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Archive for the ‘facial aesthetics’ Category

Beautify The Teeth And The Face Here In Liverpool

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

More and more people are choosing to have cosmetic treatments to enhance their appearance and at Liverpool Implant and Aesthetic Dental Spa we are delighted to offer our clients the latest cosmetic dental and facial treatments. Botox is a very popular treatment, which refreshes and smoothes the complexion, creating a younger look.

About Botox

Botox is a non-invasive, temporary treatment, which is commonly used to tackle lines and wrinkles. Botox is a form of toxin, but it is used in extremely small quantities and is considered a very safe facial aesthetic treatment; it is injected into the skin and helps to smooth the complexion by restricting the contraction of the facial muscles by blocking nerve signals to the muscles.

Botox produces temporary results, which makes it an ideal treatment for people who are considering invasive and long-term treatment. It can be topped-up easily, which gives patients the option to continue with treatment; typically, the results last up to 5 months.

What does treatment involve?

Before you have treatment we invite you to a consultation so that we can discuss what happens during treatment and which areas you want to address; many people choose to have Botox to smooth lines and wrinkles on their forehead, around the eyes and around the nose. The actual procedure is very quick and simple; a fine needle is used to inject Botox into the areas the patient wishes to treat and most sessions are complete within 10-20 minutes. There is no recovery time and you can get back to normal day to day life as soon as you leave the clinic.

If you are worried about wrinkles or you wish your skin looked a little brighter, younger and smoother, Botox could be the answer. The procedure is simple and painless and you don’t have to commit to permanent treatment. Get in touch with the team in Liverpool for more information.

Enhance Facial Aesthetics Along With Your Teeth At Liverpool Dental Spa

Monday, August 19th, 2013

Do you wish you looked younger? Are you looking to roll back the years? Have you just had dental treatment and are desperate to treat yourself to a facial treatment to complement your new smile? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we may be able to help!

What is Juvederm?

Juvederm is a facial treatment, which uses natural substances to add volume and definition to the face. Juvederm is injected into the skin to smooth wrinkles and lines, add plumpness to the cheeks and create a younger, brighter complexion.

Juvederm is a popular treatment for laughter lines, crow’s feet, frown lines and lines around the nose and lips and it can also be used to add volume to the lips and bounce to the cheeks.

What causes lines and wrinkles?

As we age, we lose collagen, a valuable fibre, which is found in many cells in the body. Collagen gives skin its firmness and bounce and without it, the skin can start to look dull and saggy and lines and wrinkles start to appear. Juvederm is a safe, non-invasive means of restoring volume to the skin and producing a younger look.

What does treatment involve?

The treatment process is simple and safe; a fine needle is used to inject Juvederm into specific areas of the face, depending on where the client feels they need treatment. Usually, treatment sessions are over within 40 minutes and the procedure is painless.

The results of treatment usually last 6-9 months and then treatment can be topped-up to prolong the results.

Banish Those Wrinkles With Dermal Filler Treatment In Liverpool

Thursday, July 25th, 2013

Ageing is an inevitable process, but there are some really effective treatments available to roll back the years and create a smooth, youthful complexion. If you’re tired of zoning in on your wrinkles whenever you look in the mirror, or you’d simply like to look a little younger and fresher. Restylane could be the ideal solution.

What is Restylane?

Restylane is an anti-ageing facial treatment, which uses hyaluronic acid, a substance found naturally in the body, to add volume and life to the skin. Hyaluronic acid hydrates the skin and adds bounce, making the skin look younger and healthier and giving you bags of confidence.

Restylane fillers are ideal for patients who have fine lines and wrinkles around the nose, mouth and eyes and they can also be used to add definition and volume to the cheeks and lips.

The procedure

The procedure is really simple and it is non-invasive. Typically, treatment takes around 30-45 minutes. Before treatment, we will discuss the procedure with the patient and decided upon the injection sites. A very fine needle will then be used to inject filler into the problem areas of the skin.

Restylane treatment is not painful and you do not need to worry about taking time off to recover or deal with unwanted side-effects. As hyaluronic acid is a natural substance, the treatment is completely safe.

How long doe the results last?

Restylane is not a permanent treatment; the results are visible very quickly after treatment and they tend to last between 9 and 12 months, but the treatment can be topped-up very easily.

If you want a younger look but you don’t fancy committing to long-term or invasive treatment, this is a great option. The results are really impressive and we always strive for a natural look; call us today to find out more! Contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool for more information.


Sculptra Treatment To Rejuvenate Patients in Liverpool

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

When we are young, our skin rejuvenates itself faster and appears smoother. As we age, wrinkles and lines start to develop on the face. Skin folds may appear around the nose and mouth. We may see wrinkles between our eyebrows, on our foreheads and around our eyes.

An ageing skin makes us look more drawn and tired. We lose that fresh youthful look. The effects of ageing are accentuated by excess exposure to the sun, smoking and a lack of hydration. For some the effects of ageing or skin damage are more noticeable than others.

Regaining a youthful complexion

At Liverpool Dental Spa we offer individuals the opportunity to revitalize their skins the natural and safe way with Sculptra. A collagen-based derma filler, Sculptra is easily inserted within the skin wrinkles, building on the skin’s natural collagen levels to fill out the skin lines for a smoother effect.

Sculptra works naturally, adding volume to the face so that it no longer looks drawn and sunken. The treatment is non-invasive, meaning that it is easily administered in a pain-free way with minimal recovery time. There are no stitches or scars, the skin simply appears more defined and younger-looking.

The benefits of facial rejuvenation

Not only does Sculptra enhance the skin’s collagen quality, but Sculptra enables individuals to improve their appearance in an energised manner. Even deep wrinkles may be smoothed with Sculptra, and the lips or mouth lines may be volumised for more appeal. Skin folds in the neck and around the jaw may be filled out with collagen too, for a total younger looking skin.

Sculptra gives an aesthetically-pleasing appearance, boosting skin health and confidence for brighter feelings and experiences. Get in touch with us today to learn more about what Sculptra may do for you.


Facial Rejuvenation For A More Youthful Complexion

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013

As you get older, your worst enemy can be wrinkles. You want to age gracefully but unfortunately those wrinkles can make you look even older than you actually are. There are a lot of different treatments on the market such as anti-wrinkle cream and Botox that claim to give you a more youthful complexion but these are made of artificial agents. Juvederm on the other hand is made of a completely natural substance that is usually found in your skin.

What causes wrinkles?

As you age, your skin loses its elasticity and the ability to make a specific substrate called hyaluronic acid. This acid absorbs water and therefore is responsible for the volume in your skin. As it depletes, the skin becomes more dehydrated and it can lose its form, leaving you with wrinkles.

Juvederm treatment

Juvederm contains hyaluronic acid so essentially it replaces the natural components in your skin that are lost with age. A simple injection into the crease of the wrinkle allows the practitioner to massage Juvederm into the wrinkle and fill it in. This treatment can last for up to 9 months depending on the type of skin you have and has very little side effects. It is also unlikely that you will experience an adverse reaction, as it is a natural component of your skin.

What wrinkles can Juvederm treat?

Juvederm can be used on the majority of wrinkles on your face. Common areas that are treated include smoker’s lines around the corners of your mouth, the wrinkles that occur in between your eyebrows, crows’ feet and those that are present on your forehead. Juvederm can also be used to give your lips extra volume and an injection into the edges of your lips can give them a more plump and youthful appearance.  The results are instantly noticeable and this simple treatment has increased in popularity due to its success in removing those tough wrinkles that give your age away. Contact Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of central Liverpool for more information.


Plump Up The Skin With Our Very Special Fillers For Patients In Liverpool

Monday, March 11th, 2013

Sometimes, those slight changes can be what drive you mad. A wrinkle here, a frown line there, nothing worth going under the knife for, but you still end up torturing yourself in the bathroom mirror. Well, for those little touch-ups, we at Liverpool Dental Spa are proud to introduce Restylane.

What is Restylane?

Restylane is a brand which produces a whole range of ‘dermal fillers’, products which plump up and add volume to the skin.

What is so special about these fillers?

Human beings possess a natural layer of collagen fibre layer which supports their skin. Over time, this layer decays and breaks down. Restylane products utilise hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance, which not only combats said deterioration but also plumps up and adds volume to your skin.

What problems can it combat?

Smoker’s lines around one’s mouth, forehead wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet and thin lips can all be treated with a little Restylane. In fact, it can treat most signs of ageing.

How long will the effects last?

The effects of Restylane will last for about a year, but they can easily be topped up at the practice. I say easily as the procedure is just so quick and simple!

So tell me about this quick and simple procedure then!

Easy: Restylane is simply injected into your chosen problem area via an extremely thin needle. The procedure is so quick and simple that you probably won’t even require an anaesthetic. Best of all, treatment will only take between ten and thirty minutes! The results of the procedure should be immediately noticeable, but sometimes a follow up injection is required either a fortnight or a month after the initial procedure.

Come and talk to us

If you think your skin could do with a little spruce up, then why not book an appointment? Just call us at Liverpool Dental Spa in the heart of Liverpool, our friendly staff are waiting to hear from you.



Boost Confidence In 2013 With Anti-Ageing Treatments For Patients In Liverpool

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

A New Year is the time to rejuvenate ones sense of well-being. With another year passing, we become older and experience the effects of ageing. Sun exposure, lack of hydration, smoking and poor health may all accelerate ageing impacts.

Seeing wrinkles creep up on us in the mirror can be disheartening. At Liverpool Dental & Aesthetic Spa in the heart of Liverpool, we provide anti-ageing treatments to combat the effects of ageing and to boost self-confidence. The year of 2013 marks changes for many people who place their health and well-being first.

Facial Rejuvenation Treatment

By offering choices in anti-ageing treatments, Liverpool Dental & Aesthetic Spa helps individuals achieve their personal self-improvement goals. Juvederm is one of the facial rejuvenation treatments that we offer to reduce wrinkles and facial lines. It is a trusted anti-ageing treatment chosen by people globally for a more youthful looking skin and smile.

Benefits of Juvederm

Facial rejuvenation with Juvederm is non-invasive, meaning that it does not involve invasive surgery. The Juvederm product is made of substances natural to the body, hydrating the skin and lips the way the body naturally does. To plump or volumise the skin where wrinkles or lines are present, Juvederm is gently injected within the creases, filling them out for a smooth wrinkle-free complexion.

Juvederm is an increasingly popular treatment for giving facial volume and smoothing wrinkles, folds and lines around the mouth, lips, nose, eyes and forehead. Lips may be given definition and volume with Juvederm.

Each person’s response to Juvederm treatment may be different. On average, Juvederm treatment gives anti-ageing results for six to nine months. An individual’s skin quality plays a role too however maintenance treatments ensure a lasting and younger-looking skin.

Contact Liverpool Dental & Aesthetic Spa for facial rejuvenation with Juvederm to boost your confidence in 2013.









Patients In Liverpool Can Have A Younger Looking Face For 2013

Monday, January 21st, 2013

Botox is a non-invasive means of regaining a youthful facial appearance. It is a quick treatment which addresses signs of ageing such as crow’s feet and unsightly wrinkles. The injections are also used to plump and shape lips.

Each Botox session usually takes around 10 minutes to complete, with results visible in about four days and lasting for up to 5 months. The primary benefit of Botox is the diminishment of lines and wrinkles, but it also prevents new lines and wrinkles from forming by blocking nerve signals in the face and helping the muscles to relax.

Botox is designed to:

  1. Aid in the elimination of lines and wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, nose and mouth.
  2. Enable you to feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin. Many Botox patients report feeling more confident following their procedure.

While having Botox injections won’t necessarily solve your self-esteem issues, medical professionals believe high self-esteem can be beneficial for improving people’s health and overall outlook on life. As a New Year begins there couldn’t be more of a perfect time to improve your confidence through what is a simple procedure.

Botox can be used to rectify unsightly wrinkles or it can be used as part of a larger process, commonly referred to as a smile makeover. During a smile makeover, patients undergo multiple procedures to enhance the appearance of their mouth and face. Either way, Botox offers you the chance to reclaim your appearance and start 2013 with a younger looking face. If you would like to rejuvenate your face please contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in Liverpool.







Sculptra To Rejuvenate Tired And Ageing Faces For Patients In Liverpool

Friday, December 14th, 2012

Many people are concerned with loosing volume and definition from their face due to ageing.  Most of them would not like to go through invasive procedures to permanently alter their face. Fortunately, there are many non-invasive treatments that can diminish the effects of ageing. These treatments can be administered without anaesthetics and stitches. Most of these non-invasive treatments are not very time consuming, so you don’t have to really plan too far ahead to get it done.

Sculptra softens wrinkles

At Liverpool Dental Spa, Sculptra can be used to achieve long lasting results when it comes to softening and smoothing lines and wrinkles. It can also be used to improve the volume of the face. It achieves these fantastic results by using collagen, which is naturally produced in the body.

How does Sculptra work?

After Sculptra is administered through fine needles, it stimulates the production of collagen in the body. Once sufficient collagen is produced, the lines, wrinkles and creases will automatically become soft and smooth. With help of Sculptra, you can improve the volume of your face, smooth wrinkles, get rid of the wrinkles aground the mouth and improve the appearance of the neckline and the jaws. All these improvements will you make you look younger and youthful in a natural looking way.

Appearance matters a lot in society and can affect a person’s self-esteem and confidence. People who are not fully satisfied with their appearance can often be conscious of their looks. This stops them from enjoying their life to the fullest. This can severely affect their social life and gradually their self-confidence. If you have been avoiding treatments to improve appearance due to their invasive nature, then you should certainly try Sculptra, which is a non-invasive method and can produce long lasting enhancements to you face.



Patients In Liverpool Can Get A More Youthful Appearance With Dermal Fillers

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

Dermal fillers are used to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines that show up as a sign of growing old. Due to ageing the skin loses a lot of its moisturising capabilities which leads to lines associated with frowning and smiling. Dermal fillers can make the skin more plump and smoother by restoring the natural moisture in the skin which will help develop a more youthful and healthy skin. Restylane is the most popular dermal filler. It is made from a naturally generated acid which is totally biodegradable. Restylane is administered using an injection.


Since Restylane injections do not contain toxins they do not pose any risk to the client. It is in fact the safest procedure that can restore the natural moisture to the skin. The acid it contains is called hyaluronic acid. This acid is naturally produced within the body and is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of the skin. Once an individual is more than 25 years old, the production of hyaluronic acid starts to decrease and the signs of aging start to show up on the face. An injection of Restylane will help in restoring the hyaluronic acid levels of the body and will almost immediately reduce the wrinkles and lines showing up on the skin.

Some of the age related issues that can be treated by Restylane include:

  • Lines around the mouth also known as smoker’s lines can be filled and plumped using Restylane.
  • Crow’s feet found around the eyes, wrinkles and creases on the forehead can be diminished using Restylane.
  • People who would like to make their thin lips plumper can also benefit from Restylane
  • Lines between the eyes can also be treated with the help of Restylane

The results of the treatment can remain up to a year; after a year the client can visit the practice to top up. Clients who would like to avoid invasive procedures to improve their facial appearance find dermal fillers a very effective solution. Contact Liverpool Dental Spa today for more information on our beauty treatments and dermal fillers.






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