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Scared of the Dentist? How Our Dental Phobia Certified Doctor Can Help

August 24th, 2017

Are you worried about going to the dentist? Has fear put you off going to the dentist for as long as you can remember? At Liverpool Dental Spa, we understand how our patients feel and we offer expert care for anxious patients and those who suffer from dental phobia. Our dental phobia certified dentist, Dr Marius McGovern, can help you to feel more confident and comfortable and guide you through the process of having treatment in a calm, compassionate way.

There are many reasons why people have a fear of going to the dentist. Sometimes, they have a specific phobia, which is related to going to the dentist, such as a fear of needles or the drill, and sometimes, they have been affected by negative, painful experiences in the past. Whatever the reason you feel apprehensive, Dr McGovern and the rest of the team will do everything possible to help you to feel calmer.

Treatment for nervous patients at Liverpool Dental Spa

We know that going to the dentist can be a nerve-jangling experience for many people. We are geared up to provide first-class care for anxious patients and we offer techniques like sedation and innovations like The Wand to make our patients more relaxed and to ensure they enjoy a positive experience.

We recommend sedation for patients who are very anxious about having treatment in cases where they need a course of treatment or they’re undergoing a more complex procedure. Sedation isn’t the same as general anaesthetic, but it does prevent you from feeling pain, and it will help to make you feel completely relaxed throughout the procedure.

If you have a phobia of needles or injections, we may recommend The Wand. The Wand is a wonderful device, which eliminates the risk of painful injections. We often find that patients are scared of needles because they’ve experienced pain in the past, usually as a result of the fluid being pushed through the syringe at speed. The Wand is a pen-like device, which is controlled by a small computer. It regulates the speed of flow of the fluid to prevent pain. It also looks less menacing than a normal injection.

If you’re a nervous patient, call our caring team today. We can help you overcome your fears.

A ClearStep Forward for Invisible Teeth Straightening

August 22nd, 2017

Have you always wanted straight teeth? Are you thinking about having orthodontic treatment? Many people who come and see us have wanted a more attractive smile for years, but the prospect of wearing unsightly braces has always put them off. The good news is that there have been major developments in the world of orthodontics, and today, you can enjoy incredible results without worrying about your looks thanks to invisible braces like ClearStep.

What is ClearStep?

ClearStep is a clear brace system, which uses a series of custom-made removable appliances to gently steer the teeth into the correct position. These braces are very similar to Invisalign aligners and they look like a clear, sleek and delicate version of a mouth guard worn for sport. These braces are made entirely from high-grade, transparent plastic, so they cannot be seen when you smile. The braces slide over the teeth and they produce gentle forces, which move the teeth quickly and painlessly.

What does the treatment process involve?

With ClearStep, you don’t use a single brace. Rather than wearing the same brace for the duration of treatment, you switch your aligners over after 2 weeks, going through the sequence in order. It’s important to make sure you wear each brace for around 21 hours per day for the best results. You can take your braces out to eat, drink, and clean your teeth.

Who can benefit from ClearStep?

ClearStep is a versatile system, which is suitable for most clients over the age of 14 years old. It is often recommended for those with minor or moderate orthodontic issues and it is a popular choice for those who would prefer an invisible, removable brace to a fixed brace.

If you’re keen to find out if ClearStep could be a good option for you, give us a call today and book a consultation.

Three Reasons Why Prevention is Incredibly Important

August 17th, 2017

As dentists, we never tire of telling our patients that prevention is better than cure. If you haven’t given your dental health much thought of late, here are 3 good reasons why prevention is important:

  1. Lower risk of oral diseases: the most obvious benefit of preventive approaches is a lower risk of oral diseases such as decay and gum disease. If you go to the dentist every 6-9 months, you can lower your risk of developing problems by up to 60 percent. If you throw in a brilliant brushing regime, you can increase the figure even more. Looking after your teeth and gums takes a few minutes a day and it’ll save you a whole lot of pain and keep your smile looking beautiful.
  2. Lower cost of dental care: the cost of preventative dental care is much lower than treatments that are used to cure dental issues. If you spend a small amount on routine check-ups, you’ll reduce your risk of paying out hundreds, or even thousands in dental bills over the coming years.
  3. Increased happiness and productivity: if you’ve ever suffered from toothache or had a dental abscess before, you’ll know all too well that poor dental health can make life a misery. Dealing with dental issues doesn’t just make it virtually impossible to concentrate at work, it will also affect your happiness and wellbeing. Start paying more attention to your teeth and gums now, and you’ll notice a positive difference for years to come.

Did You Know How Much Stopping Smoking Will Help Your Teeth?

August 15th, 2017

It may not be the start of a brand new year, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make a resolution to try and give up smoking. Most of the time, we associate quitting with benefits for the heart and lungs, but did you know that giving up smoking can also do wonders for your oral health?

What effects does smoking have on oral health?

Smoking has a detrimental impact on almost every organ in the body, and it can be very harmful for your oral health. Smoking increases the risk of gum disease because it reduces blood flow to the gums. It can also increase the risk of implant failure and increase healing time after dental treatment. Smoking also stains the teeth and it causes bad breath.

One of the most important considerations for those giving up smoking is reducing the risk of developing cancer. We tend to think about lung cancer when the subject of smoking crops up, but smoking is also the main risk factor for many other types of cancer, including mouth cancer. Mouth cancer affects the soft tissue in the mouth and throat and the number of cases diagnosed in the UK has increased by a third in the last ten years.

Help with giving up smoking

Giving up smoking is no walk in the park. At Liverpool Dental Spa, we understand that quitting is really difficult and we are here to advise you, offer you help and support and also encourage you along the way. If you’d like help with giving up smoking, give us a ring today or contact us through the website. Our experienced dental team will be happy to help.

As if By Magic: Dental Phobia is Prevented by the Wand

August 11th, 2017

Do you suffer from dental phobia? Do you have a fear of needles? If you dread going to the dentist because you’re scared of injections, we have good news! With The Wand, we can magic away anxiety and fear, enabling you to enjoy a much more positive experience at the dentist.

What is The Wand?

The Wand is an innovative device, which is used to deliver painless injections. Many people have a phobia of needles because they’ve had painful injections in the past. This is usually caused by a sudden spurt of fluid through the needle or an unsteady flow. The Wand was designed to eliminate the risk of any pain caused by having an injection. It controls the flow of the anaesthetic, ensuring that the injection is painless. There’s no risk of the fluid travelling too quickly or there being a sudden rush through the needle. The Wand also looks a lot less threatening than a traditional injection. It looks similar to our average pen, and this is a much more reassuring sight, especially for children.

How does The Wand work?

The Wand is controlled by a tiny computer, which is attached to the needle that is encased so you cannot see it. The computer regulates the flow of the fluid, preventing pain.

Who can benefit from The Wand?

The Wand can be beneficial for both adults and children who suffer from anxiety when faced with a trip to the dentist. It is particularly effective for people who have a phobia of needles and those who are fearful of having injections as a result of negative experiences in the past.

If you would like to find out more about The Wand, call us today and our dental team will be happy to answer your questions.

Five Ways to Prevent Gum Disease in the Heart of Liverpool

August 10th, 2017

At Liverpool Dental Spa, we’re firm believers in the saying, ‘prevention is better than cure.’ Gum disease is the most common cause of adult tooth loss, but it can almost always be prevented. If you’re eager to fend off gum disease, we can help! Here are 5 simple ways to keep your gums healthy:

  1. Brush twice a day: if you don’t already brush your teeth twice a day, now is the time to start. It’s important to clean your teeth before you go to bed and at least one more time per day. Most people brush in the morning and evening. Brushing removes harmful bacteria before it can join forces with saliva and food debris to form plaque. Set a timer to make sure you brush for long enough (at least 2 minutes).
  2. Clean between your teeth: it’s very difficult to clean between your teeth with a normal brush, so use dental floss or inter-dental brushes to achieve a more comprehensive clean.
  3. Book a dental appointment: regular dental appointments can decrease your risk of developing gum disease by up to 60 percent. If you haven’t been to the dentist in the last 9 months, give us a call today. It’s particularly important to get in touch if you’ve noticed warning signs like swollen, sore and bleeding gums.
  4. Watch what you eat: your diet can have a significant influence on your dental health. Try and avoid sugary and acidic foods and drinks to reduce your risk of both decay and gum disease.
  5. Avoid smoking: smoking increases the risk of gum disease. If you’d like help with quitting, we can help.

Top Five Tooth Friendly Drinks to Enjoy in the Summer Sun

August 8th, 2017

The sun is popping out from time to time and this can only mean one thing, summer is finally here! If you’re keen to make the most of the long, hazy days, you may be looking forward to afternoons in the park or the beer garden or barbeques with friends and family. When the sun’s shining, your teeth may not be your first thought, but it’s so important to look after your dental health. If you’re keen to keep your smile in shape this summer, here are 5 tooth-friendly drinks to enjoy in the sunshine:

  1. Water: water is hands-down the best option come rain or shine. Water will quench your thirst if it’s hot outside and it doesn’t contain sugar.
  2. Green tea: it may seem crazy to drink tea when it’s hot, but hot drinks are actually supposed to cool you down. Green tea is a great choice because it is packed with antioxidants, which help to reduce the risk of gum disease.
  3. Milk: milk may not be the most obvious choice for a summer day, but it’s really good for your teeth. Milk is a good source of calcium, and it may be an appealing alternative to coffee or tea if you fancy something other than a hot drink before bed.
  4. Homemade smoothies: if you’re on a health kick, you’re probably trying to increase your intake of fruit and vegetables. Smoothies can be a really healthy choice, but they can also cause problems for your teeth. This is because smoothies that you buy from cafes and supermarkets tend to contain a lot of added sugar. To enjoy the health benefits without the added sugar, make your own smoothies at home.
  5. Diet mixers: if you’re enjoying an alcoholic drink on a sunny day, and you’re worried about your teeth, avoid cocktails and sugary fizzy drinks and opt for diet mixers instead. These aren’t brilliant for your teeth because they’re acidic but they are less harmful than full-sugar versions.

Change the way you think of invisible braces with MTM No Trace Braces

August 3rd, 2017

If you’re interested in invisible braces, you may have done some research and come across clear removable braces, but have you ever heard of lingual braces? If you’re after the ultimate in invisible orthodontics, allow us to introduce you to MTM No Trace Braces. This lingual brace system can give you the smile of your dreams without anyone knowing you’ve got a brace.

What are MTM No Trace Braces?

MTM No Trace Braces are lingual braces, which offer you the opportunity to undergo treatment in secret. Many people are reticent to have orthodontic treatment because they don’t to worry about waring cumbersome, highly visible braces. These braces aren’t your average braces. Instead of being attached to the front of the teeth, these braces are fixed to the back of the teeth, so you can smile to your heart’s content without anyone being able to spot your brace.

You may assume that lingual braces would be panful because of the proximity of the brackets to the tongue. However, these braces are much sleeker and smaller than traditional fixed braces and they also use the latest friction-free technology, so you don’t have to worry about pain.

Who is a suitable candidate for MTM No Trace Braces?

MTM No Trace Braces are ideally designed for patients who don’t need a lot of movement and this treatment is best suited to those with minor orthodontic issues. They work incredibly quickly, which makes them an excellent option for people who want results fast, for example, those preparing for a special occasion like a wedding. The average treatment time is just 12-24 weeks.

If you’d like to see if you’re a good match for MTM No Trace Braces, why not give us a rig today or get in touch online and book a consultation. Your dream smile could be just weeks away!

Three Reasons Why A Root Canal Isn’t Something to be Scared Of

August 1st, 2017

Even the hardiest dental patients can come unstuck when the words root canal are mentioned. For some reason, this procedure has gained a bad reputation and it’s very common for patients to feel very anxious when their dentist tells them that they need root canal treatment. In reality, there’s nothing to be scared of at all. Root canal treatment is a commonly performed procedure, which can help to save an infected tooth. Here are 3 reasons why you shouldn’t be scared of having a root canal:

  1. Treatment is carried out under local anaesthetic: before your dentist does anything, they will numb your tooth using local anaesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain at all.
  2. You can trust our experienced dentists: our dentists are incredibly skilled and experienced and you can rest assured that you’re in safe hands. Root canal treatment is a routine procedure, which will help to prevent further damage to the tooth, stem the spread of infection and prevent you from feeling any more pain. Our dentists will be on hand to talk you through the process, and they’ll also be there if you have any questions or you need some reassurance.
  3. Treatment seems much worse than it is: many people are terrified by the prospect of having root canal treatment mainly because there’s a myth that runs through the ages that this is a painful treatment. In truth, this procedure is nothing to worry about at all. You won’t feel any pain, you’ll be treated by expert dentists, and you’ll emerge the other side wondering what all the fuss was about. We promise you that we’ll look after you and you’ll leave us with a big smile on your face again.


Worn Out Teeth? How Liverpool Dental Spa Can Help You

July 31st, 2017

If you have worn or chipped teeth, we have various solutions that can help to restore your smile and strengthen your teeth.

Crowns and fillings

Crowns and fillings are used to strengthen teeth weakened by decay or injury. If the tooth is chipped, it may be possible to repair is using a filling. If the tooth is fractured, a crown may be required. Dental crowns are also known as caps as they are placed over the top of the tooth. Crowns can be made from ceramics, including porcelain, for a flawless aesthetic, and they can last at least five years if they are well cared-for.

Dental bonding

One technique we use to build up worn edges and improve the aesthetic of misshapen teeth is dental bonding. Bonding is a treatment, which involves using a material called dental composite to make minor changes to the appearance of the individual teeth. Your dentist will shape and mould the composite to reshape and repair the teeth and then set it using a curing light. This makes the composite hard. Your dentist will select the shade of dental composite that is closest to your natural tooth colour so you won’t be able to tell the difference between the composite and the rest of the tooth. Treatment only takes an hour, and there’s no pain involved.

If your teeth are worn and they need a little TLC, we can help! Call and book a consultation today!


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern