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Get A Straighter Smile In Just Months At Liverpool Dental Spa

Braces can be very successful in creating that perfectly straight smile. Trouble is, it can take years before the results finally start to show. The thought of wearing a brace for three years is daunting to most people and frankly it can be quite off putting. Luckily, dentists have invented a new technique appropriately named the 6 Month Smiles, proven to give you the desired results in six months or less.

6 Month Smiles

The 6 Month Smiles is a unique brace system with proven results. Memory wires are the key to its success and are thin wires that exert enough pressure on the teeth but are thin enough that they are barely noticeable. Coupled with this, the wires are a natural tooth colour and the brackets used are made of clear material so it won’t be obvious that you are wearing a brace. The brace works like other brace systems in that it is routinely tightened to bring your teeth into position. It can be used for a variety of teeth problems such as overcrowding, crooked teeth, overbite or underbite.

The 6 Month Smiles braces gets fast results because it acts on the region of your teeth that’s always on display. By concentrating on one area at a time, you can get that desired smile in a much shorter space of time.

The benefits

At Liverpool Dental Spa, the major benefit of 6 Month Smiles is that it’s fast acting. You can get that perfect smile within a matter of months instead of years. It also means less time spent at the dentist which is an added bonus. The system is quite discreet as it isn’t obvious you are wearing a brace and as you only have to wear it for a few months, it’s not the end of the world. All these benefits have lead to the success of 6 Month smiles, as it has become one of the most popular brace systems in private dentistry.


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