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How Liverpool Dental Spa can relax you before, during and after treatment

Did you know that dental phobia is one of the most common types of phobia among adults in the UK? If you’re anxious about having dental treatment or even sitting in the chair, Liverpool Dental Spa can help you to relax before, during and after treatment.

How we can help you to relax

We offer a wide range of modern dental treatments, which are designed to produce results with minimal discomfort and we also have a friendly, compassionate team on hand to provide expert care. As well as providing dental services, we also offer spa treatments, which can help to make you feel calm and relaxed before you see your dentist.

If you’re having treatment, and you’re anxious about the procedure, we may recommend sedation. Sedation is a technique, which is used commonly in medicine and dentistry. It helps you to feel completely relaxed while you have treatment and ensures that you don’t experience any pain. When you’re sedated, you’ll still be awake, but you will feel drowsy. Being sedated helps to prevent anxiety both before and during the procedure, as many patients find that they’re more comfortable with the idea of having treatment if they know they’re not going to feel any pain.

Often, our patients are fearful of treatment because of a phobia of needles. If this sounds familiar, we have just the solution for you. With The Wand, we can provide painless injections and help you to feel less anxious. The Wand is a device, which looks similar to a pen. It is controlled by a computer, which regulates the flow of liquid through the needle. It is very common for people to fear needles as a result of negative experiences in the past, and with The Wand, we can ensure that the process will be completely pain-free.

If you’re anxious about having dental treatment, why not come and see us and have a look around? You can meet the team and we’ll be happy to tell you all about our amazing treatments.

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