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Archive for the ‘Dentistry’ Category

Dental Techniques Can Reduce Migraines And Headaches In Liverpool

Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

Migraines and headaches affect thousands of people in the UK and often, dental treatment can help to ease tension. If you find yourself waking up with a headache most days or suffering with terrible migraines, we may be able to help.

What causes headaches and migraines?

There are many things that can trigger migraines and cause headaches and in some cases, dental issues may be to blame. Problems with the bite and teeth grinding can lead to tension in the muscles and a host of other symptoms. Tooth grinding is commonly linked to anxiety or stress, problems which affect many people. Most people who grind their teeth are unaware that they do it because it happens as a subconscious action during the night and symptoms include tooth wear and damage, stiffness and pain in the jaw, headaches and restricted movement in and around the jaw.

An uneven or imbalanced bite can also increase the risk of tooth grinding or clenching and orthodontic treatment or restorative treatment could be beneficial in this case.

Treating headaches

One treatment we may recommend for headaches in cases where bruxism (teeth grinding) is involved is a specially designed mouth guard, which is worn at night. The guard helps to prevent the lower and upper sets of teeth coming together and protects the teeth, as well as reducing tension in the facial muscles.

We can also offer advice about coping with stress.

Regular Check-Ups For All Children In Liverpool

Monday, May 5th, 2014

We strongly believe that good oral health starts during the childhood years and we provide dental care for the entire family. We love welcoming children to the practice and we do everything we can to make their time with us as enjoyable as possible.

Children’s check-ups

We recommend regular check-ups for children from an early age, as this enables us to keep tabs on tooth development and gives your child the opportunity to get to know us and get used to the weird and wonderful sights and sounds of the dental clinic. Check-ups are only very quick and we make sure they are fun. We encourage kids to ask questions and we have plenty of books and games to keep them entertained.

During a check-up, the dentist will look around the child’s mouth to look for changes and check the development of the teeth. They will also look out for any potential problems, such as signs of cavities or decay and orthodontic issues, and these will be recorded in the child’s notes. Our dentists talk through their findings with parents and if treatment is needed, this will be discussed in full.

Preventative treatment

We provide preventative dental treatments for children to help to lower the risk of tooth decay and protect your child’s teeth. Fluoride varnish and fissure sealants can help to reduce the risk of decay dramatically and both procedures are quick and painless.

Fluoride varnish helps to make the enamel stronger, while fissure sealants provide a barrier between the biting surface of the tooth and bacteria and plaque. The sealant covers the fissures (small grooves and pits in the tooth surface) to prevent food from getting stuck and protect the teeth against plaque.

Treatments For Jaw Joint Pain In The Centre Of Liverpool

Monday, April 28th, 2014

The jaw is used repeatedly throughout the day, every day. When you eat, speak, sneeze and yawn, your jaw comes under pressure and constant use can take its toll. We offer relief for jaw pain and can help you to enjoy day to day life without any pain or discomfort.

What causes jaw pain?

There are many different things that may cause jaw pain, from an injury or an accident, to overuse and clenching or grinding the teeth. Teeth grinding is a very common problem, which is often linked to anxiety and stress. Many people grind their teeth during the night without even realizing and this can cause them to suffer headaches, jaw pain, stiffness and earaches.

What can be done for jaw pain?

There are various treatments, which may help to reduce and prevent jaw pain, from taking pain relief to wearing a protective guard during the night. Once we have identified the cause of the pain, we can discuss treatment options with you. Often, it is best to address issues as early as possible to prevent any problems from getting worse and save you from suffering.

What are the symptoms of jaw problems?

If you experience clicking or popping noises when you open or close your jaw, you have a limited range of movement around the jaw, you have pain around the joint or headaches or earache and you suffer from more intense pain when you open your mouth or bite down when you chew, we may be able to help. Jaw pain can have a negative impact on your everyday life, as the jaw is used so frequently and we can help to identify a solution.


The Popularity Of Removable Braces In Liverpool

Saturday, April 19th, 2014

Removable braces are very popular, especially for patients with more minor orthodontic issues which do not require a huge amount of tooth movement. Removable braces have a number of advantages and we are delighted to offer some of the world’s removable brace systems, including Invisalign, Perfect Clear and Clearstep.

What are the benefits of removable braces?

Many patients prefer a removable appliance, rather than a fixed brace, because this option gives them more flexibility and control. Removable braces can also be better for oral health because you can continue brushing your teeth in the same way as before you started treatment and there is no concern about getting food stuck in the brace, as it is removed when you eat.

Removable braces are also easy to clean and maintain and they do not leave marks on your teeth, which is a risk with fixed braces due to the adhesive used to stick the brace to the teeth.

Our treatments

We offer some of the world’s most popular removable brace treatments, including Clearstep and Invisalign, which use a series of bespoke aligners to reposition the teeth and produce a gorgeous new smile without anyone else even being able to notice the brace. These aligner systems are a great choice for people who are image conscious and those who are worried about the stigma associated with wearing a highly visible brace.

Are removable braces suitable for everyone?

Removable braces are suitable for most people, but there may be scenarios when a fixed brace would be preferable. This is usually the case when a patient has more complex needs and more intensive treatment is required. During your consultation, we carry out checks to make sure that removable braces are viable and we will also discuss other options and possibilities with you to help you choose the treatment that suits you best.

We Look After The Whole Family’s Teeth In Central Liverpool

Monday, March 24th, 2014

At Liverpool Dental Spa, we welcome patients of all ages and we offer a comprehensive range of general and preventative dental treatments to promote good oral health and prevent oral diseases. We encourage our patients to come for regular check-ups and have experience in caring for children.

Children’s oral health

Oral health is really important for children and we encourage parents to brig their children for regular check-ups from the age of 12 months old. The earlier children see a dentist, the better. Tooth decay is among the most common preventable illnesses among children and regular dental appointments help to reduce the risk of children developing cavities and suffering from toothache. Good oral health during the childhood years stands children in good stead for the future and helps to eliminate problems caused by premature tooth loss.

Visiting a dentist at an early age also enables children to get used to the sights and sounds of the dental surgery, which helps to reduce the risk of dental anxiety in the future. We understand that a dental surgery may appear a bit scary to little people, but we do all we can to make them feel relaxed and help them to have fun while they are with us. We want them to look forward to coming to see us and our friendly team will always go the extra mile to make them feel welcome and help them to overcome any nerves.

Preventative dental treatments for children

We are very much of the opinion that prevention is better than cure and we offer treatments to help to protect the teeth and lower the risk of tooth wear and decay. Our treatments include fissure sealant treatment, which is designed to prevent bacteria and food from getting stuck in the grooves of the teeth, and fluoride varnish treatment, which strengthens the tooth enamel.

We also offer a full range of general dental and hygiene treatments for adult patients.



Introducing The Perfect Clear Treatment In The Heart Of Liverpool

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

Orthodontic patients are often concerned about having treatment because of the aesthetic impact of wearing a brace; however, we are proud to offer an array of modern, innovative and discreet treatment options, including Perfect Clear. Perfect Clear is an ideal treatment for those who want an amazing smile without anyone else being able to spot their brace.

What is Perfect Clear?

Perfect Clear is a discreet orthodontic treatment system, which uses a series of specially designed K positioners to gently move the teeth. Each positioner is slightly different and the appliances are worn in a set order.

The K positioners are made from transparent plastic and they sit over the top of the teeth in a similar way to a gum shield worn for sport; they are very light and comfortable and best of all, they are virtually invisible.

Why choose Perfect Clear?

As well as amazing aesthetics, Perfect Clear also offers comfort and convenience, as you can take your positioners out to clean your teeth and eat. Often, it can be difficult to keep fixed braces clean and this increases the risk of decay and gum disease; with Perfect Clear, you simply remove the positioner and clean your teeth in the normal way.

Will Perfect Clear affect my speech?

It is common for the speech to be mildly affected for the first couple of days of treatment; however, you will soon find that your speech returns to normal once you have got used to wearing the positioners.

If you’re looking for a discreet treatment, which will create a perfect, straight smile, call us today to find out more about Perfect Clear treatment at Liverpool Dental Spa.



Treating Jaw Joint Pain In The Heart Of Liverpool

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

Use degrades: If something is in continual operation, it will wear down. At a dentist’s practice, you will often hear about how this issue affects teeth, but, likewise, your jaw can also suffer the pains of continual repetition. Thankfully, at Liverpool Dental Spa, we are equipped both to deal with, and help indentify, jaw joint problems.

Key indicators of jaw joint issues

Does your jaw often click? Does it regularly ache? Well, these are the bluntest indicators of jaw problems. Sometimes, however, jaw problems can occur as the result of a bacterial infection, often as the result of poor dental hygiene. TMD, or ‘Temporomandibular disorder’ if you want to sound smart, is a chronic jaw problem and it is estimated that 20% of the population are affected by it, yet it only 10% or 20% of those affected with the problem will go and seek help! Many other major problems often include jaw pain as a symptom, so being checked out is incredibly important as it might indicate something beyond discomfort! Jaw pain, if not dealt with, can lead to more serious jaw problems as well.


There are a variety of treatments available to combat jaw pain. Thankfully, most of these are non-surgical and surgical treatment is, in itself, only recommended in extreme cases. Some basic treatments include performing small, regular jaw exercise or altering your diet: avoiding harsh, crunchy foods and cutting your foods in to more manageable chunks can help prevent jaw pain. Slight changes in general posture and habit can also make a difference: Avoiding extreme jaw movements and trying not rest your jaw in your hand can help. If physical therapy and dietary changes don’t produce the desired results, medication can also be used to relieve swelling and muscle pain. If needed, surgical options are also available.

Contact us

Don’t suffer in silence! If jaw pain is causing you distress, then contact us at Liverpool Dental Spa and see how we can help.



Meet Our Clinical Director Dr Marius McGovern

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

Allow us to introduce you to our clinical director, Dr Marius McGovern, a highly experienced dentist who has been working in Merseyside since he graduated in 1995 from Liverpool University.

Marius has been a principal dentist for more than a decade and he is a very experienced dentist with a wide range of interests; he is a member of a number of associations and organizations, including the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.


In addition to Marius’ clinical work, he is also a mentor to young, trainee dentists and is a clinical instructor at the California Centre for Advanced Dental Studies. He also works as a mentor for some of the leading implant companies.

Training and qualifications

During his career, Marius has been fortunate to spend time with some of the world’s leading dentists and has traveled extensively to attend the best courses and training programmes. He has spent time in Italy, America and London’s Harley Street and has completed postgraduate courses at the University of Central Lancashire and the University of Salford; he is currently working towards a Master’s degree in Implantology and a Diploma in Restorative Dentistry.

Away from dentistry

When he is not fitting dental implants or filling teeth, Marius likes to spend time with his wife and four children. He is also a keen sportsman and enjoys watching rugby and football, as well as getting involved in water sports and flying.


An Innovative Way To Wear Dentures

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

Dentures can help restore full missing arches of teeth, but often their functionality is lacking and patients suffer problems with loose dentures while eating and talking. Loose dentures also cause sores within the mouth, which cause further difficulties and discomfort whilst eating.

Dental implants for dentures

However, a new solution has been found, which beats pastes and adhesives down flat. Dental implants are one of the most innovative and effective dental treatments, providing a secure and stable base upon which dentures can sit.

What are dental implants and what can they do for my dentures?

Dental implants are small titanium posts, which are inserted into the jawbone. These posts are then left to fuse and become part of the bone, creating what is essentially a replacement tooth root. 4 to 6 dental implants are used when stabilizing dentures. These are fitted into the jawbone and left to heal, after which a denture can be attached. Dental implants hold the denture in place, preventing all movement and looseness to help you eat, smile and talk with confidence and ease.

How can dental implants improve the health of my mouth?

Loose dentures not only rub against the gums they also rub against the jawbone. This wears away the bones, which is why loose dentures have to be replaced so often, as the wearing of the dentures continually changes the mouth. Dental implants prevent this jawbone erosion and actually strengthen the jawbone, enabling you to use your jaws with full confidence and in turn saving you money, as if well maintain dental implants can last a lifetime.

If you are interested in stabilizing your denture we would be happy to provide you with advice and information, as well as a consultation if you feel the treatment is for you here at Liverpool dental spa.





Treating The Cause Of Headaches And Migraines In The Heart Of Liverpool

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

Headaches are very common and in most cases they come and go without any real problem; however, if you suffer from severe headaches or migraines or you have headaches on a regular basis, this can be very debilitating.

What causes headaches?

There are many possible causes of headaches, from dehydration and vision problems, to teeth grinding and TMJ disorder and stress. At Liverpool Dental Spa we understand how headaches and migraines can impact day to day life and we explore different treatments and therapies to help patients to live a more comfortable life.

What can be done for headaches and migraines?

Over the years we have found that dental treatment can be very effective for headaches and migraines. We offer pain management consultations for patients, which enable us to discuss symptoms and possible cause and determine whether there are treatments that could be of benefit. In some cases, headaches and migraines are linked to TMJ disorder, which affects the temporomandibular joint, which joins the skull to the jaw.

TMJ disorder is a term used to describe symptoms including pain in the jaw, headaches, restricted movement in and around the jaw and clicking and popping noises when you move your jaw. TMJ disorder is often associated with teeth grinding, which is known as bruxism; many people grind their teeth during the night subconsciously and this can result in headaches, worn biting surfaces and chipped teeth.

One solution we can suggest for teeth grinding is a nigh guard, which is a custom-made appliance, which helps to prevent tooth to tooth contact during the night.

If you suffer from headaches and migraines and painkillers are doing the trick, give us a call today  at Liverpool Dental Spa and find out if we could help to make your life pain-free.




6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern