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Archive for the ‘oral hygiene’ Category

Five Foods that Make a Tooth-Friendly Summer Dinner

Monday, June 5th, 2017

It’s summer, and many of us are looking forward to embracing those classic seasonal staples. When you’re planning your summer menu, take a moment to consider how your diet affects your teeth and gums. If you’re hoping to eat well and keep your smile in check, here are five tooth-friendly foods to include in your summer diet:

  1. Strawberries: strawberries are not just packed with vitamin C, which is good for boosting your immunity. They’re also natural stain removers. The rough skin of the strawberry removes surface stains, giving your smile a gorgeous healthy glow.
  2. Raw vegetables: if you’re looking for healthy picnic ideas, look no further than some chopped carrots, cucumber sticks and celery batons. Raw vegetables have high water content, which is good for cleansing the mouth, and when you chew, this also stimulates the gums.
  3. Salad leaves: salad leaves contain water and they’re also rich in fibre, vitamins and nutrients. If you’re eating acidic foods, foods that have high water content can help to neutralise acids.
  4. Cheese: cheese is a staple when it comes to preparing vegetarian barbeque dishes and it can also be added to cold pasta dishes and salads. A cheeseboard is also a popular alternative to sweet desserts. Cheese is a good source of calcium, and it also has high pH value. It’s a great idea to combine wine with cheese if you’re enjoying a drink in the evening, as this will help to neutralise acids in the mouth.
  5. Natural yoghurt: are you looking for a healthier alternative to summer puddings like ice cream, meringues and cheesecake? If so, consider filling a bowl full of natural yoghurt and then adding a spoonful of honey or a sprinkling of raspberries, blueberries and strawberries.

Did you know we treat Tooth Decay in the heart of Liverpool?

Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

Dental decay is one of the most common preventable illnesses among children and adults in the UK. If you have cavities, we are here to help. We provide first-class standards of treatment in the heart of Liverpool.

What causes decay?

Decay is caused by harmful oral bacteria, which release acids that weaken and wear away the protective enamel surface of the tooth. Once the surface is thin, there is a risk of holes (cavities) forming and bacteria can penetrate the tooth. Decay is often associated with poor oral hygiene, but your diet also plays a very important role. If you eat a lot of sugary or acidic foods, your risk of developing cavities will be high.

Treating tooth decay

If you have toothache, your teeth are sensitive or it hurts when you bite down, you may have a cavity. The most common treatment for cavities is a filling. The aim of the procedure is to fill the cavity to make the tooth stronger and prevent infection from spreading to other parts of the tooth. Fillings are usually made from dental composite; this is known as a white filling.

If your tooth is infected, and the infection has reached the pulp chamber, which contains the nerves and blood vessels, you may be advised to have root canal treatment.

Preventing tooth decay

The best way to look at oral health is to embrace the notion that prevention is better than cure. The best ways to prevent tooth decay are to:

  • Stick to a good daily oral hygiene regime
  • See your dentist every 6-9 months
  • Moderate your intake of sugar
  • Avoid snacking between meals

Call us today to find out more about tooth decay treatment and prevention in Liverpool city centre.

5 Helpful Tips to Make Your Smile Sparkle

Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

Most of us consider our smile our most important and attractive feature. If you’re keen to ensure your smile sparkles for years to come, here are 5 helpful tips to bear in mind:

  1. Perfect your brushing technique: you may brush your teeth religiously, but are you sure that you’re doing it right? When you’re brushing, you should use small circular motions and ensure you cover every surface of every tooth. It’s best to go for a brush with a small head so that you can reach right into the corners of your mouth.
  2. Swap your brush every 3 months: if your toothbrush is worn, you may not be getting the rewards of regular brushing. Make sure you change your brush or the brush head if you an electric toothbrush, every 3 months.
  3. Book a dental hygiene treatment: even if you do a thorough job every time you clean your teeth, you won’t be able to achieve the intensive clean our hygienists can with their powerful modern hygiene treatments. Seeing a hygienist on a regular basis can prevent oral diseases, as well as making your tooth look whiter and brighter.
  4. Use a straw: if you’re a fan of drinks that contain staining agents, such as cola, it’s a good idea to use a straw when drinking. This helps to prevent contact between staining agents and the tooth enamel. It’s also a good idea to avoid swilling the liquid around your mouth.
  5. Chew sugar-free gum: chewing sugar-free gum after eating can help to stimulate saliva production and wash away any food debris and bacteria.

Did You Know Liverpool Dental Spa Can Help You Kiss Bad Breath Goodbye?

Wednesday, May 10th, 2017

Bad breath is a very common problem, but knowing this probably won’t make you feel any better if you lack confidence in social situations or you’re very conscious about your bad breath. If you do suffer from halitosis, our expert team at Liverpool Dental Spa could help you to kiss goodbye to bad breath for good.

What causes bad breath?

It’s very common to have bad breath when you wake up in the morning or you eat foods that have a very intense flavour, like garlic or onions. If you have bad breath in these scenarios, there’s probably nothing to worry about. However, if bad breath is a constant problem, there may be an underlying cause. Poor oral hygiene is the most common cause of bad breath. If you don’t brush and floss, this causes bacteria to gather in your mouth. Oral bacteria release gases when they feed, and these gases have an unpleasant odour. Smoking and taking some forms of medication can also increase the risk of bad breath.

Tackling bad breath

In most cases, you’ll find that bad breath disappears when you clean your teeth or you chew sugar-free gum after eating. However, if you suffer from persistent bad breath, we recommend making an appointment with our dental hygienists. Bad breath often stems from collections of bacteria, most commonly on the tongue, and intensive cleaning treatments can cleanse the mouth, remove harmful bacteria and give you fresh breath. We also recommend sticking to a good daily oral hygiene regime at home and avoiding foods that you know give you bad breath. It can also be useful to carry sugar-free gum in your bag.

If bad breath is getting you down, give us a call now! We have many years of experience in treating halitosis and we can help you banish bad breath for good.

Four Everyday Things You Can Do To Make Your Teeth Shine

Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

Who doesn’t want a sparkling smile for summer? If you’re keen to make your teeth shine, there are lots of easy steps you can take. Here are just four things you can do to give your smile a healthy glow:

  1. Learn to brush properly: most of us brush our teeth without even thinking about it. It’s part of our daily routine, and we may not give it much attention, especially if it’s one of those days when you’re running late and there’s lots to do. The reality is that brushing is really important, not just for your health, but also for your appearance. If you brush properly, you’ll reduce your risk of decay and gum disease, and your smile will look brighter and whiter.
  2. Give up your cola and coffee habit: do you rely on a coffee to fuel you in the mornings or are you keen on cola? If so, these habits are bound to take their toll on your smile. Both of these popular drinks contain staining agents. If you can’t kick the habit completely, try and cut down and drink through a straw. Wash your mouth out with water immediately after drinking.
  3. See your dentist: if you haven’t seen your dentist in a while, make today the day you call up and arrange a check-up. It’s so important for your health to have regular checks, but seeing your dentist can also improve the look of your smile. When you go to the clinic, your dentist will polish your teeth, and you’ll leave with a beaming, bright smile.
  4. Set a timer: are you guilty of rushing your daily clean? If you spend a few seconds guiding your brush around your teeth, you’re not going to do a very effective job of keeping harmful bacteria and plaque at bay. To do a proper job, you need to devote at least 2 minutes to cleaning. Set a timer on your brush, or if you don’t have one, use your watch or phone.

Top Five Ways to Teach Your Children to Keep Their Teeth Healthy

Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

Every year in the UK, hundreds of children have treatment in hospital for dental issues. At Liverpool Dental Spa, we’re passionate about prevention, and we’re eager to encourage good habits from an early age. If you’re a parent, here are 5 ways to teach your children to keep their teeth healthy:

  1. Supervise brushing: when you have young children, they may need help with brushing, and when you have older children, they may need that extra incentive to do a good job. Kids tend to whizz a brush around their mouth, and this constitutes brushing their teeth. By supervising them, you can make sure they’re doing a thorough job each time.
  2. Play a song: many of us don’t brush for long enough, and this can damage our teeth and gums. Try and make teeth cleaning fun and encourage your children to brush for longer by putting a song on, and challenging the children to brush from start to finish.
  3. Arrange regular check-ups: it’s really important for children to see the dentist. If they’re used to having check-ups, they’re much less likely to feel anxious when they get older.
  4. Make it fun: many children moan about having to brush their teeth, so try and make it a more appealing use of their time. Make up some games, set challenges, and brush together as a family. You can also get some great child-friendly toothbrushes and toothpastes, which may help them to get a little more excited about cleaning their teeth.
  5. Healthy eating: one of the biggest problems facing dentists at the moment is a sugar-heavy diet. Dentists see children all the time who have lots of cavities as a result of their diet. Sugary foods should be given only as treats, rather than as part of the daily diet. Try and reduce your sugar intake as a family by swapping sugary cereals for porridge or whole grain cereals, replacing fizzy drinks with water or sugar-free cordial and avoiding foods like crisps, popcorn, sweets and biscuits, especially between meals.

Does Vaping Hurt Your Teeth As Much as Regular Cigarettes

Monday, March 27th, 2017

Vaping is a hot topic in the world of health news. Using e-cigarettes is a relatively new thing, and this means that it’s almost impossible to determine the effects of vaping instead of smoking. When you use an e-cigarette, you’re not exposing your body to as many harmful substances as you do when you smoke, and this is hugely beneficial, but this doesn’t mean that vaping is safe.

What are the Effects of Vaping on the Teeth?

When you smoke, you put yourself at risk of oral cancer, gum disease and halitosis. There’s also a high risk of tooth staining. The early signs suggest that vaping is a healthier alternative to smoking when it comes to your dental health; however, vaping is not without risk. When you use an e-cigarette, you’re still taking in nicotine, and this can be incredibly damaging to your mouth. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which means that it causes the blood vessels to constrict. When you consume nicotine, blood flow to the gums decreases, and this means that you’re at risk of gum disease.

Vaping may not expose you to as many carcinogenic substances as smoking, but it still poses risks. It can often be a successful tool for those who want to quit smoking, as you can reduce nicotine gradually. As your body adapts to lower quantities, you can cut down without having to battle cravings, and this can increase your chances of giving up for good.

If you do want to give up smoking, we are here to offer advice and support. Our dental team has extensive experience, and we’re here to cheer you on and reassure you every step of the way.

Know the Signs of Oral Cancer: Common Symptoms To Look For

Monday, March 20th, 2017

Oral cancer is becoming increasingly common in the UK, yet many people are still unaware of the warning signs and symptoms. As a result of this, many cases are diagnosed at an advanced stage, when treatment has a much lower chance of success. At Liverpool Dental Spa, we’re keen to do our bit to raise awareness of oral cancer, and encourage our patients to be mouth aware.

The Signs and Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a form of cancer that affects the soft tissue in the mouth and throat. The most common warning signs include:

  • Red or white patches in the mouth
  • Abnormal swelling
  • Lumps
  • Difficult swallowing
  • Unexplained pain
  • Ulcers that take a long time to heal (longer than 2 weeks)
  • A persistent sore throat

Oral Cancer Screening

It can often be difficult to detect the signs of oral cancer, and many people will ignore them without being aware that they may be linked to mouth cancer. Oral cancer screening is a way of spotting signs before they become apparent. Our dentists are trained to detect early warning signs, and they include oral cancer screening as part of a routine check-up.

If there are problems, further tests can be arranged. The earlier oral cancer is diagnosed, the higher the chance of survival. In some cases, early detection and treatment can increase survival chances by up to 90 percent.

If you haven’t been to the dentist for a while, we strongly encourage you to call and make an appointment for a routine check. It’ll take just a few minutes, and it could even save your life!

What Causes Oral Cancer?

In many cases of cancer, there is no clear cause. However, with oral cancer, there are risk factors. The most significant risk factor is smoking. Additional risk factors include drinking alcohol excessively and a poor diet. There is also evidence to suggest that HPV infection may increase the risk of oral cancer.

5 Ways to Banish Bad Breath in 2017

Tuesday, January 24th, 2017

Bad breath is a problem many people find incredibly embarrassing. However, it’s very common, and in most cases, it’s easy to treat. If bad breath is getting you down, we are here to help. Here are 5 ways you can banish bad breath for good in 2017.

  1. Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day: cleaning your teeth is the best way to keep your mouth clean and free from plaque. Take 2 minutes out of your day every morning and evening to brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste. Most cases of bad breath are caused by bacteria lingering on the tongue. These bacteria release odorous gases, which make your breath smell unpleasant. When you’ve finished cleaning your teeth, move your brush onto the tongue, or use a dedicated tongue cleaner or scraper.
  2. Chew sugar-free gum: chewing gum is beneficial for a number of reasons. It stimulates saliva production, which neutralises acids in the mouth, and it can help to keep your breath smelling fresh. Chewing gum can also help to clear away any food debris. Make sure you choose sugar-free gum, and don’t chew for more than 2 minutes.
  3. Avoid smoking: smoking is a very common cause of bad breath. It also increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer. It’s not easy to quit smoking, but with the right support, you can do it. We are here to support you, so give us a call if you want to try and give up for good.
  4. Floss: when you brush your teeth, you can only reach part of your mouth. Flossing helps to target the areas you miss when you’re brushing, for example, the gaps between your teeth.
  5. See your dentist: bad breath can be a sign of underlying issues, so make sure you book regular appointments with your dentist. If poor oral hygiene is the cause, you may be advised to see a dental hygienist.

A Step by Step Guide to Root Canal Treatment

Monday, December 19th, 2016

Root canal treatment is a commonly-performed procedure, which is often used as an alternative to extraction. You may be advised to have root canal treatment if you have an infected tooth or you have suffered an injury, which has damaged the pulp tissue.

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure, which is most commonly used when the tooth is infected, and the pulp tissue is affected. The pulp contains the living material of the tooth, including the nerves and blood vessels. If the pulp is damaged or decayed, the tooth will start to die, as the blood supply will be reduced. To prevent losing the tooth, root canal therapy may be recommended.

The actual procedure is relatively straightforward. In many cases, people are very anxious about having this procedure because it tends to have a bad reputation. It’s made out to be an awful process, but actually, it’s a painless and highly effective way of saving a decayed tooth. We carry out root canal treatment under local anaesthetic, so you won’t actually feel any pain during the procedure. Most people leave us wondering why on earth they were so worried beforehand!

What actually happens when you have root canal treatment?

Before your dentist begins, they will explain exactly what is going to happen, and answer any questions. Your tooth will then be numbed using local anaesthetic. Your dentist will drill into the tooth once the effects of the anaesthetic have become apparent. The aim of treatment is to remove the decayed tissue from the root canals and then clean, fill and seal them. The process helps to reduce the risk of decay spreading.

After root canal treatment, we often place a new crown on the tooth. Crowns are restorations, which make the teeth stronger and more resilient.

If you have questions about root canal treatment, don’t hesitate to get in touch!


6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern