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Treatments For Jaw Joint Pain In The Centre Of Liverpool

April 28th, 2014

The jaw is used repeatedly throughout the day, every day. When you eat, speak, sneeze and yawn, your jaw comes under pressure and constant use can take its toll. We offer relief for jaw pain and can help you to enjoy day to day life without any pain or discomfort.

What causes jaw pain?

There are many different things that may cause jaw pain, from an injury or an accident, to overuse and clenching or grinding the teeth. Teeth grinding is a very common problem, which is often linked to anxiety and stress. Many people grind their teeth during the night without even realizing and this can cause them to suffer headaches, jaw pain, stiffness and earaches.

What can be done for jaw pain?

There are various treatments, which may help to reduce and prevent jaw pain, from taking pain relief to wearing a protective guard during the night. Once we have identified the cause of the pain, we can discuss treatment options with you. Often, it is best to address issues as early as possible to prevent any problems from getting worse and save you from suffering.

What are the symptoms of jaw problems?

If you experience clicking or popping noises when you open or close your jaw, you have a limited range of movement around the jaw, you have pain around the joint or headaches or earache and you suffer from more intense pain when you open your mouth or bite down when you chew, we may be able to help. Jaw pain can have a negative impact on your everyday life, as the jaw is used so frequently and we can help to identify a solution.


The Popularity Of Removable Braces In Liverpool

April 19th, 2014

Removable braces are very popular, especially for patients with more minor orthodontic issues which do not require a huge amount of tooth movement. Removable braces have a number of advantages and we are delighted to offer some of the world’s removable brace systems, including Invisalign, Perfect Clear and Clearstep.

What are the benefits of removable braces?

Many patients prefer a removable appliance, rather than a fixed brace, because this option gives them more flexibility and control. Removable braces can also be better for oral health because you can continue brushing your teeth in the same way as before you started treatment and there is no concern about getting food stuck in the brace, as it is removed when you eat.

Removable braces are also easy to clean and maintain and they do not leave marks on your teeth, which is a risk with fixed braces due to the adhesive used to stick the brace to the teeth.

Our treatments

We offer some of the world’s most popular removable brace treatments, including Clearstep and Invisalign, which use a series of bespoke aligners to reposition the teeth and produce a gorgeous new smile without anyone else even being able to notice the brace. These aligner systems are a great choice for people who are image conscious and those who are worried about the stigma associated with wearing a highly visible brace.

Are removable braces suitable for everyone?

Removable braces are suitable for most people, but there may be scenarios when a fixed brace would be preferable. This is usually the case when a patient has more complex needs and more intensive treatment is required. During your consultation, we carry out checks to make sure that removable braces are viable and we will also discuss other options and possibilities with you to help you choose the treatment that suits you best.

The Wand System For Nervous Patients In Liverpool

April 17th, 2014

Dental anxiety is very common and one of the main causes is a fear of needles and injections. In order to combat this problem and make dental treatment less daunting, we offer The Wand, a painless injection system.

What is The Wand?

The Wand is a painless injection treatment, which is suitable for children and adults. The Wand is a device, which looks very similar to a pen, which is attached to a small computer, which controls the flow of the fluid inside the needle.

Often, injections are painful because the needle is pushed too quickly or there is a sudden burst of fluid. With The Wand, the speed of the flow is controlled by the computer, so there is no risk of it being delivered too fast, making for a much more comfortable experience.

What are the benefits of The Wand?

For many people the mere sight of a needle is enough to make them feel nervous and The Wand looks much less intimidating than a normal injection. Although a needle is still used, it is hidden and the device just looks like any old normal pen. The Wand also eliminates the risk of a painful injection because the process of injecting the patient is controlled entirely by the computer.

At Liverpool Dental Spa, we understand that having dental treatment makes many patients scared and anxious and we have many years of experience in treating nervous patients. In addition to The Wand, we also offer sedation to make treatment more comfortable and reduce anxiety in the lead-up to treatment, as well as during the procedure.

If you are a nervous patient, we can help! Please call our friendly receptionists today to book your consultation and find out how we could help you to overcome your nerves.

Cerec Restoration For Patients In The City Of Liverpool

April 15th, 2014

We offer Cerec technology for same-day restorative treatment. Now, you can enjoy all the benefits of crown, inlay and onlay treatment in a single visit!

What is Cerec?

Cerec is a form of technology, which allows us to offer same-day restorative treatment. Usually, it takes around two weeks to get a new crown, but with Cerec, we can design, process and fit a new crown all in the same session, saving you time and making treatment much more convenient.

Cerec uses state of the art software to convert images of the teeth into detailed 3D images, which are used to design your bespoke restoration. These designs are then sent to the milling site, where the restoration is processed. It takes a matter of minutes to create the new restoration and one it’s ready, it can then be fitted.

Cerec restorations

We use Cerec to create bespoke crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays.

Advantages of Cerec

The main advantage of Cerec is speed, but there are many other benefits. The treatment process is quicker, but it is also easier and much less messy, as there is no need for putty moulds or impressions. Many people dislike the process of creating a putty mould, especially those with a sensitive gag reflex, so Cerec is a great option in this case. The whole process can be completed in a single session, which means less time in the dental chair, fewer injections and greater convenience, as you do not have find time to schedule two separate appointments; you can also enjoy the benefits of your permanent restoration without having to have a temporary one first.

Cerec treatment also improves accuracy and gives dentists greater say in the design process.

If you would like to find out more about Cerec and how you could benefit from same-day restorative treatment, contact us today!

Signs, Symptoms And Treatment For Gum Disease In The Heart Of Liverpool

April 13th, 2014

Gum disease can potentially be very serious. We offer gum disease treatment, as well as preventative care to help lower the risk of gum disease and keep you pain-free.

About gum disease

Gum disease is a very common oral health problem and if it is left untreated, it can result in tooth loss. There are two types of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontal disease. Gingivitis is the mild form of gum disease and it can be treated with good oral hygiene and thorough cleaning. Periodontal disease is a serious form of gum disease, which cause irreversible damage to the mouth and often results in early loss of the teeth.

Gum disease is commonly caused by plaque, which is made up of bacteria, saliva and food debris. When you eat, the bacteria release acids, known as plaque acids, which irritate the gums and cause them to swell. Regular cleaning treatments, dental checks and twice daily brushing can help to prevent gum disease.

What are the signs and symptoms of gum disease?

One of the most common and easily identifiable symptoms of gum disease is bleeding when you brush. Other common symptoms of gum disease include sore and swollen gums and increased tenderness and redness in the gums.

What can be done for gum disease?

Gingivitis can usually be treated effectively with good oral hygiene at home and an intensive cleaning treatment, which is designed to remove plaque from the teeth and gum line.

Unfortunately, treatment for periodontal disease is not as straightforward and requires a long-tern treatment plan. We provide regular cleaning treatments, including intensive periodontal cleaning, and we are here every step of the way to help relieve pain and ensure that the problem gets better, not worse.

If you have any questions about gum disease prevention or treatment, do not hesitate to give us a call.

Introducing Clearstep Clear Aligners To Patients In Liverpool

April 11th, 2014

If you’re looking for a brace, which straightens the teeth without impacting upon the look of your smile, allow us to introduce you to Clearstep.

What is Clearstep?

Clearstep is a clear brace system, which uses removable aligners to gently move and reposition the teeth. Clearstep is a discreet alternative to fixed braces, which enables you to enjoy an amazing new smile without worrying about how your smile looks or what other people think about your braces when you have treatment.

Clearstep offers many advantages because the aligners are light and they use gentle forces, which helps to reduce discomfort. Once you get used to wearing the aligners and remembering to swap them every fortnight, the treatment process is very simple and the results are great!

The Clearstep process

Clearstep treatment involves wearing a series of aligners, rather than a single appliance. Each aligner is worn for around 2 weeks and the series continues until treatment is complete; all the aligners are different and the aim is to guide the teeth into the correct position. Clearstep aligners are taken out to eat and clean the teeth.

Who is the best candidate for Clearstep treatment?

Clearstep is ideal for patients with moderate or minor orthodontic issues who are looking for a more discreet solution than fixed braces. Removable braces are a popular choice because they give your more flexibility and make tasks, such as eating and brushing your teeth, easy. If you have complex issues, which need a lot of movement, this may not be the best option, but our dentists will be happy to go through other treatments with you. We do not generally recommend Clearstep for patients under the age of 14 years old.

Treating Broken Teeth In Central Liverpool

April 9th, 2014

Your teeth carry out a number of important actions every day and occasionally, they can suffer from wear and tear. If you have a chipped tooth, you may be thinking about restorative or cosmetic treatment and we highly recommend cosmetic bonding.

What is cosmetic bonding?

Cosmetic bonding is also known as composite bonding and it is a procedure used to strengthen damaged teeth and enhance the aesthetic of the smile. Dental composite is matched to the colour of your natural teeth and it can be moulded into shape when in putty form, which means that it is a very versatile treatment. Your dentist can use composite to improve the shape of a tooth, repair chipped teeth, build up a worn tooth surface and even make a gap between two teeth smaller. Once the putty-like composite has been shaped, it is then hardened to make the tooth stronger.

The procedure

Before the procedure, your dentist will explain what is going to happen and then shape the composite to address your concerns; this may involve filling in a chipped tooth or placing the composite between two teeth, for example. The composite is closely matched to the shade of your teeth and it has a range of uses.

Once your dentist is happy with the placement and shape of the composite, they will shine a curing light onto the material to set it hard. Once the composite is hard, it is very strong and should last for a long time. Your dentist will then give your tooth a polish and you can see your amazing new smile.

What are the advantages of cosmetic bonding?

The changes made by this procedure are usually fairly minor, but the impact on the look of the smile is really impressive. Even a small chip can make you feel self-conscious when you smile and this treatment can really work wonders to make sure that you feel confident when you smile. The actual procedure usually takes less than an hour, it’s painless and you will be able to notice the results straightaway. This treatment is also a much more affordable option than veneers and other types of restorative treatment.

We Offer Permanent Solutions For Missing Teeth In Liverpool City Centre

April 7th, 2014

At Liverpool Dental Spa we offer a range of options for patients with missing teeth, including the amazing implant-retained dentures.

What are implant-retained dentures?

Implant-retained dentures are dentures, which are held in place by dental implants. This treatment combines the best aspects of denture and implant treatment to provide patients with a truly amazing alternative to natural teeth.

Dental implants provide maximum support for the denture, which enables patients to enjoy all the functionality of a healthy set of natural teeth. Gone are the days when having dentures meant you needed to watch you eat or worry about the denture slipping. With implants, there is no risk of a denture coming loose and the implants provide such strong anchorage that you can eat any food you like without any concerns.

The procedure

The first stage of the procedure is to fit the dental implants. This involves making a small incision in the gum and lifting the tissue to access the jaw bone. A small hole is drilled into the bone and this acts as a socket for the new implant. Once the implant is in place, the gum flap is closed and the incision is stitched and left to heal.

Once the implants have integrated into the jaw bone (this is known as osseointegration), the denture can then be connected and your new smile will be complete!

Am I a suitable candidate for implant-retained dentures?

If you have a large number of missing teeth, you have had problems with dentures in the past or you are looking for a long-term, effective solution for missing teeth, implant-retained dentures could be an excellent option. If you’re interested in this treatment, we can talk you through the process, answer any questions and ensure that you are a suitable candidate for treatment during your consultation.


We Offer Sweden’s Own Restylane Dermal Fillers In Liverpool

April 3rd, 2014

We are always on the lookout for new, innovative treatments and we are delighted to offer our clients the amazing Restylane facial rejuvenation treatment. Restylane was developed in Sweden and uses substances found naturally in the body to revive and rejuvenate the skin, giving you a healthy, gorgeous glow.

What is Restylane?

Restylane is a type of filler treatment, which uses hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the human body, to add bounce and vigour to the skin. Restylane is injected into the skin using a very find needle and the results of treatment tend to last around 6-9 months.

Restylane is a very popular treatment for patients who have facial lines and wrinkles, dull and sunken skin and thin lips. The filler adds more volume and definition to the skin, creating younger looking skin and reducing the visibility of lines and wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and between the nose and mouth.

Is Restylane safe?

Restylane contains natural ingredients and is considered to be a safe facial treatment. Our staff members have training and experience in facial treatment and will use their expertise to give your complexion a beautiful, natural looking glow.

Who can benefit from Restylane treatment?

This is an ideal solution for people who are looking to roll back the years and give their complexion a youthful boost without having invasive treatment. The procedure only takes around 15-30 minutes and you can choose whether or not to have repeat treatment sessions in the future.

We Offer Discreet And Removable Clear Braces In The Heart Of Liverpool

April 1st, 2014

At Liverpool Dental Spa we know that our patients want to look and feel great and we offer some amazing, discreet orthodontic treatments. One of our most popular treatments is Invisalign, a treatment, which has helped to create thousands of beautiful smiles all over the world.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a very popular alternative to traditional fixed braces and a great option for patients who are interested in discreet orthodontic treatment. This system differs to traditional braces because it uses removable aligners, rather than a fixed appliance made from brackets and wires. Invisalign aligners work in order, with each appliance in place for two weeks; all the aligners are slightly different and by the time you take out your last aligner, your smile should be beautifully straight.

Invisalign is suitable for a wide range of patients, including those with minor or moderate issues, such as crowding, problems with the bite and crooked teeth.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign treatment is planned in advance using the latest 3D imaging software. This software plots tooth movement based on images and impressions of the patient’s mouth and the aligners are designed based on this plan. Each aligner is worn for 2 weeks and there is a set order, which is designed to move the teeth gradually.

The aligners are removable and this means that you can eat without any problems and clean your teeth in the normal way.

Is Invisalign the right choice for me?

Invisalign offers an amazing array of benefits for patients of all ages. The aligners are made from transparent plastic, which means that they cannot be seen by others and they offer more freedom than a fixed brace. They are also very light and comfortable and they fit easily into your everyday life.

To determine whether this is the right choice for you, call us today to arrange a consultation!


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern