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Posts Tagged ‘Implant stabilised dentures’

An Innovative Way To Wear Dentures

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

Dentures can help restore full missing arches of teeth, but often their functionality is lacking and patients suffer problems with loose dentures while eating and talking. Loose dentures also cause sores within the mouth, which cause further difficulties and discomfort whilst eating.

Dental implants for dentures

However, a new solution has been found, which beats pastes and adhesives down flat. Dental implants are one of the most innovative and effective dental treatments, providing a secure and stable base upon which dentures can sit.

What are dental implants and what can they do for my dentures?

Dental implants are small titanium posts, which are inserted into the jawbone. These posts are then left to fuse and become part of the bone, creating what is essentially a replacement tooth root. 4 to 6 dental implants are used when stabilizing dentures. These are fitted into the jawbone and left to heal, after which a denture can be attached. Dental implants hold the denture in place, preventing all movement and looseness to help you eat, smile and talk with confidence and ease.

How can dental implants improve the health of my mouth?

Loose dentures not only rub against the gums they also rub against the jawbone. This wears away the bones, which is why loose dentures have to be replaced so often, as the wearing of the dentures continually changes the mouth. Dental implants prevent this jawbone erosion and actually strengthen the jawbone, enabling you to use your jaws with full confidence and in turn saving you money, as if well maintain dental implants can last a lifetime.

If you are interested in stabilizing your denture we would be happy to provide you with advice and information, as well as a consultation if you feel the treatment is for you here at Liverpool dental spa.





Patients in Liverpool with Loose Dentures can Experience a Stronger Smile with Dental Implants

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

Patients in Liverpool with ill-fitting or loose dentures may suffer with a daily struggle when eating, speaking and even smiling. Loose dentures can cause a host of problems including bone degeneration due to the continual wearing down of the supporting bone tissue. This wear is what causes dentures to become even looser and many patients will go through a number of dentures during their lifetime to maintain some kind of function.

What can be done about loose dentures?

However, with dental implant stabilised dentures patients can experience a solid and strong smile again, meaning they can eat what they want and never fear the embarrassment of dentures falling out of their mouth.

What does the dental implant treatment involve?

Implants are fitted into your jawbone in specific areas, which provide the best support from your denture. The titanium posts are then left to fuse with your jawbone, to ensure that you have a strong, secure foundation for your denture. Once your implants have integrated with your jawbone your denture can be fitted into place, for a strong, stable smile.

What are the main benefits of dental implant stabilised dentures?

Patients with stabilised dentures can experience many benefits, including:

  • A strong set of teeth they can use to eat anything, meaning their diet doesn’t suffer because of their teeth.
  • Teeth that remain within the mouth, never falling out and causing your embarrassment.
  • Strong and healthy jawbone tissue, which is strengthened rather than worn away.
  • Long-lasting smiles, with dental implants lasting for many years, if not a lifetime, if they are well maintained.

If you would like more information on stabilising your dentures using dental implants please call the practice today, we will be happy to hear from you.



6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern