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What can Patients in Liverpool Expect from Oral Surgery

August 16th, 2012

The most common form of oral surgery a person will encounter is an extraction. There are a number of reasons for an extraction such as tooth decay, orthodontic spacing or the extraction of wisdom teeth because they are impacted.

How are extractions done?

An extraction can be done either under local aesthetic or sedation. If the wisdom teeth are to be removed, meaning all four, then it is common for the patient to be sedated during the surgery. For most people the wisdom teeth will erupt naturally and without trouble; however this is not always the case. A considerable amount of pain can be caused by impacted wisdom teeth and in some cases they can become infected. Any pain or discomfort felt in or around the wisdom tooth area needs to be addressed by the dentist as soon as possible.

Oral Infection

If an infection is present and is not treated it can lead to serious complications. Abscesses can develop and if left for a long time the infection can even spread into the bone of the jaw. The only way to prevent the infection from spreading further and damaging more teeth, jaw and gum tissue is to remove the infected tooth.


After surgery there are a number of pointers that patients should be aware of such as; not eating hot food for the first 24 hours. Avoid drinking alcohol and do not smoke for the first 24 hours either. If the gap has not been stitched up resist the urge to move any blood clots that form in the gap, after the first 24 hours carefully rinse out the mouth with warm salt water. Pain relief can be taken to ease the initial discomfort, if however the pain continues past a few days a return visit to the dentists should be arranged.


Damon Braces Impress Patients in Liverpool

August 14th, 2012

Straight teeth are something everyone wants however the length of time it takes can be serious downside. This is however not the case with Damon braces, in most cases they can complete the task of standard fitted braces and shave off anywhere from 4 to 6 months of the total treatment time.

The benefits of Damon braces

Unlike standard fitted braces they are also far more discreet. Damon braces use a ceramic-reinforced bracket system which can be made to blend in with the natural teeth. The wires used are also finer than standard braces. They are not invisible like clear aligners but they are less noticeable and because they are finer they do not impact on the smile as much.

How do they work?

Damon braces use a friction-free, self-litigating technology which means they do not need to use metal or elastic ties. It is these ties that tend to the the cause of most gum irritation. However Damon braces have a slide mechanism on the brackets which is used to provide the tension required to move the teeth, without the excessive pressure caused by metal or elastic ties.

How long is the treatment time?

The average treatment time for standard braces is 12 to 18 months, however with Damon braces this time frame could be cut down to as little as 6 to 10 months. This is of course dependant on the level of treatment required. Unlike standard braces which can create areas where plaque and bacteria can breed, Damon braces so not use metal or elastic ties it makes them much easier to keep clean.

Although they are not as discreet as the clear aligners they are capable of handing issues that clear aligners cannot.  Problems such as overbites, crossbites, underbites, and other more complex issues can easily be tackled with Damon braces.




Oral Cancer and The Importance of Mouth Cancer Screening In Liverpool

August 9th, 2012

It is estimated that around 1,700 people die each year from mouth cancer and the numbers continue to rise year on year. Like most cancers if it is spotted early enough it can be successfully treated and cured. This is part of what the dentist does on your regular 6 monthly check ups and this is why keeping these appointments are so important.

Signs of oral cancer

The signs of mouth cancer can include white or red patches in the mouth. Lumps in the mouth or throat, swelling in the mouth, ulcers that do not clear up after 14 days and difficulty in swallowing. There are many factors that can either cause oral cancer or put a person into a high risk of developing it.

Who is more at risk?

Smoking and heavy drinking are factors that can increase a person’s risk of developing oral cancer. Smokers or tobacco users are 6 times more likely to develop oral cancer than non-tobacco users. It is estimated that around 75% of all oral cancer cases involved people who use tobacco and drink on a regular basis. However there are infections such as human papillomavirus type 16, which can increase the risk of developing mouth cancer.

All dentists are trained to spot the early warning signs of mouth cancer and will look for it at every visit. By avoiding factors that can increase the risk of developing oral cancer will surely help, so quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake can have a positive effect.

Liverpool Patients Learn all About Gum Disease

August 8th, 2012

In order to understand what is the difference between these two gums related issues, we need to understand what each disease entails. The signs and symptoms of both are similar but the underlying issue is very different.


Gingivitis is the term used for non-destructive periodontal disease. This is caused by the bacteria in plaque which attaches itself to the tooth’s surface throughout the day. If left untreated it can lead to the more serious form of periodontal disease which is termed as destructive as it attacks and destroys the gingival tissue.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of this include swollen gums that may appear either bright red or even purple in colour. There may well be pain or tenderness in the gums and they may bleed during and after brushing. Treatment revolves around the removal of excess plaque and improving oral hygiene routine.

Gum disease or destructive periodontitis and occurs when gingivitis is left untreated. This is when plaque and bacteria have spread and gone below the gum line. The toxins produced by the bacteria begin to attack the gums and creates severe inflammation. As time goes on, the gum tissue itself as well as the bone structure that holds the teeth in place is attacked and broken down.

The gums will begin to separate from the teeth allowing more plaque and bacteria access to the gum tissue. Over time the teeth will become loose and will have to be removed. The signs and symptoms of this are very similar to gingivitis however it may be accompanied by bad breath, gum recession and loose teeth.

Treatment available

Treatment for this advance stage of gum disease begins with the removal of the plaque and can include root planning, scaling and even surgery.



Patients in Central Liverpool Learn All About CEREC Technology

August 7th, 2012

Having a smile to be proud of is something everyone wants, now thanks to new technology it is within everyone’s reach as well. CEREC is a new way to create fillings, crowns, veneers and it can even be used to repair chipped or broken teeth. The main benefit of this technology is that, there is zero waiting time. The restorations are made while you wait and fitted in just one visit to the dentist.

How does CEREC work?

CEREC uses 3D imaging and digital modelling to design and create the required restorations. So there is no need to have messy dental moulds taken and you can actually see what the end result will be, prior to the starting of the treatment. Because this system is more advanced than the traditional method of creating restorations, an exact match can be designed to ensure that it will blend into your mouth. This means that the restoration will look and feel as good as your natural teeth.

What does the treatment involve?

The dentist will take the necessary digital images of your mouth and tooth, or teeth, and they can then work on them in a 3D suite to create the perfect restoration. Once you are happy with the image the request is sent to an onsite milling machine. It can take anywhere from a 10 to 30 minutes to create the restoration but once it is complete it is ready to be fitted immediately.

By utilising this technology dentists can provide faster more efficient services to their patients. It also means that extensive work can be carried out in a single session and there is no need for the patient to have temporary restorations fitted.

For more information on CEREC technology please contact us at Liverpool Implants & Aesthetic Dental Spa in Central Liverpool.


Clear Braces For a Discreet Natural Look In Liverpool

August 2nd, 2012

Straight teeth are desirable, we all know that. However wearing metal braces is not so desirable. Thankfully there is an alternative that provides the same results as the traditional metal brace but is virtually undetectable to onlookers. Perfect Clear is a form of invisible aligners which can be used to correct the same problems as traditional braces without the embarrassment.

How do Perfect Clear aligners work?

Perfect Clear K positioners are made from clear plastic and are completely removable, so even when you have them on, no-one will know that you are wearing them. There will be a series of aligners used during the treatment to enable the movement of the teeth from the starting point to the desired finishing point. Each new set of aligners will slowly move the teeth into a new position until the final position has been achieved. Treatment time varies, but in general for both upper and lower teeth to be realigned, the treatment time would be around 18 months.

Are there any benefits?

Because the Perfect Clear K positioners are removable it means that they can be removed for special occasions or events. It also means that while eating and drinking you can have them removed. This makes maintaining good oral hygiene much easier. Also the aligners are easily cleanable as well.

As with any new device that is fitted orally, the aligners may have a temporary effect on speech. However this usually works itself out within a week or so, once the mouth has had time to adjust. Because they are carefully designed there will be no soreness or rubbing, however gentle pressure would be felt on the teeth as they are moved by each set of aligners.

If you would like more information about Perfect Clear K please contact us at Liverpool Implants & Aesthetic Dental Spa in Liverpool.



What are the Numerous Benefits Patients in Central Liverpool can Experience with Dental Implants?

July 30th, 2012

Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth and are an alternative to bridges or dentures for patients in Central Liverpool, which can cause pain if they are badly fitted or loose. Dental implants look and function like normal teeth and there is no need to change your diet or hygiene routine.

What is a dental implant?

Dental implants are a total replacement for a tooth, not just the visible part of the tooth but the root as well. They are inserted into a socket in the jawbone and are made from titanium, which is a very strong material that reacts well with the surrounding bone. In fact, the titanium implant and bone will fuse together in a process called osseointegration, which ensures that the tooth has a very strong and stable foundation. The operation is performed under anaesthetic, and there is a healing process of around six weeks when you will wear temporary teeth to help the healing. After this however, the new implant can last a whole lifetime!

What are the advantages of implants?

When a tooth is lost, this can often lead to damage to the surrounding jawbone material too, and the bone will eventually begin to atrophy if the tooth remains missing. In other words, the jawbone will begin to disappear. This is a problem for people with dentures, and jawbone loss can change the shape of the mouth, leading to a more aged appearance. However, dental implants, which fuse with the jawbone, can actually stimulate bone growth, removing this problem altogether. What’s more, implants require no change to be made to your eating or dental hygiene habits, as they function and look like other teeth. Implants are also made independently of other teeth, unlike with crowns, where healthy teeth may need to be treated too.

Doing Something about Bad Breath in Liverpool

July 27th, 2012

Halitosis or bad breath can affect many people in Liverpool and the UK, and can be very embarrassing. Bad breath may lead to us feeling self-conscious about being around people at all, and so it is important to treat it to avoid the suffering that this can cause. In addition, bad breath can be linked to oral disease or decay, and so it is important to see if the problem can be treated to ensure that it is not linked to further problems.

What causes bad breath?

One of the most common causes of bad breath is simply eating strong-smelling foods, such as dishes containing a lot of onion or garlic. Similarly, drinks such as tea or coffee can affect the way your breath smells, as can smoking. However, the most common cause of bad breath is bad oral hygiene. Not cleaning the teeth and mouth properly will lead to decay and build-up of bacteria and plaque, which will begin to smell bad. Therefore, a good oral hygiene routine is the first step to combating bad breath. Occasionally, bad breath can be linked to other conditions, such as not producing enough saliva, stomach problems such as gastritis, cavities or problems with the respiratory tract (i.e. throat or nose infections).

How can bad breath be stopped?

The first step to fighting bad breath is of course to make sure that you are maintaining the best hygiene routine possible, to prevent build-up of plaque and bacteria. It is also a good idea to visit the dentist to help, particularly since bad breath can be linked to more serious problems such as tooth decay. At Liverpool Dental Implant and Aesthetic Spa, your mouth will be thoroughly checked to ensure that there are no signs of more complex problems linked to bad breath. A thorough cleaning session can also be provided which can help eliminate the bacteria that causes bad breath.

Why Patients in the City of Liverpool May Need Their Tooth Extracting

July 24th, 2012

Occasionally it is necessary to have a tooth removed, when reconstructive work is not a viable option. While this might seem like an extreme procedure, there are a number of reasons why tooth extraction might be necessary, and Liverpool Dental Implant and Aesthetic Spa in the City of Liverpool takes every step to make sure the procedure is as simple and painless as possible.

Why might I need a tooth extracted?

One of the most common reasons for having a tooth removed is that decay has set in, and not removing the tooth could lead to further problems, such as a painful abscess, which would be more difficult to rectify. It may also be necessary to extract a tooth after it has been broken by trauma, for example a fall or a sports injury, in cases when the tooth cannot be repaired. Gum disease might also necessitate a tooth extraction, as could tooth overcrowding, when not all the teeth can fit in the mouth; this can be due to having a smaller jaw, or having lost ‘milk teeth’ at an earlier than usual age. Finally, it can be common for people to need wisdom teeth to be extracted, as they too can crowd the mouth.

Making extraction easy

Tooth extraction need not be a frightening procedure, as it will always be performed with a local anaesthetic and so the only ‘pain’ involved should be a feeling of mild discomfort. Liverpool Dental Implant and Aesthetic Spa is also keen to help patients who may be particularly nervous; you can discuss this with your dentist if you are nervous before the procedure, and sedation is available to all patients. After the surgery it is best to avoid hot food for 24 hours, and also to avoid rinsing the mouth out for this time. After this, gently rinsing the mouth with a glass of warm, salty water is a good idea.


How to Achieve a Straighter Smile in just 6 Months with 6 Month Smiles for Patients in Central Liverpool

July 20th, 2012

Not having a perfectly straight or uniform smile can be embarrassing and can make people feel less confident about their teeth, but many patients in Central Liverpool are put off having orthodontic treatment due to the time it takes to see results from traditional braces – not to mention the visibility of the braces themselves. However, now there is a new solution that can help correct a range of cosmetic problems quickly and discreetly, namely 6-Month Smiles.

What can 6-Month Smiles braces do?

There is a range of common orthodontic problems which the 6-Month Smile treatment can help with, including crowded teeth or gaps between teeth, over- or underbite of the jaw, front teeth sticking out too far (‘overjet’), or a misplaced midline, which is when the top and bottom rows of teeth do not match up at the front of the mouth.

How does the 6-Month Smile treatment work?

After an initial consultation, including x-rays and photos being taken, you will be fitted with the braces, which consist of small white brackets and small wires too. The braces and wires are tooth-coloured, and so are only visible when looked at very closely –meaning they look very different from traditional ‘train-track’ braces. They are more visible than so-called ‘invisible braces’, but can achieve the desired results much more quickly. While all orthodontic treatments will feel slightly uncomfortable at first, 6-Month Smiles braces only use mild force, thus ensuring greater comfort for the wearer. The reason that they can work so quickly is that these braces focus more on the teeth that show when you smile, not all the teeth in the mouth. This means that 6-Month Smiles is a great choice to see results in a short space of time. After the treatment, you will need to wear a night-time retainer to maintain your teeth’s position.


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern