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A Permanent Solution To Missing Teeth For Patients In Liverpool

November 1st, 2013

In the past, patients who had missing teeth had a choice of a dental bridge or a denture, but now, dental implants, which are a highly effective long-term solution for lost teeth, are available.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are an increasingly popular treatment for patients who have lost teeth either through injury, decay or trauma. The actual implant is a small screw-like device made from titanium, which is fitted into a socket in the jaw bone; over the course of time, the implant integrates into the bone tissue and once it has settled, it can be attached to a restoration. One of the best things about dental implants is that they can be connected to a wide range of restorations, including a dental bridge, crown or denture, meaning that they are suitable for patients with one missing tooth, a few lost teeth or an entire arch of missing teeth. The aim of the implant is to replace the rot of the missing tooth.

The procedure

The procedure to fit the implant is usually carried out under local anaesthetic to prevent patients from experiencing any pain. An incision is made in the gum, a flap is lifted and a socket is drilled in the bone; the implant is then secured in the socket and the incision is closed and left to heal. The integration process takes between 3 and 6 months and then the restoration can be attached.

How could dental implants benefit me?

Dental implants have a host of benefits for patients with any number of missing teeth. Implants are more expensive than other treatments for missing teeth but they last a lifetime and they offer unrivalled levels of functionality and aesthetic appeal. Implants do not interfere with the neighbouring teeth or gums and they help to reduce bone loss; they are also able to integrate completely into the jaw bone, which increases anchorage and ensures that the restorations will never slip or become loose. Contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in central Liverpool for more information on dental implants.

We Look After Children’s Teeth In The City Of Liverpool

October 31st, 2013

The health of a child’s teeth is often intrinsically linked to the straightness, appearance and health of their adult teeth. It is therefore very important that you maintain the health of your child’s teeth and gums, even from the day they are born.

Looking after baby’s teeth

It may seem odd taking care of the oral health of a baby, who has no teeth, but the gums of a baby can carry bacteria that in turn may affect the teeth below the gums. By gently washing the gums of your baby with a soft cloth you may be able to remove an oral plaque that could lead to dental problems when the milk teeth come through. Providing the milk teeth with a healthy gum line to come through is also paramount to lifelong good dental health.

Taking care of your toddler’s teeth

Once your child’s milk tooth begins to appear your daily dental health routine will have to progress to the next level: toothbrushes. A small amount of child’s toothpaste on a small brush is all that is required to maintain the health of your child’s teeth. Brush the teeth that have come through and gently brush the gums around them. Take your time and always use a soft bristled brush, as their gums are likely to be tender. It is important to take care of your young child’s teeth, as, if decay occurs and teeth fall out, the adult teeth beneath have no guideline to come through with and so may erupt crooked.

Taking care of your adolescent’s teeth

If some decay has occurred in childhood and teeth have fallen out prematurely this may have affected the development of the adult teeth. In teenage years this means one thing: braces. Braces come in a range of shapes, sizes and formats, with some fixed to the front or back of the teeth, whilst others are completely removable. Straight teeth not also improve the aesthetic of a smile and in turn the confidence of your teen, but they also mean fewer spaces for bacteria to hide and so healthier teeth for the future. For a dental check-up for your children give us a call today at Liverpool Dental Spa.





Modern Fixed Braces In Liverpool

October 29th, 2013

Fixed braces are often not the most popular of treatments. However, today’s modern fixed braces not only achieve faster results, they also use wires and brackets that are a great deal more discreet than the truly old school systems.

Why are fixed braces so effective?

Fixed braces are able to correct a whole range of orthodontic problems, as the wire and brackets can be fitted to suit all face shapes. Arch wires can be bent to any shape and also maintain a great more effective level of force in comparison to other removable braces. The tension created by the wires and brackets can also be easily changed and adjusted and treatment can follow and evolve with the movement of the teeth.

Are all fixed braces highly visible?

Not all fixed braces are noticeable, with many systems offering tooth coloured wires and brackets, which come in a range of materials. Some brace systems, known as the lingual braces, are fixed to the back of the teeth, meaning they are completely invisible throughout treatment.

What can be treated with fixed braces?

Fixed braces can be used to correct many different orthodontic problems, including:

  • Twisted teeth
  • Gaps between the teeth
  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crooked teeth
  • Crossed teeth

Fixed braces can be used for moderate to severe orthodontic problems, which makes it an ideal choice for patients suffering with difficult conditions.

What are the benefits of fixed braces and their results?

Fixed braces can be treated many, many different orthodontic conditions, for beautiful straight smiles. However, the aesthetic value is only one benefit of straight teeth, as straight teeth are less prone to tooth decay, as bacteria and food debris is easily removed from straight teeth, whilst crooked teeth can harbor damaging dental material. If you would like more help and information about fixed braces pop in and meet the team at Liverpool Dental Spa.


Dealing with bad breath in the city of Liverpool

October 24th, 2013

Bad breath isn’t just an annoying fact of life and could in fact be an indication of oral health problems.

What dental health problems could cause my bad breath?

Tooth decay is one of the main causes of bad breath. Decay occurs when plaque is allowed to build up on the teeth, which results in small holes called cavities. These cavities, if left untreated, can quickly grow, resulted in even larger holes. A rotten tooth will most definitely smell and your bad breath could be an indication that decay has developed in your mouth.

However, problems with the gums could also be a culprit and the decay that broke your tooth could also be damaging your gums after spreading their infection. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, with symptoms such as bleeding gums and early indication of the problem. If gingivitis is left without dental treatment it then can progress into periodontitis, which can greatly damage the gums, causing the tissue to come away from the teeth, creating a build up of pus and even damaging the jaw bone. If your breath is especially smelly and you have noticed pockets opening up around the base of your teeth this could be the culprit and you should visit the dentist immediately for treatment.

Other, less serious/scary reasons for bad breath

Bacteria collecting on the tongue, even after you’ve brushed your teeth can also cause bad breath. 80%of bad breath is caused by the large amount of bacteria on the back of your tongue. Bacteria here is often ignored and not included in the day-to-day oral health routine. A simple plastic tongue scraper can remove a large part of that plaque, freeing the mouth from bad breath causing bacteria. This in turn can improve the health of your mouth, as less bacteria is able to move from your tongue to your teeth, so less bacteria is able to affect the health of your teeth. For more help and information about dealing with bad breath contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa.



How Does Sculptra Work For Patients In The Heart Of Liverpool?

October 22nd, 2013

As we age the face loses some of its definition and smoothness. However, today there are a number of innovative facial treatments available to return the volume and glow to your skin. One such effective treatment includes Sculptra, a new long-lasting treatment for the rejuvenation of many facial areas.

What is Sculptra and how does it work?

Sculptra is an injectable procedure made from poly-L-Latic acid, which helps in the replacement of lost collagen. Sculptra can be used to plump up facial wrinkles and folds, to enhance the appearance of the face for a rejuvenated look. Sculptra is injected into the problem areas over the course of a few months, with results that can last for two years.

What is the difference between Sculptra and other facial rejuvenation treatments?

Sculptra differs from other treatments such as Botox, as, although results take slightly longer to develop, they also last a great deal longer. Botox results last around 3-5 months, while the results of Sculptra can last for up to 2 years. Sculptra is also more subtle than dermal fillers and Botox and combines rejuvenation with aging gracefully. The changes are subtle, but mean that those who have the treatment needn’t worry about that ‘tight’, ‘pulled-back’ look or the dreaded ‘trout-pout’.

What can Sculptra be used to treat?

Sculptra can be used to treat:

  • The deep folds leading from the mouth to the nose (nasolabial folds), which are also known as ‘smile lines’.
  • Marionette lines, which are the lines that frame the mouth.
  • Wrinkles around the chin.

Sculptra is the treatment of choice for patients looking for a small amount of enhancement, to highlight their natural beauty instead of changing it. If you are interested in Sculptra please visit or call the clinic, we would be happy to help you find the ideal facial rejuvenation treatment for you at Liverpool Dental Spa.






Sedation And Dental Phobia In Liverpool

October 17th, 2013

Dental phobia can often immobilize sufferers from seeking the dental treatment they desperately need. Teeth, unlike the rest of the body, are unable to heal by themselves and need the assistance of a dentist. However, dentistry has moved on from the scary days of barbershop dentists and today’s dentist are trained in the care of nervous or dental phobic patients. Treatments have also improved, becoming faster, gentler and more efficient. Dental sedation has also proved to be a massive boon to dental phobic patients, allowing them to have treatment free of anxiety and pain.

What is dental sedation?

Dental sedation is an intravenous solution, which gently eases the patient into a state of pain-free calm. The patient is awake during treatment, but doesn’t feel any pain or feel an anxiety. They are fully conscious and able to breathe by themselves and to interact with their dentist, but throughout and after treatment they feel no negative emotions. Although the patient isn’t unconscious for their treatment it is recommended that a friend or family member accompany them home, as they may feel mildly disorientated afterwards.

Helping dental phobic patients receive treatment

Dental phobia can greatly affect a person’s health and well being, with dental problems only likely to get worse without the aid of a qualified dentist. Sedation and gentle dentistry helps nervous patients receive the treatment they need, free of stress and pain. Sedation is available at our clinic, along with an eager ear to listen to all your worries and queries and patient and gentle dentistry to help you feel confident during your time at the practice.

If you would like more information about dental sedation please do not hesitate to ask for a consultation at the practice in Liverpool. We would be very happy to help you achieve the smile and dental health you deserve, free from pain and worry.


An Innovative Way To Wear Dentures

October 15th, 2013

Dentures can help restore full missing arches of teeth, but often their functionality is lacking and patients suffer problems with loose dentures while eating and talking. Loose dentures also cause sores within the mouth, which cause further difficulties and discomfort whilst eating.

Dental implants for dentures

However, a new solution has been found, which beats pastes and adhesives down flat. Dental implants are one of the most innovative and effective dental treatments, providing a secure and stable base upon which dentures can sit.

What are dental implants and what can they do for my dentures?

Dental implants are small titanium posts, which are inserted into the jawbone. These posts are then left to fuse and become part of the bone, creating what is essentially a replacement tooth root. 4 to 6 dental implants are used when stabilizing dentures. These are fitted into the jawbone and left to heal, after which a denture can be attached. Dental implants hold the denture in place, preventing all movement and looseness to help you eat, smile and talk with confidence and ease.

How can dental implants improve the health of my mouth?

Loose dentures not only rub against the gums they also rub against the jawbone. This wears away the bones, which is why loose dentures have to be replaced so often, as the wearing of the dentures continually changes the mouth. Dental implants prevent this jawbone erosion and actually strengthen the jawbone, enabling you to use your jaws with full confidence and in turn saving you money, as if well maintain dental implants can last a lifetime.

If you are interested in stabilizing your denture we would be happy to provide you with advice and information, as well as a consultation if you feel the treatment is for you here at Liverpool dental spa.





Dealing With Jaw Problems in Liverpool

October 10th, 2013

Our jaws are continually working, helping us to talk, laugh, eat, bite and chew. Over time this maintained use sometimes lead to painful problems, which may hinder our jaws in their day-to-day use.

Indications of jaw problems

Regular clicking of the jaw and sore joints may be indications that problems may be occurring. Other problems with the jaw, however, may occur due to other situations, which may have nothing to do with the function of the jaw. These problems tend to be of a bacterial and infectious nature and can occur due to poor oral hygiene.

Poor oral hygiene and your jawbones

When oral hygiene becomes lax dental bacteria is able to penetrate the tooth enamel, infecting the pulp inside, leading to decay, pus and infection. This, if left untreated, can often lead to tooth loss, followed by the spread of the infection. This movement of the infection attacks the gums beneath the tooth after which is attacks the jawbone. Tooth decay and gum disease start small, but can easily spread if problems are left unchecked and if gingivitis is left to develop into periodontitis it can affect the jaw bone to the point where surgery is required. Maintaining a good dental hygiene of brushing and flossing the teeth can ensure that no such problems can occur, keeping the teeth, gums and jaws strong and healthy.

If you are worried about pain around your jaw joints, or are concerned about the spread of infection from a damaged tooth then we would be more than happy to see you and help you recover your dental health.  Problems with the jaw can often affect the way a person eats, so it is within the best interests of your overall health to maintain the health of your whole mouth, including the jawbones. For more information contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in Liverpool.



Create A Celebrity Smile In Central Liverpool

October 8th, 2013

For a number of year’s celebrities has the monopoly on effective and innovative dental treatments. However, today, beautiful new smiles are available for all, with smile makeover produces such as Da Vinci veneers for the transformation of smiles.

What are Da Vinci Veneers?

Da Vinci veneers are composed of wafer thin porcelain shells, which are fitted over the natural teeth with a strong dental adhesive. Each Da Vinci veneer is crafted and created at the Da Vinci laboratory in California, custom fitted to the patient’s mouth, teeth, and facial appearance. Da Vinci veneers are a smile makeover treatment with 25 years of smile transformation history. One of the first choices for celebrity smiles and continually used on ABC’s ‘Extreme Makeover’,   Da Vinci veneers are the veneers of choice for a Hollywood smile.

How do Da Vinci veneers differ from other veneers?

Da Vinci veneers differ from other veneer products in many different ways, including:

  • They are thinner and therefore require only a small amount of dental tissue in comparison with other veneers.
  • They are very resistant to chipping and staining, which often ruins other veneers.
  • They have a longer life-span than other veneers, meaning you can keep your beautiful smile for much, much longer.

What can Da Vinci veneers do for my smile?

Da Vinci veneers can be used to treat many varying aesthetic dental problems, which include:

  • Deep staining caused by tobacco, drinks or medication: Some staining cannot be removed with a dental hygienist clean or tooth whitening, but veneers cover the tooth, meaning they can completely change its colour.
  • Gaps between the teeth: Gaps between the teeth can be corrected using braces, but this can often take months to achieve, as well as causing pain and embarrassment for the wearer. Dental veneers can fit and fill out small gaps to completely transform your smile without the use of wires and brackets.
  • Chipped, cracked teeth: If a tooth, especially a front tooth, has suffered cracking or chipping then a Da Vinci Veneer is a fast and beautiful solution to the problem.

If you would like more information about veneer treatment why not give us a call at Liverpool Dental Spa in Liverpool city centre.




Sort Out Your Gum Line With Our Innovative Treatment For Patients In Liverpool

October 3rd, 2013

A smile makeover often doesn’t just involve the appearance of your teeth. For some people the main problem with their smile may involve their gums and how they affect the overall look of their teeth and mouth. One such aesthetic gum problem may involve a ‘gummy smile’, which occurs when the gum line is low down on the teeth, meaning more gum than teeth show when you smile, making your teeth look smaller. However, there are now treatments available for those who dislike the appearance of their ‘gummy smiles’.

Treatment for ‘gummy smiles’

Gum contouring is the easiest and most effective treatment for smiles with low gum lines. The procedure involves cutting away the excess gum that sits low down on your teeth. This tissue is cut away either with a sharp scalpel, which requires a small amount of post treatment, or cut away with a laser, which provides a clean cut and much shorter healing times. Once your gums have healed your smile will have a better gum to teeth ration and no marks will remain of the treatment.

Small teeth and cosmetic treatments

Another reason for small looking teeth could be the teeth themselves. If your teeth are a little short due to accident or tooth erosion cosmetic treatments such as veneers or composite bonding can be added to the teeth to length them and improve their overall appearance.

If you would like more information on aesthetic treatments to shorten gums or lengthen teeth please feel free to visit the practice today in central Liverpool. We would be happy to discuss your needs and what you would like from your smile.


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern