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Innovative Treatment For Missing Teeth For Patients In Liverpool

March 4th, 2013

From the ironic revival of classic rock, to retro Polaroid Smartphone filters and bomber jackets, it seems that nostalgia has been a guiding influence on popular trends of late. One area, however, where nostalgia should be left at the door, is dentistry. For centuries, the only option for replacing missing teeth were dentures, dentures made either from wood or, if we go back far enough, animal bone. Thankfully, in the modern world, we don’t have to worry about splinters or animal rights to quite the same extent when it comes to tooth replacements. In fact, we don’t even have to use dentures! Let us introduce you to ‘the fixed bridge’!

What is a dental Bridge?

Much as a bridge spans a gap in land, so a dental bridge spans the gap in your teeth. The bridge then supports a fake tooth.

Why should I replace a tooth?

Appearance is one reason, but not replacing a tooth can also increase the risk of gum disease, alter the structure of your face and affect the way you speak and eat.

The advantages of a bridge

Well, they certainly avoid the problems with eating, speaking and continuing slippage which are attributed to dentures. Bridges look natural, can last (with care) for well over a decade and can combat the problems most commonly associated with a missing tooth.

Bridge variants

As with transport bridges, there are several types; the traditional fixed bridge is the most common type as it is the most versatile. It is anchored via crowns on the two surrounding, healthy teeth and will require the surrounding teeth to be shaved slightly. The Cantilever bridge operates like a fixed bridge, except it is only anchored to one tooth. This has less of an impact on healthy teeth, but also allows a bridge to be fitted if you only have healthy tooth nearby. Being attached only to one side, however, limits the bridge’s use to areas of the mouth which are under less stress. The Maryland Bridge uses metal bands, rather than crowns, and so has no negative impact on surrounding teeth. This does, however, limit its use mostly to the front teeth and other low stress areas. For more information on bridge options, please contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in the city of Liverpool.


Discreet Straightening With Damon Braces In Liverpool

February 28th, 2013

Orthodontic conditions, such as crooked, protruding, overcrowded and irregularly spaced teeth, may be genetic or may result from oral habits. At Liverpool Dental Spa, we offer individuals discreet teeth straightening treatments for mild to severe misaligned teeth.

Misaligned teeth may not only detract from appearance but may impact nutritional choices, communication ability and confidence. Therefore we offer trusted modern braces solutions, such as Damon braces, as part of our holistic approach to patient care.

The Damon braces system

The Damon braces system is designed for ultimate discretion and comfort. Custom-made, the tooth-coloured ceramic brackets blend with the existing teeth, applying gentle corrective orthodontic force to straighten teeth while allowing for normal activities.

A modern alternative to traditional metal braces, Damon braces are fixed in place without metal or elastic ties. There is no discomfort as experienced with the older metal braces systems because Damon braces are formed using a friction-free, self-ligating mechanism.

The self-ligating technology is made with slide mechanism action between the ceramic brackets and arch wires enabling normal oral function without irritation or undue pressure. Meals may be enjoyed for good nutrition with better communication ability when socialising with others.

Discreet braces treatment

Throughout treatment, wearers feel more confident as their Damon braces are not obvious to others and they are able to maintain a healthy oral hygiene standard. Self-image is preserved and results are evident four to six months sooner than alternate fixed braces systems.

Damon braces are a modern treatment for not only mild but severe orthodontic conditions impacting bite. Where alternate systems may not be suitable or may take longer to give teeth straightening results, Damon braces is a choice solution.

Our Orthodontist assesses each person’s unique oral structures to determine the right teeth straightening treatment. Information is provided about different braces systems that may be removable or fixed like Damon braces with benefits, risks and costs.



Boost Confidence In 2013 With Anti-Ageing Treatments For Patients In Liverpool

February 26th, 2013

A New Year is the time to rejuvenate ones sense of well-being. With another year passing, we become older and experience the effects of ageing. Sun exposure, lack of hydration, smoking and poor health may all accelerate ageing impacts.

Seeing wrinkles creep up on us in the mirror can be disheartening. At Liverpool Dental & Aesthetic Spa in the heart of Liverpool, we provide anti-ageing treatments to combat the effects of ageing and to boost self-confidence. The year of 2013 marks changes for many people who place their health and well-being first.

Facial Rejuvenation Treatment

By offering choices in anti-ageing treatments, Liverpool Dental & Aesthetic Spa helps individuals achieve their personal self-improvement goals. Juvederm is one of the facial rejuvenation treatments that we offer to reduce wrinkles and facial lines. It is a trusted anti-ageing treatment chosen by people globally for a more youthful looking skin and smile.

Benefits of Juvederm

Facial rejuvenation with Juvederm is non-invasive, meaning that it does not involve invasive surgery. The Juvederm product is made of substances natural to the body, hydrating the skin and lips the way the body naturally does. To plump or volumise the skin where wrinkles or lines are present, Juvederm is gently injected within the creases, filling them out for a smooth wrinkle-free complexion.

Juvederm is an increasingly popular treatment for giving facial volume and smoothing wrinkles, folds and lines around the mouth, lips, nose, eyes and forehead. Lips may be given definition and volume with Juvederm.

Each person’s response to Juvederm treatment may be different. On average, Juvederm treatment gives anti-ageing results for six to nine months. An individual’s skin quality plays a role too however maintenance treatments ensure a lasting and younger-looking skin.

Contact Liverpool Dental & Aesthetic Spa for facial rejuvenation with Juvederm to boost your confidence in 2013.









Dealing With Bad Breath For Patients In Liverpool

February 21st, 2013

Chewing mints may temporarily mask bad breath but may not treat the cause of bad breath or halitosis as it is also known. Causes of bad breath vary and may include:

  • Pungent foods
  • Gastrointestinal conditions
  • Smoking
  • Bacterial build-up on the tongue
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease such as Periodontitis

We may not even be aware that we have bad breath until someone points it out to us. While brushing teeth with fluoride-containing toothpaste may freshen the mouth, bad breath may still be present.

Looking at the cause

At Liverpool Dental Spa we provide ways to deal or cope with bad breath by identifying and addressing the cause of the problem. The first step may involve oral health assessment to determine if oral bacteria, tooth decay or gum disease such as Periodontitis is present.

Having regular dental check-ups and professional teeth cleaning with a dental hygienist means the cause of bad breath may be diagnosed and treated sooner. Dentists advise on proper teeth cleaning practice and dental hygienists clean and scale teeth to remove tartar and food trapped in hard-to-reach tooth grooves. Trapped food debris may rot causing tooth decay and bad breath.

Smelly foods

For some it is simply a care of their eating pungent foods, such as garlic and onions. Altering diet may eliminate bad breath and improve health. Where oral health causes are of bad breath are not obvious, a dentist may refer an individual to their GP for further screening such as for gastrointestinal conditions.

By stopping smoking, the breath may freshen or using special dental products for smokers may make a difference. Smoking causes a thick yellowy layer to form on the tongue that attracts bacteria and may give smoker’s breath. Keeping the mouth clean and having frequent appointments with a dental hygienist for oral cleansing helps keep this condition at bay,







Discreet Cavity Treatment With White Fillings In The City Of Liverpool

February 19th, 2013

Some of us have pleasant childhood memories of our first dental visits for teeth cleaning and fillings. Others have experiences filled with terror about drills and metal fillings, leading to dental phobia in adulthood.

Dentistry has immensely evolved in use of materials and equipment for filling cavities. New treatments have transformed oral health with patients benefiting from:

  • Choices in white composite or porcelain fillings for aesthetically-pleasing results
  • Replacement of mercury-containing amalgam fillings with porcelain ones for better health
  • Fissure-sealant and fluoride treatments to prevent tooth decay and gum disease
  • Advanced technologies for accurate fillings reducing risk of over-filling and dental damage
  • Oral cleansing, scaling and polishing by dentist and/or oral hygienist

Cavities are holes in teeth that occur due to loss of enamel and tooth decay. Enamel on teeth may become worn due to teeth grinding or incorrect teeth brushing technique. The enamel tooth surface may be eroded by acidic or sugary foods attracting oral bacteria further damaging the tooth. As the outer enamel is destroyed, cavities may form in the tooth surface right through to the inner dentin and tooth pulp.

The tooth may present with toothache and feel sore. Leaving cavities untreated worsens tooth decay and may lead to gum disease. Dentists often seal the back molar teeth with fissure sealant and fluoride treatment to prevent tooth decay. Cavities should be filled to prevent bacterial infection that may lead to tooth and bone loss.

Tooth coloured fillings

Nowadays, white fillings are designed using tooth-coloured dental composite or porcelain ceramic to restore tooth structure and function. Not only is the tooth strengthened with white fillings, but teeth appear white and healthy. White fillings blend with existing tooth structure so that teeth appear natural when smiling. Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool ,offers white fillings for discreet and effective treatment of cavities.




Have A Luminous Smile With Lumineers Veneer Treatment In Liverpool

February 15th, 2013

If you feel self-conscious about discoloured, damaged or mildly misaligned teeth, dental veneers may be just the solution you are looking for. You may be aware that there are different types of veneers available, made of porcelain or white composite.

At Liverpool Dental Spa, we take pride in offering individuals options for improving tooth quality and aesthetics. Our Lumineers veneer treatment is one favoured by many in the UK and abroad. Even celebrities with chipped or stained teeth may have Lumineers veneer treatment to enhance their teeth and smiles.

Lumineers treat a range of issues

Lumineers fill gaps between teeth for a balanced and beautiful smile. Fractured and chipped teeth may be restored for healthy dental function and cosmetic appeal. Dental discolouration may be masked so that teeth look healthy and white.

Lumineers veneer treatment is chosen because Lumineers offer greater strength and durability, with a better look lasting longer. The Cerinate porcelain composition means Lumineers may last up to 20 years with proper care.

Less tooth preparation

Existing tooth structure is preserved as minimal tooth preparation is required for Lumineers veneer treatment. In the first appointment impressions are taken for custom-making of your Lumineers and in the second, the bespoke Lumineers are fitted and adjusted for long-lasting pleasure.

Our Lumineer dentist involves you every step of the way in your smile design, matching your chosen dentition and Lumineers colour for best teeth alignment and natural appeal. We show you before and after images so that you know what to expect from veneers treatment with Lumineers.

To offer you this specialist treatment, we register with Cerinate Smile Design Studio who uniquely produce Cerinate porcelain from which Lumineers are made. Cerinate porcelain sustains dental structures and its quality is proven in use of dental restorations world-wide. Get in touch with us for more information about Lumineers veneer treatment and a luminous smile.





Dental Sedation For Nervous Patients In The Heart Of Liverpool

February 14th, 2013

Thanks to new treatments in dental sedation, many individuals suffering with dental phobia or anxiety are receiving much needed dental treatment and are improving their oral health.

Dental phobia is fear of the dentist or anything related to dentistry. The anxiety often is rooted in past dental experiences that are traumatic or stem from fear of needles or pain. The fear may be overwhelming and many experiencing dental phobia do not seek the dental care they need. As a result, these individuals may have poor oral health with associated health conditions.

Treatments to reduce anxiety

At Liverpool Dental Spa, we offer patients dental sedation as an option to reduce their anxieties. Dental sedation involves a sedative to place a person in a relaxed state while maintaining consciousness.

Unlike general anaesthesia, during and after sedation, the person remains in control and is able to interact with the dentist. People suffering with dental phobia choose dental sedation because it allows them to feel calm and no pain while receiving dental treatment.

Feel in control

Being able to control their dental treatment experience reduces their anxiety about dental treatment. Feeling a loss of control often accentuates dental phobia. Our friendly team at Liverpool Dental Spa aims to make dental treatment an enjoyable experience so that there is no need to feel fear and anxiety.

We are here to discuss your dental phobia needs with you and provide you with options to help you overcome fears and anxieties about dental care. Get in touch with us and we can tell you all about dental sedation and how it works.

Dentistry has come a long way with modern dental materials, equipment, and procedures to improve patient care and dental experience. Patient comfort and care is at the heart of our Liverpool Dental Spa.



Modern Braces For The Modern City Of Liverpool

February 12th, 2013

It is becoming rarer to see young people and adults around with metal bracket braces on their teeth. This is because traditional metal braces that often caused oral irritation, deteriorating oral hygiene, and stigma are being replaced by modern braces solutions.

Modern braces solutions

At Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool we offer individuals choices in modern braces solutions that give discretion, are comfortable to wear, are easy to clean and hygienic, and are effective in straightening teeth affected by mild orthodontic conditions.

The Invisalign braces system is custom-made with clear plastic aligners to correct mild orthodontic conditions such as misaligned, protruding, overcrowded and irregularly spaced teeth. The dentist takes an oral impression and digital images for precise making of the new aligners.

Removable braces

The beauty of Invisalign is that the clear aligners fit over a dental arch similar to a mouth shield and are not obvious to others. The Invisalign system is removable and not fixed to the teeth. The aligners are replaced fortnightly as teeth reposition until full teeth straightening benefits are visible on completion of Invisalign treatment.

Throughout treatment, the Invisalign aligners may be removed for activities such as meals, sports, playing of musical instruments and oral care. Our orthodontist and dental hygienist provide advice on how to look after your Invisalign aligners for your desired results.

Celebrity treatment

Invisalign is versatile and comes in a range including Invisalign Lite and Invisalign Teen, widening treatment options for more people with varying needs. Invisalign is chosen by many world-wide including celebrities because of the system’s discretion, ease in removing and replacing, comfort in oral movement and wear, and faster treatment time.

Within 9 to 24 months, smiles are transformed with Invisalign, improving facial expression and natural beauty. At Liverpool Dental Spa we bring out the best in you.


How To Deal With Broken Teeth For Patients In Liverpool

February 7th, 2013

Broken teeth are a risk to oral and overall health. Teeth may break, become worn or damage from:

  • Daily oral activities such as eating
  • Bad habits such as using the teeth as a tool to bite things open
  • Teeth grinding during the day or in sleep
  • Erosion by acid or sugary foods and oral bacteria
  • Injury such as in contact sports or accidents

Leaving broken teeth untreated may damage neighbouring teeth and how teeth bite together. Broken teeth may lead to occlusion problems requiring more extensive treatment. Bacteria may enter the inner tooth dentin and dental pulp causing root canal infection. Gum disease may set in and lead to tooth and bone loss. For these reasons, it is important to have broken teeth restored.

At Liverpool Dental Spa we offer patients a range of choices for restoring broken teeth to prevent further oral trauma, infection and tooth loss. We have invested in CEREC technology to provide treatments such as porcelain veneers, crowns, inlays and onlays.

CEREC veneers

CEREC veneers are ideal for masking worn and discoloured teeth while protecting the outer tooth surface. Damaged tooth cusps may be restored with CEREC crowns or onlays. Inlays may be used to fill deep tooth cavities.

We use tooth-coloured dental composite and porcelain to fill tooth chips and cracks, blending the dental material with the natural tooth structure for greater strength. Once the fillings are in place, there difference between the existing tooth and restoration is not obvious. Tooth quality is enhanced and looks just like natural, healthy teeth.

Where teeth are broken and cannot be saved, dental implant-supported crowns may be used to replace missing teeth. Broken and missing teeth may detract from facial expression. Our CEREC and Dental Spa restorations in central Liverpool make all the difference, transforming smiles and emphasizing natural beauty.











CEREC Treatment Explained For Patients In Liverpool

February 5th, 2013

At Liverpool Dental Spa we have invested in CEREC technology to provide patients with choices in modern and aesthetically pleasing dental restorations. CEREC technology is used to produce the highest standard of dental veneers, crowns, inlays and onlays.

CEREC treatments deliver proven results in a number of ways:

  • Only one appointment
  • Shorter treatment times
  • Immediate dental restorations
  • Quality custom-made CEREC veneers, crowns, inlays and onlays
  • Precise CEREC implant-supported teeth replacements
  • CEREC smile transformations

Our Dental Spa runs more efficiently and patients may receive their dental restorations within one visit. The cost-savings are shared with patients who only need to attend one CEREC restoration appointment. Temporary restorations are not required as CEREC precision ensures restorations are custom-made to accurate specification.

No waiting times

The CEREC system is installed within our practice which means that there are no waiting times for creation of restorations. All individual oral impressions and images are produced in-house with patient involvement and restorations are made in-house at the appointment.

CEREC treats many conditions

Individuals needing to mask discoloured teeth or straighten mildly misaligned teeth may benefit from CEREC veneers. CEREC crowns, inlays and onlays are quality restorations for broken, worn and damaged teeth. Missing teeth may be replaced with dental-implant supported CEREC crowns that look just like natural teeth.

CEREC quality is on par with healthy natural-looking teeth allowing for a beautiful smile that enhances facial expression. Our dentists use their dentistry expertise and creative skill to produce CEREC porcelain restorations to enhance dental quality, aesthetics and function.

Discoloured and misaligned teeth impact smile impressions, as do broken and damaged teeth. We aim to provide modern solutions so that our patients receive the best in patient care. Get in touch with us to learn more about the benefits of CEREC treatments and CEREC smile transformations in Liverpool.





6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern