth.

Replace Missing Teeth With A Permanent Solution In Liverpool

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

Halloween is now long behind us, as are the costume based benefits of missing teeth. Outside of dressing up like a pirate from the scurvy era, there isn’t really a reason to leave a tooth un-replaced and doing so can, in fact, lead to a plethora of problems: Teeth keep other teeth in place and, by not replacing a missing tooth, the surrounding teeth will collapse into each other; not replacing a tooth can also increase the chance of contracting gum disease. Given that replacing the tooth is imperative, you then have to decide how to! Dentures have been the classic method for over two millennia, but they also have numerous negatives associated with them, such as slippage and an inability to chew hard foods. Dental implants, however, operate just like real teeth…

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a false tooth which is anchored in to your jaw by a small but sturdy metal rod.

The benefits of dental implants

Functionality is probably their key selling point: If done correctly, a dental implant will work like your old tooth did. As an added bonus, they also prevent the common problem of post-tooth loss atrophy, something which dentures cannot combat: Atrophy, the slow decay of bone surrounding the missing tooth, can lead to a gradual change in face and jaw shape. Dental implants, however, not only help prevent atrophy, but can even stimulate bone growth! No surrounding, healthy tissue need be affected either: Dental bridges, another alternative to dentures, can sometimes require neighbouring teeth to be removed so as to accommodate the false tooth. With dental implants, there is no such problem.

The procedure

First off, your teeth and gums will be checked to ensure you can support the implant. It should be recognised that implants need a reasonable amount of quality bone tissue to be available from the patient; for most folks, this shouldn’t be an issue. The gum is cut, raised and then a small hole, where the implant is to be placed, is drilled into a specific jaw location. Your implant is then fitted into this socket and the gum is stitched back up. The implant is then left to heal, for between six weeks and six months. After this period, a temporary crown will be fitted for between four and six weeks. Following this, the final restoration will be attached.


What Are Mini Dental Implants And Are They Suitable For All Missing Teeth Treatments In Liverpool?

Monday, December 9th, 2013

Mini dental implants, as the name suggests, as are smaller version of traditional dental implants. Mini implants are often a better option for patients who lack sufficient bone mass to support a larger implant.

About mini implants

Mini implants are smaller than traditional dental implants, but they work in the same way and they are able to support a denture, dental bridge or crown. You may be advised to have a mini implant if you do not have sufficient bone mass to anchor a traditional implant.

Mini implants are advantageous because treatment can be completed in one day; usually, the restoration can be fitted on the same day as the implant, so you get instant results.

How are mini dental implants fitted?

Mini implants are usually fitted under sedation or local anaesthetic; the implant is secured into the jaw bone, with the head of it positioned above the gum line. Once the implant is in place, the restoration can be attached.

Traditional implants require months to integrate into the bone tissue; however, with mini implants, this is not necessary because the implants are thinner and this means that they can be inserted into the bone directly through the gum tissue, which eliminates the need to make an incision in the gums.

How could mini implants benefit me?

If you have a missing tooth or a number of missing teeth, mini implants could help to restore your smile and make it easier for you to speak and eat properly. We recommend replacing missing teeth, as gaps in the smile can increase the risk of dental diseases, encourage tooth movement and create problems with confidence linked to the aesthetic of the smile.

If you would like to find out if you are a suitable candidate for mini implant treatment, call us today in central Liverpool!




A Permanent Solution To Missing Teeth For Patients In Liverpool

Friday, November 1st, 2013

In the past, patients who had missing teeth had a choice of a dental bridge or a denture, but now, dental implants, which are a highly effective long-term solution for lost teeth, are available.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are an increasingly popular treatment for patients who have lost teeth either through injury, decay or trauma. The actual implant is a small screw-like device made from titanium, which is fitted into a socket in the jaw bone; over the course of time, the implant integrates into the bone tissue and once it has settled, it can be attached to a restoration. One of the best things about dental implants is that they can be connected to a wide range of restorations, including a dental bridge, crown or denture, meaning that they are suitable for patients with one missing tooth, a few lost teeth or an entire arch of missing teeth. The aim of the implant is to replace the rot of the missing tooth.

The procedure

The procedure to fit the implant is usually carried out under local anaesthetic to prevent patients from experiencing any pain. An incision is made in the gum, a flap is lifted and a socket is drilled in the bone; the implant is then secured in the socket and the incision is closed and left to heal. The integration process takes between 3 and 6 months and then the restoration can be attached.

How could dental implants benefit me?

Dental implants have a host of benefits for patients with any number of missing teeth. Implants are more expensive than other treatments for missing teeth but they last a lifetime and they offer unrivalled levels of functionality and aesthetic appeal. Implants do not interfere with the neighbouring teeth or gums and they help to reduce bone loss; they are also able to integrate completely into the jaw bone, which increases anchorage and ensures that the restorations will never slip or become loose. Contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in central Liverpool for more information on dental implants.

Get Replacement Teeth In Just One Appointment In The Heart Of Liverpool

Monday, August 12th, 2013

Dental implant treatment has many benefits, but it does usually take some time; however, we are delighted to offer clients an amazing implant system, which enables you to enjoy a brand new smile all in one appointment. All-on-4 produces same day, amazing smiles so you can start enjoying your new smile after a few hours, rather than a few months.

What is All-on-4 and how does it work?

All-on-4 is an implant system, which uses four dental implants to secure a full arch of new teeth; usually, between 6 and 10 dental implants are required to support a full arch of teeth. All-on-4 implants are placed on the same day as the new teeth, which means that patients can start enjoying the benefits of treatment immediately.

All-on-4 implants are able to support an entire arch of new teeth because they are placed at specific angles at the front and back of the mouth. Two implants sit at the front of the mouth and they are positioned at 90 degree angles, while two are located at the back of the mouth and placed at 45 degree angles; this makes full use of the strong bone tissue at the front of the mouth.

What are the advantages of All-on-4?

The most obvious advantage of All-on-4 is that treatment can be carried out and completed on one day; usually, implant treatment takes at least 5 months. All-on-4 enables patients to make use of their new teeth straight away and start reaping the benefits of implant treatment, such as improved tooth function and an attractive smile. As treatment is completed on a single day, there is no need o make repeat appointments and arrange time off work.

All-on-4 is a great solution for people who have experienced troubles with dentures in the past, as there is no risk of the new teeth slipping or irritating the gums because of a poor fit; All-on-4 implants give patients peace of mind and the confidence to eat and drink without any risk of their denture coming loose.



Patients In Liverpool Can Treat Missing Teeth With Innovative Dental Implants

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

Missing teeth can cause all kinds of problems, but thankfully we have the perfect solution: dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants have revolutionised modern dentistry; they have become an increasingly popular option for patients who have lost teeth and are generally considered to be the best long-term treatment for tooth loss.

Dental implants are small titanium rods, which are implanted into the jaw bone; a hole is drilled into the bone and the implant is then placed inside the socket. The aim of the dental implant is to replace the root of the missing tooth.

Dental implants are made from titanium in order to facilitate osseointegration, the process by which the implant integrates into the bone tissue; titanium does not interfere or irritate the gums and it lasts for a very long time.

When are implants used?

One of the best things about dental implants is that they can be used to treat a wide range of patients, from those who have lost a single tooth, to those who have full sets of missing teeth. Implants are left to heal in the jaw bone and once they have integrated fully into the jaw bone, an abutment is attached, which can then be connected to a single crown, a dental bridge or a denture. Single crowns are used when a single tooth is missing, a dental bridge is used when a small number of teeth are missing and a denture is used when a full arch of teeth is missing.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants represent the very best of modern dentistry; they look and feel like natural teeth, they function in the same way a natural teeth and there is no risk of the restoration coming loose or irritating the gums because the implant is anchored by the jaw bone. Dental implants also last a lot longer than a bridge or denture and they do not interfere with the surrounding gum or bone tissue; they can also help to reduce bone loss. Contact Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool for more information.


Implant-Retained Dentures For Missing Teeth For Patients In Liverpool

Monday, January 14th, 2013

Although they are still a great way to replace missing teeth, traditional dentures are not without their setbacks. Over time they can loosen and not adhere as well as they originally did to the wearer’s gums. For this reason, Liverpool Implant & Aesthetic Dental Spa is pleased to offer a revolutionary new approach to dentures which addresses these issues.

Implant-retained dentures are the most advanced form of dentures currently available. They offer ultimate security and provide high levels of stability. The dentures are anchored in place on posts, which are secured in the sockets of the jawbone. This provides permanent support and increased durability. The advantages of implant-retained dentures include:

  • Aesthetically pleasing: They are lifelike and resemble natural teeth.
  • Greater peace of mind: Wearers need not worry about the devices coming loose.
  • Functionality: They provide improved levels of stability and durability. Wearers are free to eat what they want without any worry about breaking the device.

Implant-retained dentures provide greater retention if replacing missing teeth, also improving the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the mouth. They are recommended for patients who are in good oral health and who do not smoke. If you have been approved for the procedure you will undergo a straightforward procedure.

  • During the procedure, an incision will be made into the gums.
  • Next, the gum tissue is lifted so that a hole can be drilled into the jawbone.
  • The implants will be placed in the newly-drilled hole and the gum tissue is stitched and left to heal.
  • At a later appointment, the dentures are attached and the procedure is complete.

Contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa for more information on our denture treatments.






Dental Bridges To “Bridge The Gap” For Patients In Liverpool

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

Dental bridges are used to replace a single or multiple teeth to restore the natural and healthy smile damaged by teeth loss. Dental bridges do not require partial denture or dental implants to be fixed in the mouth.

Bridges come in several forms and can be made out of several different kinds of materials. The choice of material depends on the overall oral heath, location of the lost teeth and the strength of the teeth that are located adjacent to the area where the tooth has been lost from.

Types of bridges

Traditional fixed bridge:  This type of bridge is used when there is a healthy tooth on both sides of the tooth gap. The false tooth known as “pontic” is fused between two crowns and is then attached to the healthy teeth on both the sides.  These bridges can be taken out of the mouth just like partial dentures can be removed.

Cantilever bridge: If the location of the tooth that has been lost falls in the area where stress is comparatively less, for example the front teeth area, cantilever bridges could be used. Also if there is a healthy tooth only on one side of the lost tooth area Cantilever bridges could be used, as the crown will be placed on one or more natural tooth on one side.

Maryland bridge:  Maryland bridges have become very popular since they require very few adjustments to be done on the surrounding teeth during the placement of the bridge. They are made out of special resins which are attached to the enamel of the teeth and a metal frame. Due to the structure of the bridge, they are much stronger than their conventional counterparts. Additionally, the inner part of the tooth called the dentin will remain unexposed due to the minimal adjustment requirements. This minimises the probability of experiencing sensitivity in the teeth after the completion of the procedure. The teeth surrounding the lost tooth do not have to be altered with this type of bridge and the procedure is generally reversible.

For more information on dental bridges please contact Liverpool Dental Spa today!




6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern