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How to Deal with a Dental Emergency

June 14th, 2016

Most people are aware that if they need urgent medical help, they call 999 and an ambulance arrives, but what happens if you have a dental crisis in Liverpool?

What to do if you have a dental emergency

If you’re in pain, have an accident or injure your tooth and need urgent help, call us and we will do everything we can to see you as soon as possible.

Dental injuries

Types of dental injury include:

  • dislodged tooth (also known as avulsion)
  • severe dental pain
  • broken tooth
  • dental abscess

If you have lost a tooth through a sports injury or as a result of a fall, it may be possible for us to save the tooth, so call us as quickly as you can. If we are able to see you quickly enough, we will implant the tooth back into the socket and patch you up in no time.

Whatever your injury, we will do our best to remedy your pain and make you feel comfortable as soon as possible. If you need treatment and you are anxious, we can offer sedation. Sedation is a technique that enables patients to feel more relaxed and calmer during a procedure.

Dental Implants to Restore Your Smile

June 10th, 2016

Dental implants are a way of replacing missing teeth. There are a number of ways and methods in which implants can be fitted and they can vary from patient to patient. This blog looks at root-form implants and plate-form implants.

Root-form implants

Sometimes referred to as root-form endosseous implants, these tooth implants are connected to the bone of your jaw. It is then possible for singular or multiple implants to be installed. The root-form process is a common method of implants and can be in two forms – screw or cylinder. These implants work through a small screw or cylinder that is inserted into the gum and then fuses with the jaw bone during the healing process. Once healed there is a fixture is attached that will connect the new teeth. One of the first procedures will be to make incisions into the area of the gums that are receiving the treatment.

During this time the dentist will insert the implant device then stitch the area shut. This healing process can take up to six months, during which the implant will begin to fuse to the jaw bone. When you return your dentist will check the screw or cylinder has attached itself to the bone by opening the previous wounds, once they are satisfied they will proceed to attach a fixture that will allow the replacement teeth to be attached. Root-form implants are very common but they rely on the jaw bone being dense enough to hold the implant. If your dentist feels the jaw bone is too narrow they can offer an alternative treatment.

Plate-form implants

The plate-form implants are initially intended for patients whose jaw bone may be too narrow for a root-form implant. These are flat and long plates that can be attached to the bone of the jaw. The installation and treatment process is very similar way to the process of root-form implants.

The Relationship Between Oral Health and Weight Loss

June 8th, 2016

It may seem odd to link oral health and weight loss, but many of the foods that contribute to weight gain also increase the risk of oral health problems. Choosing to lose weight can therefore also improve your oral health as well as your general health.

Eating and oral health

Your body relies on the foods you eat to get all the nutrients it needs to function properly. Some foods are much more beneficial than others, while eating certain foods on a regular basis can increase the risk of health complications. Foods that are high in sugar increase the risk of oral health diseases, including tooth decay and gum disease, because they cause bacteria in the mouth to produce harmful plaque acids that assault the defensive enamel exterior of the teeth. Once the enamel is damaged, it cannot be regenerated and so the tooth is left susceptible to damage and decay.

Eating a lot of sugary foods also increases the chance of weight gain, as these foods are often high in calories and if you take in more calories than you use, this leads to weight gain. Foods that are high in sugar include cakes, biscuits, sweets and chocolate. Studies have also shown that poor oral health is linked to an increased risk of serious health problems, including heart disease and strokes, both of which are also associated with obesity.

Losing weight

Losing weight is notoriously difficult, but it can be done and the winning formula is very simple. In the vast majority of cases, eating fewer calories and increasing the sum of exercise you do will help you to lose weight. Healthy eating is very important as a good, balanced diet will provide your body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs. A good diet should include foods from all the major food groups, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fruits and vegetables. The bulk of your diet should be made up from complex carbohydrates such as potatoes, cereals, bread, rice, pasta, fruit and vegetables.

Most people enjoy a sweet treat now and again but it is important to keep an eye on the amount of sugar you consume, as taking in large amounts of sugar will damage your teeth and increase the risk of developing serious illnesses such as diabetes.

The Brilliant Benefits of White Fillings

June 6th, 2016

White fillings are an aesthetically-pleasing and healthier option for filling tooth cavities, replacing traditional metal amalgam fillings. At Liverpool Dental Spa we recommend white fillings to our patients who need this treatment for the following reasons:

White fillings look and feel like natural teeth

White fillings may consist of porcelain ceramics or white dental composite, filling teeth cavities or cracks so that the difference between the filling and natural tooth is barely noticeable. Nowadays, white fillings are chosen because they are aesthetically fine and maintain a beautiful, natural-looking smile. The surfaces of fillings are made smooth and polished to look and feel good.

White filling material is safer for health and environment

The white porcelain ceramics or dental composite resin is a healthier and more environmentally-friendly option than amalgam fillings, which historically contained toxicity-producing mercury. White fillings are made through special processes for effective dental function and durability.

White fillings effectively restore teeth

Teeth that have cavities or are chipped or broken, may be filled with a white filling to strengthen tooth structure, preventing infection and tooth decay. White fillings may be used as tooth restorations for dental inlays, tooth caps and crowns. The type of white filling may differ depending on if the filling is in the front or back teeth.

Dental composite can be used to mask tooth discolouration

Stained and discoloured teeth may be masked with dental veneers made of dental composite or porcelain for beautiful white-looking teeth. Existing teeth may be whitened with teeth whitening but not dental restorations.

White fillings may be combined with other dental treatments

Some people have partial missing teeth and their own existing teeth. White fillings make teeth look natural and fit in well with other dental devices such as partial dentures and bridges. For more information on white filling treatment, please contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa.

Sound Solutions to Sleep Problems

June 2nd, 2016

Nothing makes for a worse start to the day than an interrupted night of sleep and we are here to help ease your sleep woes and ensure you can enjoy restful nights, every night.

Sleep and dental health

Often, sleep issues are linked to stress and anxiety and these can take their toll on your dental health as well. Tooth grinding, also known as bruxism, is commonly associated with stress and many people find that they clench their teeth together in their sleep when they are under pressure at work, have an important meeting or interviews coming up or are facing stressful times in their relationships. Tooth grinding is a subconscious action and it occurs during the night when you sleep. The most common signs of tooth grinding include headaches and earaches, usually in the morning, jaw pain and stiffness and increased tension in and around the muscles in the jaw. There is also a danger of damage and wear to the teeth, which occurs as a result of the top and bottom rows of teeth clashing against each other.


Snoring is another common cause of interrupted sleep and it can really take its toll if you find yourself lying awake and listening to the sound of somebody snoring every night. Snoring occurs when the soft tissue at the back of the mouth vibrates and is linked to being overweight, smoking, drinking alcohol and sleeping position. Many people also snore temporarily when they have a cough or cold and are feeling congested.

How we can help

If bruxism is identified as a possible cause of disturbed sleep, we can help by providing patients with a custom-made bite guard, which sits over the teeth and prevents contact between the upper and lower arches. We can also offer advice about dealing with stress and anxiety.

For snoring, we can provide an appliance that helps to hold the jaw in a forward position. This ensures that the airways remain open while you sleep. We can also offer advice about healthy lifestyle choices that may help to prevent snoring.

What To Do About Wisdom Teeth

May 26th, 2016

The wisdom teeth have a bad name because they can be painful. If you have troublesome wisdom teeth, are in pain and you need help, we’re here for you! Simply call to make an appointment and we’ll fit you in as soon as we can.

About wisdom teeth

Our wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt. They are also known as the third molars and are located at the very back of the mouth, in the four corners. Most people start to get their wisdom teeth from the age of 16, but the time they develop varies hugely. Some people don’t get their wisdom teeth until they reach their 20s. Often, the wisdom teeth don’t cause any problems, but if there’s not enough space in the jaw for them to grow properly, they can start to develop at an angle and push against the neighbouring teeth, which can cause discomfort.

What are the options for painful wisdom teeth?

If your wisdom teeth are causing you pain, have started to push against your other teeth (i.e. have become impacted) or are decayed, it is usually best to take them out. You don’t need your wisdom teeth, so it’s usually better to extract them than leave them in if they are causing problems. If they are fine and you’re not in any pain, they can be left alone.

Wisdom tooth extraction is sometimes more complex than traditional extraction procedures because of the location of the teeth. They are harder to access than other teeth, and if they have started to grow at an angle, this can be particularly tricky. If you are having your teeth extracted, you will be cared for by one of our highly experienced dentists. Your tooth will be numbed completely before treatment so that you don’t feel a thing, and your dentist will do everything they can to ensure that you are comfortable throughout the entire procedure.

The Importance of Keeping Your Teeth Healthy and Clean

May 24th, 2016

Brushing your teeth helps to keep your smile looking healthy and bright, but there is so much more to teeth cleaning than this, and research has revealed that looking after your gums and teeth is more important than ever before.

Gum disease and general health

Studies have shown that oral health has a connection with general health and researchers have discovered that oral health issues, especially gum disease, can increase the risk of serious medical conditions. In studies conducted in the UK and America, researchers have found that poor oral health can increase the risk of strokes, heart disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Gum disease has also been linked to an increased risk of complications during pregnancy and premature birth.

The importance of oral hygiene for good oral health

The best way to keep oral health problems at bay is to adopt a good daily oral hygiene regime. Regular brushing removes food debris and bacteria from the teeth, preventing the formation of plaque. Plaque is a sticky film that adheres to the tooth surfaces and the gum line, increasing the risk of gum disease and dental decay.

Good oral hygiene also helps to keep bad breath at bay and ensures that your teeth feel smooth and look white and healthy.

Preventing oral health problems

It’s really easy to maintain good oral health and you only need to dedicate 5 minutes per day to your oral health routine to notice the benefits. Brushing twice a day and flossing helps to rid the mouth of potentially harmful bacteria, thus reducing the risk of gum disease, decay, bad breath and discolouration.

Watching what you eat can also make a huge difference to oral health. Foods that contain sugar and acidic foods and drinks are bad news for your teeth because they can cause enamel wear. This is because the bacteria in your mouth feed on sugars and this causes them to release acids that attack the enamel outer layer of the teeth.

Another great way to reduce the risk of oral health issues and boost the appearance of your smile is to see your dentist for regular routine check-ups. Seeing a dental hygienist is also really beneficial, especially if you are prone to plaque or tartar build-up, you have a high risk of gum disease or you suffer from bad breath.

Dazzle All Summer Long with Dermal Fillers

May 20th, 2016

We are delighted to offer the latest non-surgical anti-ageing innovations in the heart of Liverpool, including dazzling dermal fillers. If you’re eager to roll back the years and enjoy a brighter, smoother complexion, what are you waiting for? Call us now to book your consultation.

About dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are injected into the skin to produce anti-ageing effects. They can be used to add volume to the skin, bring out the facial features and reduce the visibility of fine lines, facial folds and wrinkles.

We use an injectable filler treatment called Restylane, which was developed in Sweden and has since become incredibly popular in the UK and USA. Restylane contains ingredients that are found naturally in the body, such as hyaluronic acid, to boost the skin safely. This product does not contain any animal ingredients and is tried and tested.

Restylane is most commonly used on the forehead, in the folds between the nose and mouth and between the eyes. It can also be used to add plumpness to the lips for a fuller pout.

What does treatment involve?

The simplicity of Restylane treatment makes it very appealing. Treatment sessions are usually complete within 30 minutes and the injections are painless. Unlike surgical treatments, the risk of side-effects is low and recovery time is extremely short. You can return back to work straight after your appointment if you wish to.

In the case of lip treatment, the skin is very fragile, so injections can be painful. For this reason, we numb the lips prior to treatment.

If you’re searching for natural looking-results without the risks or long-term commitment of surgery, Restylane treatment could be just what you’ve been looking for. The procedure is safe and simple and the results are temporary, usually lasting up to nine months. Call now to find out more and see if Restylane treatment is for you.

How to Make Brushing Fun for Your Children

May 18th, 2016

It is quite an exciting time for both children and parents when kids start to learn how to take on more responsibilities. Starting off with their first steps and words, then onto potty training and later learning about general and dental hygiene, a child can progress quickly and thoroughly if they have a good teacher.

It doesn’t have to be a chore!

A general rule of thumb is to brush your children’s teeth until they are seven years of age and then show them how to do it themselves. There are many ways to make something as mundane as brushing teeth entertaining for your children. The best way to teach them how to take care of themselves is by making the chore fun!

Another approach to encouraging your children to brush their teeth correctly is to create a positive environment. When you show enthusiasm, your child will follow suit, so why not entertain while you brush, by tap dancing, singing, or making jokes? You could also find a radio or CD player that plays their favourite music, as a reward for brushing their teeth.

Enhance their enjoyment of teeth brushing, by turning it into a number game, counting up to ten for each part of the mouth they clean. This will also allow them to know when the tooth brushing will end and thus they won’t become as restless and fidgety, wondering when the chore of tooth brushing will be over.

The key to teaching your children great hygiene practices is to make it fun. You can make your own technique, tweak it to their personality and observe the results!

Which Celebrities Give You #SmileGoals?

May 16th, 2016

Many people are encouraged to have dental work after seeing the success of the latest treatments on celebrity smiles.

Celebrity magazines are always full of stories about celebrities and their latest cosmetic surgery procedures. Many younger stars don’t need the usual types of cosmetic treatments, such as face lifts or Botox, but cosmetic dental treatment is very popular among celebrities of all ages. Many are happy to admit in the press that they have had treatment, while others try and keep it secret, despite the evidence to the contrary!

Seeing how successful a procedure like braces, veneers or whitening has been on a celebrity can inspire patients to turn up at dental clinics requesting similar treatments, so that they can get the same smile and the same look as their favourite celebrity. Some of the brightest and most dazzling famous smiles have been given a helping hand by dental practitioners, including those of Miley Cyrus, Gwen Stefani and actress Katherine Heigel.

Who’s had what done?

Miley’s perfect smile was created with the help of a set of porcelain veneers, which can cover up minor imperfections in just one appointment, while Gwen and Katherine have both had orthodontic work to correct their crooked smiles. Katherine was treated using one of the new, modern types of invisible braces, while there are many pictures of Gwen with her traditional fixed braces, which helped to create the perfect smile we can all see today.

The Kate Middleton look

Often patients will come into clinics asking for a particular celebrity’s look, even if they don’t know what treatment they have had done! The Kate Middleton look is a popular request, as ladies all over the world want to copy her perfect princess smile.

Although all the reports are only tabloid gossip, Kate is rumoured to have had orthodontic work on her teeth, using the latest 3D technology to reduce the amount of time that the patient has to wear their braces. Comparing her engagement pictures with previous newspaper shots, it appears she has also had professional teeth whitening carried out. No doubt the Kate Middleton smile will be recreated in many mouths around the world!


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern