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Posts Tagged ‘Advice’

Three Tips to Help with Jaw Pain

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

Jaw pain can make life tough. Nobody wants to wake up every day battling pain or worry about being uncomfortable when they eat. If you suffer from jaw pain, here are three tips to help.

  1. See your dentist: you may think that we spend all our time creating beautiful smiles and getting rid of troublesome tooth pain, but we can also help with jaw pain. If you have a sore jaw, there may be dental solutions available, which could put pay to your pain. In some cases, jaw pain is associated with bruxism, or grinding the teeth. If you grind your teeth, this can cause the jaw to become painful and swollen, and we can fit a custom-made bite guard to prevent damage to your teeth and jaws. If you have pain in the mornings, or your jaw feels stiff, call and make an appointment.
  2. Painkillers: if you have pain, it may be worth taking over the counter painkillers. Painkillers are designed to target discomfort, and make you feel better. If you have pain that is persistent or you’re getting pain on a regular basis, don’t rely on pain relief. See your GP or come and visit us. Painkillers should only be used as a short-term measure.
  3. Rest: if you have jaw pain, it may be caused by overuse. If you’ve been eating food that requires a lot of chewing, for example, you may find that your jaw becomes sore. Try and rest, and apply an ice pack to your jaw. If you still have pain, give us a call and we’ll arrange an appointment for you. If you’re suffering, don’t ignore pain, and hope it will go away. We are here to help.

If you’ve got a painful jaw, don’t struggle in silence. Call now and book a consultation.

Which Clear Braces Are Right For You?

Friday, February 10th, 2017

More and more people are choosing to have braces, and one of the main reasons is the introduction of invisible braces. In the past, patients particularly adults, were reluctant to have orthodontic treatment because they didn’t want the hassle or stress of wearing visible braces. Braces have never been something that boosts your street cred, but now, everything is different. With clear braces, you can achieve the smile you’ve always wanted without having to worry about your appearance or what other people think. If you’re considering invisible braces, here are some of the most popular clear brace treatments.


Invisalign is one of the world’s leading orthodontic systems. It’s a great option for patients who want to undergo treatment without compromising their image or self-esteem in the process. Invisalign aligners are made from transparent plastic, and this means that they’re virtually undetectable when you smile. They’re also removable, so you can eat without any anxiety about getting food trapped in your teeth and clean your teeth without any hassle at all. Invisalign is usually recommended for patients with minor or moderate orthodontic concerns.


Clearstep braces work in a very similar way to Invisalign. They are clear, removable braces, which slide over the teeth in a similar way to a mouth guard. Clearstep may be a cheaper option, and it can be a viable choice for most patients over the age of 14.

Perfect Clear

Perfect Clear uses a series of bespoke K positioners to gently guide the teeth into position. These positioners are similar to the aligners used by Invisalign and Clearstep. Treatment time will depend on the nature of your orthodontic needs and the amount of movement required.


CFast braces offer an alternative to the removable braces mentioned above. These clear braces are fixed braces. You may assume that fixed braces are highly visible, but with CFast, you can enjoy the reliability of fixed braces, as well as discretion. CFast braces are very delicate, and they are made from clear and tooth-coloured parts, which makes them much less noticeable than traditional metal braces. CFast treatment is ideal for those who have problems that affect the social 6, the front teeth. The average treatment time is around 6 months.

We understand that for many patients, aesthetics are everything, and we are delighted to have an impressive array of clear brace systems on offer. If you’d like to learn more, or you’re wondering which brace would be best for you, why not ring us today and book a consultation?

Five Tips To A Pain-Free Surgery

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

At Liverpool Dental Spa, we do everything we can to ensure our patients suffer from minimal pain and discomfort. If you need oral surgery, such as wisdom tooth extraction, for example, we can assure you that you’re in the best hands.

When you have surgery, our dental team will talk you through what’s going to happen and answer any questions. They will then make sure you don’t feel any pain during the procedure by providing you with a sedative or anaesthetic. After surgery, there are certain things you can do to try and prevent pain. Here are five tips to help reduce pain during and after surgery, and help you recover quickly:

  1. Avoid eating hot food: when you have surgery, your mouth will be numbed. If you eat hot food after your procedure, you may find that you risk burning your mouth. It’s best to avoid anything hot for around 24 hours. We also recommend sticking to soft foods that are easy to eat for the first couple of days.
  2. Keep your mouth clean: you may find it uncomfortable to brush around the affected tooth for a short period of time, but try and maintain your oral hygiene regime. It’s important to keep your mouth as clean as possible to reduce the risk of infections.
  3. Don’t attempt to dislodge a clot: if you’ve had a tooth extracted, a blood clot may form in the socket. Don’t try and dislodge this clot, as it can cause excessive bleeding. Clotting is part of the natural healing process.
  4. Take painkillers: you may experience pain after oral surgery. If you are in discomfort, you can take over the counter painkillers. If you have any questions or you need advice, simply give us a call.
  5. See your dentist if pain persists or gets worse: if you can’t shake off pain with tablets or you have pain that has suddenly got worse, call us, and we’ll do our best to make you feel comfortable as soon as possible.

Top Five Biggest Risks for Your Teeth

Friday, February 3rd, 2017

Your teeth are made of sturdy stuff, but they’re not immune to disease, infection or damage. If you want to enjoy a bright and healthy smile for years to come, it’s important to take good care of your teeth and minimise the risk of dental problems. Here are five of the biggest risks for your teeth to bear in mind:

  1. Smoking: Smoking is harmful for almost every part of your body. Smoking stains the teeth and increases the risk of gum disease. It’s also the most significant risk factor for mouth cancer.
  2. Sugar: We all enjoy a sweet treat now and again, but excessive sugar consumption is one of the biggest threats to dental health today. When you eat sugary foods, bacteria feed, and this results in them producing harmful acids, which erode the tooth enamel. This puts you at risk of cavities, dental injuries, infections and gum disease.
  3. Snacking: You may think the most important consideration when it comes to your diet and dental health is the amount of sugar you eat, but the frequency with which you eat is actually even more important. This is because your enamel becomes weak when you eat. At this point it is vulnerable, and it takes time to recover. If you’re snacking all the time, your enamel never has a chance to recover, and there’s an elevated risk of cavities and sensitivity. If you are hungry between meals, stick to sugar-free snacks.
  4. Poor dental hygiene: If you neglect oral hygiene, you have a much higher risk of developing gum disease and dental decay. Every morning and night, devoting just two minutes to oral care will stand you in good stead to enjoy a healthy, attractive smile for the foreseeable future. We recommend using fluoride toothpaste, and setting an alarm to make sure you brush for long enough.
  5. Missing dental appointments: Research suggests that if you attend regular dental appointments, you can reduce your risk of developing cavities and gum disease by up to 60 percent. If you haven’t been to the dentist in the last 12 months, we strongly recommend booking a check-up. Call us today, and we’ll arrange an appointment for you.

If you have questions about oral health or you’d like some pointers, our dental team will be happy to help.

The Decay Detectors: How We Spot Problems Before They Take Root

Friday, January 20th, 2017

When it comes to dental decay, time is of the essence. The sooner we are able to spot and treat signs of decay, the lower the risk of serious damage. We take the role of preventing dental issues very seriously, and we use the latest technology and techniques to identify early warning signs long before symptoms become apparent.

Spotting the signs of decay

It can take time for symptoms of tooth decay to become noticeable, and this is why regular routine appointments are so important. Our dentists are trained to identify very early warning signs, and this enables them to act quickly. They can nip problems in the bud, long before they start to cause you issues.

During a routine check-up, we use powerful lighting and magnification techniques to get the possible view of your teeth and the soft tissue in your mouth. If we spot potential abnormalities, we can then discuss treatment options with you. It can be very difficult to spot tiny holes in the tooth surface, but if you have an expert eye, and the latest technology, this task becomes much easier.

We strongly recommend check-ups every 6-12 months for patients of all ages. However, if you do encounter problems between appointments, or you develop tooth pain, bleeding gums, or sensitivity, please contact us sooner. If you leave symptoms untreated, they’re likely to get worse.

If you’re keen to keep your dental health check, or you’d like to find out more about decay detection, call us and make an appointment today!


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern