When you have your braces fitted for the first time or after a number of clinical appointments when the wires on your orthodontic braces have been tightened, it is common for your teeth and gums to become tender which can make eating certain foods tricky
We recommend that our cosmetic patients try and stay clear of certain foods which are likely to damage your braces, hard crusts on bread or pizza, crunchy raw carrots, apples and foods that are likely to stick to your teeth and brackets such as toffees.
Here at the Liverpool Dental Spa we don’t want our cosmetic patients to see this as a negative thing and challenge you to come up with a range of delicious and nutritious brace friendly recipes and share your ideas with us via our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/liverpooldental and see what other ideas our patients have come up with.
Tags: braces, clinical, cosmetic, dental, liverpool, liverpool dental spa, orthodontics