When a patient complains of tooth ache or arrives at our door with a badly damaged or infected tooth, the symptoms are assessed and diagnosis made according to the individual’s circumstances. The outcome from this will vary from case to case, but it may be that you require root canal treatment to treat the painful symptoms and prevent further dental problems. A root canal is performed when bacteria or plaque manages to reach the inner chamber of a tooth and infect the blood and nerve supply.
Root canal treatment process
While it is considered a surgical procedure root canal treatment can be carried out in one visit to your dentist. However, it is normally done over a series of visits. The process will typically include the following steps:
- First, x-rays are taken and assessed to determine if a root canal is required. This will be discussed with the patient.
- Both the patient and dentist will need to agree that a root canal is the right treatment pathway, after which the procedure can begin.
- A rubber dam will be placed around the tooth which is in need of treatment to protect it against saliva.
- The tooth and the areas around the tooth are numbed and treatment can then begin.
- Following anaesthetic administration, a small hole is made inside the tooth to access the inner chamber.
- This is when diseased pulp tissue is removed.
- The canals will be measured for the filling to be placed there.
- After each canal in the tooth has been measured they are cleaned and treated with antiseptic to prevent infection.
- Next, the teeth are filled and a temporary fitting is placed over the tooth before a permanent crown is fitted, often at a separate appointment.
Contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool for more information.