Anyone can be subject to gum disease but thankfully, with our handy guide, you will be primed and ready for the subtle nuances of early gum disease, meaning you can catch it before it’s too late!
The early, subtle stages
Check your gums: Red, sensitive or puffy gums, as well as gums that bleed after brushing and flossing your teeth are signs of gum disease. Don’t stress if your gums bleed when you’ve just started flossing for the first time! It is only continued bleeding, after you’ve been flossing for a week or so, that should cause concern. This early stage is referred to as gingivitis and, thankfully, is simple to undo: gingivitis is initiated by plaque on your gums. Remove the plaque and you remove the problem.
Periodontitis: It worsens…
If gingivitis runs rampant, it eventually leads to periodontitis, a process during which the tissues supporting your teeth begin to be affected. Periodontitis can lead to irreversible gum reduction, changes in the organization of your bone structure and, eventually, full blown tooth loss. The indicators of this charming phase are:
- bad breath
- pus in between your teeth
- teeth gradually becoming wobbly
ANUG is an acronym for acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis. This is a rare but particularly extreme variant of gum disease which brings with it additional symptoms, such as:
- painful ulcers
- a metal-like flavour in your mouth
- excess salivation
- general problems eating and talking
Types of treatment
If you don’t catch gum disease in time, thankfully there are ways of treating it. A fairly thorough form of cleaning called ‘scaling’ can help. If you have periodontitis or ANUG, you may need some pretty extreme scaling though! Root planing can also help. This is a form of deep clean for under your gums which should exorcise lingering bacteria living under your teeth. Antiseptic mouthwashes are also a fantastic preventative measure and may be recommended. In extreme cases, surgery or tooth extraction may be required. Contact the team at Liverpool Implants and Aesthetic Dental Spa for more help and information.