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Children’s Dentistry At Liverpool Dental Spa

February 4th, 2013

At Liverpool Dental Spa, our dentists provide a warm and friendly environment for families to receive oral health care. Parents and guardians are offered support in protecting their child’s or children’s oral health so that they develop into healthy adults.

The range of services that we offer for children includes:

  • Supporting parents with infants and teething
  • Providing assessment and advice about child oral health development concerns
  • Regular check-ups with our child-friendly dentists
  • Oral hygiene education with our dental hygienist
  • Dietary recommendations for healthy teeth and gums, and better well-being
  • Treatments such as fissure sealant and fluoride application to prevent tooth decay
  • Dental phobia care to reduce anxiety about dental treatments

Child dental health is important for development of healthy oral structures and overall well-being. Starting in infancy, children need oral health assessment to ensure that their dental structures are developing normally.

Children’s dentistry

Children may be born with hereditary oral health conditions, such as cleft palate or malocclusion, needing specific care. Those with dexterity difficulties may need help with oral hygiene. Children with learning difficulties may be prone to orthodontic conditions that may affect their nutrition and speech. The right dental treatments allow for healthier nutrition and speech.

The gums of infants may be sensitive. Our dentists advise on oral health products for teething. As milk teeth appear, the teeth need cleaning to remove plaque, prevent bacterial infections and tooth decay.

Regular check-ups

Through regular dental check-ups and screening, children may receive the oral health care needed to prevent onset of tooth decay, gum disease and orthodontic conditions.

We provide parents and guardians with ways in which they can help their children learn the importance of oral health care. The dental hygienist answers questions, demonstrates proper teeth brushing techniques, and provides information about child oral health care products.


The Crowning Success of Restorative Dentistry For Patients In Liverpool

January 30th, 2013

Dental crowns are designed to fit over a tooth or a series of teeth to protect and strengthen the tooth layers. This sometimes follows procedures such as root canal treatment where needed. Crowns are available in a selection of of materials which include ceramic, gold and porcelain. They are custom-made using dental impressions and fitted to an individual’s teeth during a quick procedure.

Restore functionality

The purpose is to restore functionality to an otherwise compromised tooth, after which you can resume eating as you have done in the past without fear of damaging your teeth. Crowns help to strengthen a damaged tooth and repair it to its former state.

If you are undergoing a root canal the crown will be cast from a set of impressions and fitted onto your tooth after the procedure is successfully completed. When carried out properly no one will be able to notice that you are wearing a crown. It should not affect your speech and you can retain complete functionality of your tooth in just a few days.

Over time, your crown may begin to wear from day-to-day use and require repairing. They also generally need to be replaced if discoloured occurs or where wear is present. Crown replacement treatment is as easy as having one fitted and only requires a quick and easy non-invasive procedure. This can be discussed with your dentist in due time, but with proper care the restorative device should last for a good amount of time. If you would like more information on crowns and restorative dentistry we offer please contact the Liverpool Dental Spa in the very heart of Liverpool.






The Wand For Nervous Patients In Liverpool

January 30th, 2013

It sounds a bit like magic and even we’re starting to think it is! And its arrival will be welcome news to the many people around the UK who allow their dental anxiety to keep them from receiving the dental attention they need. From a fear of injections to panic at the sound of a drill, dental anxiety is a real problem that needs addressing. So let’s talk about the Wand.

This is a pain-free injection device which has been tailored to stop the surge of injected fluid that actually causes pain for many people. The benefits of the Wand continue long after the initial injection as the device is able to decrease numbness felt in the lips, tongue, cheek and face following its application. The Wand works by slowing the flow of fluid used in an injection. As a result, patients do not feel the nip or sting commonly associated with the needle as it literally takes the pain away.

Dental phobia is one of the most overlooked phobias, affecting one in four adults and a number of children. Fears associated with the dentist are divided into two groups:

  1. Dental Anxiety: A mild fear of the dentist
  2. Dental Phobia: More extreme sense of dread regarding the thought of visiting a dentist.

While the Wand works to address one type of dental fear, the fear of injections, at Liverpool Implant & Aesthetic Dental Spa we know that dental phobias and anxieties can extend beyond this and influence a patient’s fear even further. If you disclose your anxieties and phobias to us, we will work with you to clear away any doubts or stress you are feeling.

We understand that dental anxiety can be so debilitating and lead many people to shun dental procedures. If you fit into this category get in touch with us today. Do not allow your anxiety to force you into compromising your dental health. Contact Liverpool Dental Spa today to make that first step.





Removable Braces For Patients In Liverpool: For Life On The Go

January 23rd, 2013

If we could relive our orthodontic experiences it would be no surprise if many of us opted for the recently arrived fashionable and flexible removable braces—instead of the traditional brackets that were fitted onto many teeth. One of the amazing things is that many people still aren’t aware of such technological advances in teeth straightening such as Invisalign clear braces, ClearStep and Perfect Clear!

Removable braces

If you are unaware of what exactly these braces can do to help you, then read on. Firstly, they provide the wearer with an unparalleled level of discreetness when undergoing orthodontic treatment. We all know that there is not much worse than feeling exposed and unattractive if your mouth is full of metal braces. However, since many of the removable appliances double up as clear alternatives, you can avoid this feeling altogether.


In addition to being discreet, removable braces are removable. They can (and should) be taken out before mealtimes, so you don’t have to worry about smiling with spinach-clogged brackets and wires. You also need not worry about any debris becoming trapped between your teeth (one of the main reasons for dental erosion during braces treatment).

Removable braces are also easier to clean. In fact, you can literally see every angle of the aligner to be sure that your device gets a thorough cleaning.

Removable braces might sound too good to be true, but they’re not! While certain cases of severe misalignment require the force of fixed metal braces, many people can benefit from removable braces. To determine which type of brace would be best for you, drop into our practice in Liverpool and we can discuss your options.










Patients In Liverpool Can Have A Younger Looking Face For 2013

January 21st, 2013

Botox is a non-invasive means of regaining a youthful facial appearance. It is a quick treatment which addresses signs of ageing such as crow’s feet and unsightly wrinkles. The injections are also used to plump and shape lips.

Each Botox session usually takes around 10 minutes to complete, with results visible in about four days and lasting for up to 5 months. The primary benefit of Botox is the diminishment of lines and wrinkles, but it also prevents new lines and wrinkles from forming by blocking nerve signals in the face and helping the muscles to relax.

Botox is designed to:

  1. Aid in the elimination of lines and wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, nose and mouth.
  2. Enable you to feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin. Many Botox patients report feeling more confident following their procedure.

While having Botox injections won’t necessarily solve your self-esteem issues, medical professionals believe high self-esteem can be beneficial for improving people’s health and overall outlook on life. As a New Year begins there couldn’t be more of a perfect time to improve your confidence through what is a simple procedure.

Botox can be used to rectify unsightly wrinkles or it can be used as part of a larger process, commonly referred to as a smile makeover. During a smile makeover, patients undergo multiple procedures to enhance the appearance of their mouth and face. Either way, Botox offers you the chance to reclaim your appearance and start 2013 with a younger looking face. If you would like to rejuvenate your face please contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in Liverpool.







What Are Mini Implants And How Do They Work For Patients In Liverpool?

January 16th, 2013

Mini implants are a smaller and narrower version of the traditional dental implant. They are designed to replace missing teeth or act as a means of greater retention for denture wearers, working in much the same way as the tradition system, by restoring functionality, replacing missing teeth and improving stability.

Mini implants are advantageous for the following reasons:

  • Less invasive: Beneficial to elderly patients do not wish to undergo the more invasive implant procedure.
  • Loose denture wearers: Particularly helpful to retain loose, lower dentures, which improves the ability to ear food and speak correctly.
  • Those with substantial jaw bone loss: Long-term denture wearers or those who haven’t had their missing teeth replaced will often require bone grafts before receiving implants. As the jaw bone often recedes due to denture pressure for example a bone graft is usually required for traditional dental implants. Mini implants, however, require what is known as ‘flapless surgery’, which means the small implant is placed within a small opening of the gum.
  • If waiting for dental implants: Mini implants can be used as a temporary restoration while standard implants are being created.

The minimally invasive procedure is as follows:

  1. A local anaesthetic is administered to the gums in order to counteract any form of discomfort.
  2. The durable titanium implants are fitted within the pre-drilled sockets by means of flapless surgery (no incisions required).
  3. The average amount of mini implants fitted amounts to four and this is able to support a full set of lower dentures, but this will depend on the number of missing teeth.
  4. Restorations can be fitted immediately so that your new smile can be enjoyed without delay!
  5. The procedure is usually completed within an hour.

For a consultation about mini implants please contact the team today at Liverpool Dental Spa in the city of Liverpool.


Implant-Retained Dentures For Missing Teeth For Patients In Liverpool

January 14th, 2013

Although they are still a great way to replace missing teeth, traditional dentures are not without their setbacks. Over time they can loosen and not adhere as well as they originally did to the wearer’s gums. For this reason, Liverpool Implant & Aesthetic Dental Spa is pleased to offer a revolutionary new approach to dentures which addresses these issues.

Implant-retained dentures are the most advanced form of dentures currently available. They offer ultimate security and provide high levels of stability. The dentures are anchored in place on posts, which are secured in the sockets of the jawbone. This provides permanent support and increased durability. The advantages of implant-retained dentures include:

  • Aesthetically pleasing: They are lifelike and resemble natural teeth.
  • Greater peace of mind: Wearers need not worry about the devices coming loose.
  • Functionality: They provide improved levels of stability and durability. Wearers are free to eat what they want without any worry about breaking the device.

Implant-retained dentures provide greater retention if replacing missing teeth, also improving the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the mouth. They are recommended for patients who are in good oral health and who do not smoke. If you have been approved for the procedure you will undergo a straightforward procedure.

  • During the procedure, an incision will be made into the gums.
  • Next, the gum tissue is lifted so that a hole can be drilled into the jawbone.
  • The implants will be placed in the newly-drilled hole and the gum tissue is stitched and left to heal.
  • At a later appointment, the dentures are attached and the procedure is complete.

Contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa for more information on our denture treatments.






Inman Aligners For Straighter Teeth For Patients In Liverpool

January 9th, 2013

Inman Aligners provide a quicker and cheaper teeth straightening alternative to traditional orthodontic appliances. It is an option that has taken the world by storm and results in straighter teeth in a shorter time-frame.

The system’s unique design allows for multi-directional pressure to be placed on the upper front teeth, which forces continual pressure for improved alignment. This process displays results from as early as six weeks and is more ‘purse friendly’ than traditional braces.

When determining if an Inman Aligner is right for you, you will meet with our dental team for a consultation. We will speak in great detail about your mouth, teeth, gums, bite and teeth alignment, and outline clear goals and create a plan for achieving them. After this initial meeting we take a detailed analysis of your mouth, impressions are taken and an aligner is designed to meet the specifications of your mouth.

Inman Aligners tend to work best on the upper and lower front teeth, as the device needs room to work and must be fitted to teeth with excess room around them. An overcrowded mouth is not an ideal case for an Inman Aligner.

With the Inman Aligner you can expect:

  • Speedy treatment: With noticeable results in just a matter of weeks.
  • Discreet: The Inman Aligner is a lot more discreet than traditional braces.
  • Usual oral hygiene routine: The Inman Aligner is completely removable and makes it simple to maintain good dental health.
  • To save money: Treatment costs substantially less than other orthodontic procedures.
  • Easy caring for the aligner: There is no need for messy trays or gels.

The Inman Aligner is a modern, quick and efficient method of strengthening teeth. Contact Liverpool Dental Spa in Liverpool today to get started on your journey to a straighter smile.



What Happens During Root Canal Surgery For Patients In Liverpool?

January 7th, 2013

When a patient complains of tooth ache or arrives at our door with a badly damaged or infected tooth, the symptoms are assessed and diagnosis made according to the individual’s circumstances. The outcome from this will vary from case to case, but it may be that you require root canal treatment to treat the painful symptoms and prevent further dental problems. A root canal is performed when bacteria or plaque manages to reach the inner chamber of a tooth and infect the blood and nerve supply.

Root canal treatment process

While it is considered a surgical procedure root canal treatment can be carried out in one visit to your dentist. However, it is normally done over a series of visits. The process will typically include the following steps:

  1. First, x-rays are taken and assessed to determine if a root canal is required. This will be discussed with the patient.
  2. Both the patient and dentist will need to agree that a root canal is the right treatment pathway, after which the procedure can begin.
  3. A rubber dam will be placed around the tooth which is in need of treatment to protect it against saliva.
  4. The tooth and the areas around the tooth are numbed and treatment can then begin.
  5. Following anaesthetic administration, a small hole is made inside the tooth to access the inner chamber.
  6. This is when diseased pulp tissue is removed.
  7. The canals will be measured for the filling to be placed there.
  8. After each canal in the tooth has been measured they are cleaned and treated with antiseptic to prevent infection.
  9. Next, the teeth are filled and a temporary fitting is placed over the tooth before a permanent crown is fitted, often at a separate appointment.

Contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool for more information.






How Patients In Liverpool Can Treat A Gummy Smile

January 4th, 2013

Grab a mirror and have a look at your smile. Do your teeth seem small in comparison to your gums? Are you embarrassed when you smile because you think it’s displaying too much gum tissue? If you answer yes to either of these questions, you might have a gummy smile. You may already know that you have a gummy smile and this has been negatively affecting your confidence for some time. However, what you might not be aware of is how easy this problem can be rectified.

At Liverpool Implant & Aesthetic Dental Spa in the city of Liverpool, we can correct your gummy smile through the use of gum contouring or tooth reshaping. But, before we discuss how we can solve your problem and improve your confidence, let’s explain why this issue might be present in the first place.

What causes a gummy smile?

There are a variety of factors which can cause a gummy smile, one example of which is abnormal tooth eruption. Gummy smiles also occur as a result of hyperactivity in the muscle that controls the upper lip, leading to more of the upper gums being displayed. It is often possible to determine why you have a gummy smile based on dental history. For instance, if you have a gummy smile because of abnormal tooth eruption, you are likely to have other dental issues such as a misaligned bite.

No matter the reason for you gummy smile, we can treat it in one of two ways:

  1. Gum Contouring: Remove excess tissue from the gum line and lengthen the appearance of your teeth. This method works if your gum line hangs low over your teeth.
  2. Tooth Reshaping: If you feel one or more teeth are uneven along the biting edge, we can reshape it to improve the appearance of your smile and eradicate the unwanted gummy appearance.

While gummy smiles are common you don’t have to live with yours any longer. Get in touch today to set up a consultation and take a step to reclaiming your smile.





6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern