Invisalign is a forward-thinking, fast-acting, discreet alternative to traditional fixed braces and we are delighted to offer this incredible system in the heart of Liverpool. Invisalign has already produced thousands of stunning, straight smiles: could yours be next?
What is Invisalign and how does it work?
Invisalign is a modern orthodontic system that utilises a series of removable appliances, known as aligners, to guide the teeth into the correct position and create a beautiful smile. The aligners are made fro high grade, clear plastic and they slide over the teeth; they are virtually invisible, so they can barely be seen when you smile or you chat to others.
Invisalign is different to other treatments because it uses several appliances, rather than a single brace or aligner. Each aligner is different in terms of shape to allow room for tooth movement and patients are required to stick to a set order. Every aligner is worn for 2 weeks and the sequence continues until the last aligner is removed and you’re free to showcase your stunning pearly whites!
Who is Invisalign aimed at?
Invisalign is suitable for adults and teenagers and is particularly beneficial for those who have concerns about their image. It’s understandable to want to look your best and braces have never been viewed as the coolest addition to an outfit; with Invisalign, you don’t need to worry about keeping up with the trends or portraying a professional image because nobody will be able to see that you’re even wearing a brace.
This system is versatile and it can be of benefit to patients with a wide range of orthodontic problems, from crowding to gaps between the teeth. In order to determine if this treatment is a good match for a patient, we offer consultations to examine the mouth, evaluate the bite and explain what the treatment is and how it works. If Invisalign is not the best option, we have many other treatments, which may be more suitable.