Our main aim is to protect beautiful smiles against dreaded dental diseases and we are always here to offer advice to patients as well as provide them with the latest preventative and general dental services. If you want to protect your smile, here are some simple tips to help you:
See your dentist every six months
Going to regular check-ups is really important not just for your oral health, but for your general health too. Check-ups enable us to spot signs of dental disease early on and this means we can treat problems before they get worse. We can also offer helpful advice about oral hygiene and healthy eating to keep you on track in your fight against decay and gum disease. We also recommend an annual session with our outstanding dental hygienists. This will help to reduce your risk of dental disease as well as giving your smile a beautiful shine.
Look out for symptoms and warning signs
If you notice changes in your mouth, experience dental pain or have symptoms such as bleeding gums, don’t ignore them. There is every chance there may be nothing to worry abut, but it’s always best to get checked out just in case.
Keep up with good oral hygiene habits
No matter how much you’re rushing around to get out in the mornings or into bed after a night out, it’s essential to keep up good oral hygiene habits. Dedicate two minutes every morning and evening to brushing and flossing and you’ll be doing your teeth and gums the world of good.
Be strict with sugar
We all love a sugary treat from time to time, but spare a thought for your teeth when you’re tucking into a bag of sweets or a can of pop. Sugar contributes to acid erosion of the tooth enamel, a major cause of decay and gum disease, so watch how much you consume and try to stick to the recommended daily intake. It’s fine to indulge in a treat now and again, but sugary foods should never form the bulk of your diet. Wait an hour before brushing and rinse with water after eating or drinking anything sugary. Try to avoid eating between meals so that your enamel has chance to recover during the day.