Many people feel very anxious when they have to go to the dentist and for some, the anxiety is so profound that they avoid going to the dentist for long periods of time, which pits their oral health at risk. We understand that for patients with severe nerves and dental phobia, a trip to the dentist is a daunting experience and we offer sedation to help make the treatment process less stressful and traumatic.
What is sedation?
Sedation is a treatment used to make the process of having dental treatment less daunting for nervous patients; it induces a state of deep relaxation and helps patients to feel calmer before and during treatment. Sedation is not the same as general anaesthetic because you do not lose consciousness during the procedure; you will be able to hear your dentist and speak to them if you wish, but you will not feel any pain and the chances are that you won’t remember much after the procedure.
What happens after treatment?
After treatment, the effects of the sedative will start to wear off; you will probably feel a little drowsy to begin with and we will keep you in to monitor you until you have come around and feel a little livelier. It is important to rest when you get home and you should arrange for somebody to give you a lift, as you will not be able to drive.
Who can benefit from sedation?
Sedation is very beneficial for nervous patients and patients who suffer from dental phobia. Sedative medication helps patients to feel relaxed and calm and it can also help to encourage patients who have not been to a dentist for a long time to pluck up the courage and have the treatment they need, as patients are comforted by the fact that they won’t feel anything during the procedure. Sedation may also be beneficial for patients with a sensitive gag reflex and those who require lengthy treatment sessions.