Do you wish you looked younger? Are you looking to roll back the years? Have you just had dental treatment and are desperate to treat yourself to a facial treatment to complement your new smile? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we may be able to help!
What is Juvederm?
Juvederm is a facial treatment, which uses natural substances to add volume and definition to the face. Juvederm is injected into the skin to smooth wrinkles and lines, add plumpness to the cheeks and create a younger, brighter complexion.
Juvederm is a popular treatment for laughter lines, crow’s feet, frown lines and lines around the nose and lips and it can also be used to add volume to the lips and bounce to the cheeks.
What causes lines and wrinkles?
As we age, we lose collagen, a valuable fibre, which is found in many cells in the body. Collagen gives skin its firmness and bounce and without it, the skin can start to look dull and saggy and lines and wrinkles start to appear. Juvederm is a safe, non-invasive means of restoring volume to the skin and producing a younger look.
What does treatment involve?
The treatment process is simple and safe; a fine needle is used to inject Juvederm into specific areas of the face, depending on where the client feels they need treatment. Usually, treatment sessions are over within 40 minutes and the procedure is painless.
The results of treatment usually last 6-9 months and then treatment can be topped-up to prolong the results.
Tags: Facial Aesthetic treatments, Juvederm, liverpool, Liverpool Juvederm