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Posts Tagged ‘Dental implants Central Liverpool’

What are Dental Implants in Liverpool?

Friday, January 16th, 2015

Dental implants are a modern solution for tooth loss and we are proud to offer the world’s leading dental implant systems. Whether you are missing a single tooth or you’re looking for a replacement for multiple missing teeth, dental implants could be the answer.

What exactly is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a small screw-shaped device made from titanium. It is implanted into a small opening in the jaw bone and is designed to act as a replacement tooth root. Titanium is biocompatible and this means that implants are able to integrate into the actual bone tissue. This enables the implant to provide the same level of stability and support as a tooth root.

The integration stage takes a few months and once this is complete, the implant is then attached to a new restoration. This stage of treatment replaces the tooth crown. Implants are compatible with bridges, crowns and dentures, so they can be used for single or multiple tooth restorations.

What are the advantages of dental implant treatment?

Implants are the best long-term option for missing teeth. They are built to last, they provide amazing aesthetics, they are easy to maintain and they provide you the same level of functionality as strong natural teeth.

Implants are versatile and they are suitable for most patients. They can be used to replace a single tooth or a full arch of teeth and they produce amazing results without interfering with the oral structures or causing any discomfort.

In addition to standard dental implants, we also offer mini implants, implant-retained dentures and the amazing All-on-4 system.

If you’d like to find out more about dental implant treatment at Liverpool Dental Spa or you’re eager to learn if you’re a good match for dental implants, don’t hesitate to get in touch via the telephone or the website.


Liverpool’s Dental Implants are Fang-Tastic!

Friday, October 31st, 2014

If you’re searching for a natural looking, durable and functional replacement for a missing tooth this autumn, we have a fang-tastic treatment for you: dental implants are the closest match to a natural tooth and they are suitable for patients of all ages.

About dental implants

A dental implant is a small post, which is made from titanium, which is secured into a hole in the jaw bone to act as a replacement for a missing tooth root. As titanium is compatible with the bone tissue, it is able to integrate into the bone and this enables the implant to provide the same level of stability for the new tooth as a natural root.

Once the integration process has taken place, a restoration is attached to the implant and this serves to replace the tooth crown. Implants are compatible with dentures, dental bridges and single crowns.

Why implants could be the best choice for you

Implants are a modern alternative to dentures and they represent a long term solution for patients of all ages. They are built to last and they are very easy to look after; they are also versatile and can be joined to bridges, dentures and crowns, which makes them a great choice for patients with varying dental needs.

Implants can help to reduce bone loss and they also offer optimum functionality; with implants, you can expect the same bite power as strong natural teeth, so no foods are off-limits.

How is an implant placed?

The procedure to place an implant is usually carried out under local anaesthetic. Your dentist will make a small incision into the gum tissue and then drill a small hole, which will act as the socket for the implant. Once the implant is securely in place, the incision will be closed and the healing and integration processes will begin. The permanent restoration is usually placed around 3-9 months after the implant.



Permanent Solutions to Missing Teeth in Liverpool

Friday, September 12th, 2014

If you’ve lost a tooth in Liverpool and you’re looking for a permanent solution, we will be delighted to help. With our amazing dental implants, we’ll have you smiling again in no time!

About dental implants

Dental implants are a permanent solution for single and multiple missing teeth. Implants are screw-like appliances, which are implanted into the jaw bone tissue with the aim of replacing the tooth root. As titanium is a bio-compatible material, it is able to actually integrate into the bone tissue and this provides the new restoration with the same level of stability as a natural root. The process of integration can take some time, but we do offer speedier solutions for those who are in a rush. The All-on-4 system, for example, is a same-day implant treatment, which is suitable for patients with a large number of missing teeth.

What are the advantages of dental implants?

Implants provide amazing functionality and longevity; they are built to last a lifetime and they are secure, aesthetically pleasing and easy to maintain. With an implant, you will feel like you have a normal healthy tooth and the tooth will look the same as your natural teeth, so you don’t need to feel anxious or self-conscious when you smile.

Implants are suited to a wide range of patients as they are compatible with bridges, dentures and crowns; this means that you can have implant treatment whether you have a single missing tooth or you’re missing an entire arch.

Mini dental implants

We offer traditional and mini dental implants. Mini implants are simply smaller versions of traditional implants and they are often suited to people who are lacking bone tissue in the jaw. Mini implants are easier to tolerate than the larger versions, the process is less invasive and treatment time is usually shorter. If you’ve been advised against traditional implants, mini implants could be a great alternative.

Marvellous Mini Implants in Liverpool

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

You may have heard about the wonders of dental implants and we are delighted to offer both standard and mini implants in the centre of Liverpool. Mini implants are often preferred by patients who are perhaps not the best match for traditional implants, and they can be a hugely impressive and effective solution for patients with missing teeth.

What are mini implants?

Mini implants are simply smaller versions of traditional implants and are often used when patients are unable to have larger implants. Full implants require dense bone tissue in the jaw to support them and some patients don’t have the sufficient bone mass to tolerate them. In this case, mini implants may be a solution.

Mini implants are also commonly used to anchor dentures and these are known as implant-retained dentures. Implant-retained dentures offer a wealth of benefits because they are firmly anchored in place and provide amazing levels of stability. This means that patients never have to worry about soreness caused by ill-fitting dentures or missing out on their favourite foods. With implants there to support the denture, there is also complete peace of mind that the denture will never slip or slide. In some cases, we can also fit mini implants and restorations on the same day, so treatment is much quicker than traditional implant treatment.

The procedure

The procedure to fit mini implants is less invasive than traditional implants and they are usually placed inside sockets in the jaw bone under local anaesthetic or sedation. Mini implants can be fitted straight into the sockets through the gums and there is no need to make an incision in the gum tissue, which means that healing is much quicker.

To find out if you are a suitable candidate for mini implant treatment, simply pop in or give us a call and arrange a consultation.

We Offer Permanent Solutions For Missing Teeth In Liverpool City Centre

Monday, April 7th, 2014

At Liverpool Dental Spa we offer a range of options for patients with missing teeth, including the amazing implant-retained dentures.

What are implant-retained dentures?

Implant-retained dentures are dentures, which are held in place by dental implants. This treatment combines the best aspects of denture and implant treatment to provide patients with a truly amazing alternative to natural teeth.

Dental implants provide maximum support for the denture, which enables patients to enjoy all the functionality of a healthy set of natural teeth. Gone are the days when having dentures meant you needed to watch you eat or worry about the denture slipping. With implants, there is no risk of a denture coming loose and the implants provide such strong anchorage that you can eat any food you like without any concerns.

The procedure

The first stage of the procedure is to fit the dental implants. This involves making a small incision in the gum and lifting the tissue to access the jaw bone. A small hole is drilled into the bone and this acts as a socket for the new implant. Once the implant is in place, the gum flap is closed and the incision is stitched and left to heal.

Once the implants have integrated into the jaw bone (this is known as osseointegration), the denture can then be connected and your new smile will be complete!

Am I a suitable candidate for implant-retained dentures?

If you have a large number of missing teeth, you have had problems with dentures in the past or you are looking for a long-term, effective solution for missing teeth, implant-retained dentures could be an excellent option. If you’re interested in this treatment, we can talk you through the process, answer any questions and ensure that you are a suitable candidate for treatment during your consultation.


Replace Missing Teeth With A Permanent Solution In Liverpool

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

Halloween is now long behind us, as are the costume based benefits of missing teeth. Outside of dressing up like a pirate from the scurvy era, there isn’t really a reason to leave a tooth un-replaced and doing so can, in fact, lead to a plethora of problems: Teeth keep other teeth in place and, by not replacing a missing tooth, the surrounding teeth will collapse into each other; not replacing a tooth can also increase the chance of contracting gum disease. Given that replacing the tooth is imperative, you then have to decide how to! Dentures have been the classic method for over two millennia, but they also have numerous negatives associated with them, such as slippage and an inability to chew hard foods. Dental implants, however, operate just like real teeth…

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a false tooth which is anchored in to your jaw by a small but sturdy metal rod.

The benefits of dental implants

Functionality is probably their key selling point: If done correctly, a dental implant will work like your old tooth did. As an added bonus, they also prevent the common problem of post-tooth loss atrophy, something which dentures cannot combat: Atrophy, the slow decay of bone surrounding the missing tooth, can lead to a gradual change in face and jaw shape. Dental implants, however, not only help prevent atrophy, but can even stimulate bone growth! No surrounding, healthy tissue need be affected either: Dental bridges, another alternative to dentures, can sometimes require neighbouring teeth to be removed so as to accommodate the false tooth. With dental implants, there is no such problem.

The procedure

First off, your teeth and gums will be checked to ensure you can support the implant. It should be recognised that implants need a reasonable amount of quality bone tissue to be available from the patient; for most folks, this shouldn’t be an issue. The gum is cut, raised and then a small hole, where the implant is to be placed, is drilled into a specific jaw location. Your implant is then fitted into this socket and the gum is stitched back up. The implant is then left to heal, for between six weeks and six months. After this period, a temporary crown will be fitted for between four and six weeks. Following this, the final restoration will be attached.


What are the Numerous Benefits Patients in Central Liverpool can Experience with Dental Implants?

Monday, July 30th, 2012

Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth and are an alternative to bridges or dentures for patients in Central Liverpool, which can cause pain if they are badly fitted or loose. Dental implants look and function like normal teeth and there is no need to change your diet or hygiene routine.

What is a dental implant?

Dental implants are a total replacement for a tooth, not just the visible part of the tooth but the root as well. They are inserted into a socket in the jawbone and are made from titanium, which is a very strong material that reacts well with the surrounding bone. In fact, the titanium implant and bone will fuse together in a process called osseointegration, which ensures that the tooth has a very strong and stable foundation. The operation is performed under anaesthetic, and there is a healing process of around six weeks when you will wear temporary teeth to help the healing. After this however, the new implant can last a whole lifetime!

What are the advantages of implants?

When a tooth is lost, this can often lead to damage to the surrounding jawbone material too, and the bone will eventually begin to atrophy if the tooth remains missing. In other words, the jawbone will begin to disappear. This is a problem for people with dentures, and jawbone loss can change the shape of the mouth, leading to a more aged appearance. However, dental implants, which fuse with the jawbone, can actually stimulate bone growth, removing this problem altogether. What’s more, implants require no change to be made to your eating or dental hygiene habits, as they function and look like other teeth. Implants are also made independently of other teeth, unlike with crowns, where healthy teeth may need to be treated too.


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern