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The Best Way to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Smiles in the City of Liverpool

July 16th, 2012

When we eat and drink every day food particles build up little by little in our mouth, caught between our teeth. Without cleaning our teeth, these food particles will begin to rot, which causes bad breath. It will also cause plaque and eventually tartar to start to grow around the teeth. This discolours the teeth, affecting your appearance, but it can also lead to the teeth becoming damaged and weakened due to the tooth’s enamel being eroded. Eventually this will cause cavities or even more serious problems such as tooth loss. Gum disease can be another consequence of inadequate dental hygiene.

Dental hygiene at home

To help prevent this it is important to maintain good dental hygiene at home. The most important step is of course brushing the teeth with fluoride toothpaste, at least twice a day. Do not brush too vigorously, as this can damage sensitive tissues. Flossing is also important, as this will help to clean between the teeth, an area that cannot be reached with a toothbrush and so is more prone to decay. The use of a fluoride mouthwash is also important, as this will help to rinse and clean the whole mouth, again, including areas that cannot be reached with a toothbrush. In addition, a good diet is important, particularly one that avoids too many sugary foods – especially between meals.

Dental hygiene at the practice

Even with a good hygiene routine, it’s a good idea to visit your dentist in the City of Liverpool occasionally for a professional clean, or a scale and polish. This will ensure that teeth remain as clean as possible, as well as helping them to look and feel better in your mouth. A professional hygienist can of course provide a more thorough clean than is possible at home, and may be able to help those with more serious problems such as hardened tartar, or periodontal (gum) disease.

Patients in Liverpool can Enhance Their Appearance with Dermal Fillers

July 13th, 2012

While developing some wrinkles on the skin is a natural part of aging, it can be easy to feel self-conscious about this. Feeling confident about the appearance of your skin, particularly on your face, is a big part of feeling comfortable with your appearance in general. It is not just the normal effects of aging that can affect this either, as smoking can cause extra lines around the mouth, for example. However, nowadays it is becoming more and more common for people to receive cosmetic treatments to help with these issues, and Liverpool Dental Implant and Aesthetic Spa offers a helpful treatment in the shape of Restylane.

What can Restylane help with?

Restylane is helpful in restoring more volume to the skin or lips, without the need for any invasive surgery. A large number of age-related appearance issues can be treated with Restylane, including smoker’s lines around the mouth and lips, so-called ‘crow’s feet’ around the eyes, facial scars, wrinkles and creases on the forehead and frown lines between the eyes. Restylane can also be used to fill out and ‘plump up’ thin lips into a fuller shape.

What is Restylane and what does treatment involve?

Restylane, along with other such fillers, is made from a special gel constructed from a form of degradable acid, which is perfectly safe for the skin and body. The degradable nature of the gel means that the effects are not permanent, and it will be necessary to revisit the Liverpool practice to continue seeing the effects – but after just one treatment with Restylane, the visible effects can last as long as a year. The treatment works by the filler gel being injected with a very fine needle to ensure minimal pain, and a treatment can take as little as thirty minutes.


Restoring Damaged, Broken Teeth in the City of Liverpool with Cosmetic Bonding

July 9th, 2012

Teeth can become broken or damaged for a number of reasons, ranging from trauma (being hit or knocked out) to simple ‘everyday’ wear and tear. When teeth become broken, it is very important to have them treated and repaired. Teeth left damaged can cause problems with eating or speaking normally, to say nothing of the further damage that can be caused by bacteria or infection setting in the broken tooth – sometimes leading as far as an abscess or a tooth falling out altogether. If a tooth is very badly damaged, it may be necessary to have a dental implant to replace the tooth. At the other end of the scale, less serious damage can be corrected with dental veneers, which cover the teeth. However, the most common treatment in the City of Liverpool for damaged teeth is a technique known as composite bonding.

What is composite bonding?

The basic principle behind composite bonding is to bind together the broken parts of the tooth, so that it once again functions like a normal tooth. As the materials used can be matched to the surrounding teeth, it will look like a normal tooth as well. After the tooth has been cleaned, the dentist will choose the necessary ‘shade’ of bonding material and then etch the surface of the tooth with a special gel. This gives the bonding material a better surface to grip. The bonding material is then applied, and a special ‘curing’ light is used to set the material. Composite bonding is not as strong as some restorative materials such as porcelain, but worn-down bonding material is very easy to replace, and the procedure is relatively simple in the first place.

Taking the Pain Out of Injections with the Incredible WAND for Patients in Liverpool

July 6th, 2012

Many people can be very daunted or scared of the very idea of a trip to the dentist. Although local anaesthetic will always be used during any procedure that would cause pain, the irony is that anaesthetic is usually administered through an injection, which can seem just as frightening as the operation itself. This can lead people to avoid the dentist, and thus not receive the essential treatment they need, which can only lead to further complications. There seems to be no escaping the fact that the initial injection is always going to be a painful and thus frightening experience – but this need not be the case at Liverpool Dental Implant and Aesthetic Spa, thanks to an innovative new device called The Wand.

The advantages of the ‘magic’ Wand

The Wand is an alternative to traditional syringes, and works by controlling the rate of injection of anaesthetic to ensure reduced pain. The most common cause of pain from dental injections for patients in Liverpool is simply that the anaesthetic is injected into the mouth too quickly. The Wand works to regulate this flow of anaesthetic as it is injected, thus ensuring a steady process that will not cause any unnecessary stinging pain, even in more difficult-to-reach areas of the mouth. In addition, the Wand decreases the amount of numbness on the injected area, which can sometimes continue for hours after treatment when a traditional syringe is used.

The Wand does not look like a needle; in fact, its appearance is more like a simple pen, connected to a ‘tower’ device. This means that patients who are scared of the sight of a needle need not associate the Wand with pain before the injection has even taken place. In fact, research has proved that the Wand causes less anxiety than any other method of injection.

Perfect Clear Braces in Liverpool for Discreet Orthodontic Treatment

July 5th, 2012

Problems such as crooked teeth, gaps between teeth or teeth that stick out are not at all uncommon, but they can still cause lack of confidence. However, the solution to such problems, wearing orthodontic braces, can seem just as embarrassing to some people as the original concern. Help is at hand though at Liverpool Dental Implant and Aesthetic Spa in Liverpool with the innovative new Perfect Clear braces, for discreet orthodontic treatment.

What is Perfect Clear?

The Perfect Clear system involves the use of custom-made ‘invisible’ aligners that fit over the teeth. After having taken impressions of your teeth, aligners will be made to fit your specific tooth and mouth shape, to help to encourage your teeth into the correct position using unique K positioners. The aligner looks like a clear plastic mould which sits on top of the teeth, and as your teeth gradually change position, you will be given different aligners to help continue treatment.

Why is Perfect Clear preferable to other treatments?

The Perfect Clear braces are, as the name suggests, clear, and so cannot be seen unless you look very closely. This means that it is possible to correct cosmetic or orthodontic issues with teeth without the need for obvious, traditional ‘train-track’ braces or cumbersome retainers. The Perfect Clear system is thus perfect for people who are already self-conscious about their teeth, and may feel that wearing a brace would cause further embarrassment. In addition, the Perfect Clear braces are removable, meaning that there is far less possibility of bad oral health than with other types of brace, as they are very easy to clean: simply remove the aligners and rinse them to ensure that food particles do not build up in them. They can also be removed for eating, to make this even easier. Perfect Clear braces will allow you to have better oral health, improved bite function and better jaw alignment, without the need for any obviously visible orthodontic treatment.


Helping Patients in Central Liverpool Achieve Their Perfect Smile with Gummy Smile Treatment

July 2nd, 2012

It’s a shame for anyone to feel embarrassed about the appearance of their mouth, as a lack of confidence like this can mean that you feel bad about smiling at all. One common reason that people may feel less confident about their mouth is a ‘gummy smile’, when the gums appear too large and teeth too small. Thankfully, help is at hand from Liverpool Dental Implant and Aesthetic Spa in Central Liverpool.

What is a ‘gummy smile’?

This occurs when there is a larger percentage of gum tissue than usual covering someone’s teeth. It is usually most pronounced on the front teeth, which are the teeth that other people see the most, although it can affect other, more out-of-sight teeth as well. The most common reason for a ‘gummy smile’ is a simple matter of genetics, but sometimes it can be linked to other health issues or the side effects of some medication for high blood pressure. By and large, a ‘gummy smile’ is not a health risk per se, but it does affect a person’s appearance, and thus it can lead to many people feeling unconfident, which can in turn cause emotional suffering. However, it can be easily treated, using a procedure known as gum contouring.

What does gum contouring involve?

Gum contouring is a procedure to remove excess gum tissue, thus making the teeth appear longer and improving the overall appearance of the smile. The process is relatively quick and simple. Firstly, a local anaesthetic is administered to the area to be treated. Then, a scalpel or a laser is used to remove some of the excess gum from around the front teeth. In addition to removing tissue, your dentist will reshape the gum slightly, ensuring a better final appearance. The healing after the treatment is relatively quick as well.

Spotting the Smallest Signs of Tooth Decay in Liverpool During a Dental Check-up

June 29th, 2012

Tooth decay is a silent disease, with symptoms only apparent once the damage has been inflicted. Bacteria, plaque, sugar, acid and poor oral hygiene are all causes of tooth decay, which begins as mild enamel wear and ends up with the infection of the inner dental chamber.

How does tooth decay occur and what can my Liverpool dentist do to stop it?

Tooth decay occurs when plaque and bacteria are able to build-up on the teeth. The bacteria releases acids, which eat away at the dental enamel, first affecting the surface of the tooth, then the dentin layer and finally infecting the dental pulp inside the tooth.

It is not until the final part of the decay when the infection enters the dental pulp that pain occurs, but by this point it is too late and the tooth is technically dead, after which you will require root canal treatment and dental crowns.

However, at Liverpool Dental Implant and Aesthetic we use lightening, magnification and x-rays to thoroughly assess any dental decay. Even the smallest sign of erosion will be inspected and treated, using a mixture of dental cleaning and white fillings.

What else can a dentist spot during a dental check-up?

Visiting the dentist every 6 months allows them to know what your healthy mouth looks like, which makes it easier to spot any abnormalities, which may cause you harm.

Problems such as gum disease and, even more seriously, mouth cancer, can all be spotting, checked and treated earlier rather than later if you take the time to visit your dentist regularly.

If you would like to book an appointment for your dental check-up please call the practice. We would be more than happy to help and are here to answer all of your questions.



Patients in Central Liverpool are Happy with Their Beautiful Smiles Using Teeth and Gum Contouring Treatments

June 25th, 2012

The shape of the biting edge of the teeth and positioning of the gums around them can be very important to the symmetry of a smile.

If the bottom of the teeth are of an uneven length, or the gums hang too low over the teeth then a smile can appear less and perfect.

However, patients with biting edge and gum length problems can find the solution they need at Liverpool Dental Implant and Aesthetic with tooth and gum contouring.

What is tooth contouring?

Tooth contouring involves reshaping the bottom of the teeth to bring symmetry to the smile. Some of the teeth may be tooth long, or have a rough or slightly chipped biting edge, which are throwing off the balance of your smile.

This can be easily corrected, however, using tooth-reshaping techniques, which involve removing a small amount of tooth material to create a more in line smile.

What is gum contouring?

When the gums hang low over the tops of the teeth they can make a smile appear small, which may cause feelings of discomfort and embarrassment. Those who worry about their ‘gummy smiles’ needn’t worry about them much longer thought, as we offer gum contouring to help you review your beautiful teeth and smile.

Gum contouring involves cutting away the excess gum tissue that is covering your gums to reveal your complete smile. This will bring a greater sense of clarity and balance to the appearance of your smile and will show off your beautiful teeth.

If you would like any more information about what is involved in tooth reshaping and gum contouring treatments please contact the practice today. We serve people throughout Central Liverpool and beyond and can help you achieve the smile you always wanted.


What are the Best Ways of Protecting the Teeth of Children in the City of Liverpool?

June 22nd, 2012

Your may think that because children’s milk teeth are replaceable that they don’t need as much care as adult teeth. This couldn’t be more wrong and children’s teeth are of incredible importance to the health of adult teeth because:

  • They provide a guide for the adult teeth to come through.
  • They allow the child to eat a range of food.
  • Keeping milk teeth clean helps to keep adult teeth clean, as bacteria can spread from one set of teeth to another.

Children’s tooth decay

Children’s teeth can become decayed for a number of reasons, including:

  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Too many sweets.
  • Sugary drinks before bed.
  • Not enough calcium in their diet.

Whatever the reason for childhood tooth decay the effects will be shared with the adult teeth, with tooth decay able to attack an entire tooth and affect the gums and teeth beneath.

Protecting your child’s teeth

In order to stop such damage from occurring there are a number of easy tips, which every parent throughout Liverpool and the UK can follow.

These include:

  • Taking your child to the dentist from the age of 1 year.
  • Regular appointments every 6 months.
  • Brushing their teeth for two minutes a day using a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Keeping sugary snacks to a bare minimum and keeping them to around mealtimes.
  • Only giving them water before bed if they need a drink.
  • If they do want to snack in between meals give them celery or carrot sticks, which are good for the health of the teeth and body.
  • Provide straws with all sugary drinks and fruit drinks.

Protecting your children’s teeth now will ensure have a health and long-lasting smile for the future.

If you would like more information of children’s dentistry or to book an appointment please call the practice today.


Patients in Liverpool Who are Nervous are Calmed During Their Treatment with Dental Sedation

June 18th, 2012

A large portion of the UK population feel nervous when going to the dentist, with some people suffering so severely from a fear of the dentist that they avoid any contact, even when tooth loss, bleeding gums and severe pain occur and they desperately need treatment.

What are the causes of dental phobia?

Dental phobia can occur for a number for reasons, each one varying from person to person. Negative past experiences at the dentist, whether due to pain or the uncaring attitude of the practitioner can all cause psychologically harm, which can lead to dental phobia.

What can be done to help dental phobic patients?

Today, the attitude and treatments provided by your dentist have changed and many dentists undergo specific training to help them find the best ways to treat their nervous patients. Taking appointments slowly and listening to the requests of the patient is one of the simplest ways of alleviating any feelings of distress, and using pain free injections such as the WAND device is another helpful method of enabling nervous patients to have a pain free experience when at the dentist.

However, one treatment above all else has brought a sense of calm to the dental chair-namely Sedation.

What is Sedation and how does it work?

Sedation is used to ease a patient into a contented, relaxed state, where they feel no pain, no anxiety and no fear. Administered via a vein, the sedation solution eases a patient into a feeling of calm without making then unconscious. You will still be able to breathe by yourself and you will be able to response to simply requests from your dentist, but you will neither feel nor fear the procedure that is going on.

If you are nervous of the dentist and would like to know about dental sedation please get in touch with the practice. We offer sedation to patients throughout Liverpool and the UK and would be happy to help you receive the treatment you need.


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern