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Archive for the ‘Dentistry’ Category

Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease for Patients in London

Friday, January 8th, 2016

Anyone can be subject to gum disease but thankfully, with our handy guide, you will be primed and ready for the subtle nuances of early gum disease, meaning you can catch it before it’s too late!

The early, subtle stages

Check your gums: Red, sensitive or puffy gums, as well as gums that bleed after brushing and flossing your teeth are signs of gum disease. Don’t stress if your gums bleed when you’ve just started flossing for the first time! It is only continued bleeding, after you’ve been flossing for a week or so, that should cause concern. This early stage is referred to as gingivitis and, thankfully, is simple to undo: gingivitis is initiated by plaque on your gums. Remove the plaque and you remove the problem.

Periodontitis: It worsens…

If gingivitis runs rampant, it eventually leads to periodontitis, a process during which the tissues supporting your teeth begin to be affected. Periodontitis can lead to irreversible gum reduction, changes in the organization of your bone structure and, eventually, full blown tooth loss. The indicators of this charming phase are:

  • bad breath
  • pus in between your teeth
  • teeth gradually becoming wobbly


ANUG is an acronym for acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis. This is a rare but particularly extreme variant of gum disease which brings with it additional symptoms, such as:

  • painful ulcers
  • a metal-like flavour in your mouth
  • excess salivation
  • general problems eating and talking

Types of treatment

If you don’t catch gum disease in time, thankfully there are ways of treating it. A fairly thorough form of cleaning called ‘scaling’ can help. If you have periodontitis or ANUG, you may need some pretty extreme scaling though! Root planing can also help. This is a form of deep clean for under your gums which should exorcise lingering bacteria living under your teeth. Antiseptic mouthwashes are also a fantastic preventative measure and may be recommended. In extreme cases, surgery or tooth extraction may be required.  Contact the team at Liverpool Implants and Aesthetic Dental Spa for more help and information.

Don’t Let Jaw Joint Problems Destroy Your Joy This Christmas

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

At Christmas time, you want to enjoy a few days off, sample some festive delicacies and spend time with your favourite people. You don’t want to worry about jaw joint pain. If you regularly wake up with jaw pain, headaches or toothache, now is the time to call us so we can help you banish TMJ troubles for good.

About TMJ disorder

TMJ disorder is a group of symptoms that affects the temporomandibular joint. This joint is one of the busiest joints in the body and you can feel it working if you place your fingers on the side of the face by the ears and open and close your mouth. Symptoms of TMJ disorder include:

  • clicking and popping noises when you move your jaw
  • jaw pain
  • stiffness
  • headaches and neck and shoulder pain
  • restricted movement in the jaw

Possible causes of TMJ disorder include:

  • tooth grinding
  • clenching the jaw
  • underlying health conditions (such as arthritis)

How we can help

Many cases of TMJ disorder are linked to tooth grinding, also known as bruxism. Tooth grinding can be brought on by stress and anxiety or linked to orthodontic issues and loose crowns or fillings. If you grind your teeth, we can try to determine and address the cause. This may involve repairing loose restorations, fitting braces or creating a custom-made bite guard. A bite guard is a device placed inside the mouth to prevent contact between the upper and lower arches of teeth while you sleep. We can also recommend stress management techniques.


Spotting the Signs of Mouth Cancer in a Screening Session

Tuesday, December 8th, 2015

Mouth cancer affects around 7,000 people in the UK every year. With oral cancer screening, we can help to detect problems early and ensure that treatment is administered at an early stage, when the chances of survival are much higher. At Liverpool Implant and Aesthetic Dental Spa, we strongly encourage our patients to attend regular check-ups so that we can check their dental health and have a good look around for any potential warning signs of oral cancer.

About oral cancer screening

We perform oral cancer screening as part of a routine check-up and we can also offer more thorough examinations suing the latest technology. During your screening check, your dentist will examine the soft tissue in the mouth and throat, looking out for any potential signs of abnormal tissue and noting down any changes since your last check-up. If your dentist has any concerns at all, they can recommend further testing. In the vast majority of cases, there will be nothing to worry about, but it is always best to get checked out.

Signs and symptoms of oral cancer

Although oral cancer has become increasingly prevalent in the last decade, many people are still unsure about the warning signs they should be looking out for. Here are some of the most common symptoms of oral cancer:

  • red or white patches in the mouth or throat
  • difficulty swallowing
  • oral pain
  • sore throat
  • abnormal oral bleeding
  • slow-healing mouth ulcers and sores
  • unexplained swelling
  • lumps in the mouth or throat

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s advisable to contact your dentist or arrange a check-up or to see your GP.

If you have any questions about mouth cancer or would like to find out more about oral cancer screening, don’t hesitate to get in touch and our friendly team will be happy to help.

The Importance of Oral Cancer Screening

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

More than 6,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with oral cancer every year and the numbers are growing year on year.

One of the major issues with oral cancer is that many people are unaware of the symptoms and this means that the majority of cases are not diagnosed at an early stage. This is why oral cancer screening and regular dental checks are so important.

What happens during screening?

Oral cancer screening is fast and painless – we will simply use a high-tech instrument to examine your mouth and check for signs of abnormal tissue or changes in your mouth. This technology allows us to see changes not visible to the naked eye. The test only lasts a couple of minutes and we will also have a little chat with you about the causes and symptoms of oral cancer so you can keep an eye out for possible warning signs.

About oral cancer

Oral cancer affects the soft tissues in the mouth and the most common symptoms include mouth ulcers or sores that take longer than 2-3 weeks to heal, red or white patches in the mouth and abnormal lumps in the mouth or throat. Additional symptoms may include a persistent sore throat and hoarseness.

The main risk factors for oral cancer include smoking, drinking alcohol, a poor diet lacking in nutrients and HPV infection. HPV (human papilloma virus) is spread through sexual contact and it is also a risk factor for cervical cancer.

If you would like to find out more about oral cancer or arrange a screening check, call the practice today in the heart of Liverpool.


Root Canal Treatment to Save Your Smile

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

Even with the best oral hygiene in place tooth decay can still occur. If the decay begins deep within the tooth it can be hard to spot until it has progressed to the external tooth surface. This could mean that it has infected the internal structure of the tooth. When this occurs the only option is root canal treatment as antibiotics cannot treat infection that is inside the tooth.

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is performed when the internal ‘living’ section of the tooth has become damaged, decayed or severely infected. The tooth will be drilled, as per a normal filling, but this will continue until the soft living pulp of the tooth is exposed. The pulp is then removed and the cavity washed out to ensure all traces of decay and infection are removed. It is then filled and sealed to prevent further infection. The tooth will then either have a standard filling to complete the treatment or a crown may be fitted.

How can this treatment save my smile?

If left untreated the end result will be that the decayed or infected tooth will have to be removed. In some cases the infection can spread to the neighbouring teeth, so it is never wise to leave a tooth untreated. By undergoing root canal treatment the dentist can save the natural tooth and with it your smile. It is common for teeth that have had this treatment to appear darker than the others. This can easily be countered by means of bleaching so that it blends in with the healthy teeth.

What happens if the infection returns?

This infection in the tooth should return the treatment can be repeated, however it is rarely needed as root canal treatment is highly successful.

Beware the Potential Pitfalls of Wisdom Teeth

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars to come through. They are known as ‘wisdom teeth’ because they appear in either the late teens or early twenties of a person’s life, suggesting that the person has reached ‘wisdom.’ However, if wisdom teeth are not positioned correctly, problems can follow.

So what are the potential problems with wisdom teeth?

One of the problems is that because although the human mouth can hold 32 teeth in total, a lot of people’s mouths only have room for 28. This means that when the four wisdom teeth come in as the third molars, there isn’t enough space for them to grow properly and they can impact or only partially erupt. Impaction is when the wisdom teeth have failed to break through the gum line because of misalignment caused by lack of room to develop. Partial eruption is when the tooth fails to break through the gum bed completely and leaves a soft flap of flesh which is known as an operculum.

Wisdom teeth don’t always cause problems and won’t in the case that there’s enough room for them to come through, but some problems that can occur as wisdom teeth come include:

  • Decay due to the teeth being inaccessible to clean – this can easily spread to adjacent teeth if not careful.
  • Structural damage to the entire mouth as a result of overcrowding.
  • Perhaps most dangerous, however, is the possibility of cysts forming. This occurs when a wisdom tooth has been impacted and the surrounding tooth has filled with fluid. Cysts can eventually become tumours if left untreated and can      permanently damage the jawbone and nerves.

It goes without saying that if you experience any wisdom tooth pain symptoms you should see a dentist immediately to avoid these potential problems. If you have any worries about wisdom teeth, contact our team today at Liverpool Dental Spa.

Early Diagnosis for Oral Cancer Could Save Your Life

Monday, October 12th, 2015

Avoid oral cancer with regular visits to Liverpool dentists

Your dentist is trained to thoroughly examine your mouth for signs of tooth decay and gum disease.  They will be looking out for any sign of excessive plaque which can damage your teeth.  What many people don’t know is that dentists are also trained to spot early signs of oral cancer.  This condition has a fairly high survival rate but it must be caught early in order for it to be treated effectively – just one more reason to visit your dentist regularly.

Those who smoke or regularly drink alcohol to excess are at a higher risk of contracting oral cancer and the disease is more prevalent in men than women. But even if you are not in a high risk category it is worth being vigilant about it so you don’t fall ill.

Your dentist will be on the look out for rusty red patches on your gums and the soft tissue of your mouth.  You too can be mindful of these signs when you are at home and brushing your teeth is an ideal time to look for these patches.  If you experience sudden weight loss or have odd tastes in your mouth, sometimes of the metallic variety, then you should report this to your dentist.

Looking for a cosmetic dentist? City of London dentists are here to help.

Be sure to pursue a healthy, balanced diet, take steps to quit smoking, cut down on drinking and you are lessening your chances of developing oral cancer.  Oral hygiene also plays a very important part and you should get in the habit of brushing twice a day for about three minutes and floss as well.  Most important of all is that you visit your Liverpool dentist for regular check ups at which he or she can look out for early signs of oral cancer.


5 Dental Tips to Carry You Into the Autumn Months

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Summer days are fading away and autumn is approaching. If you want to enjoy a bright and healthy smile, here are five top tips to carry you into the autumn:

Book a dental check: if you’re due a check-up, the new season is the perfect time to call and arrange an appointment. We offer flexible opening times and will happily see members of your family at the same time. Check-ups are quick and if you get the all-clear, you won’t have to come back and see us for another six months!
Swap your toothbrush: if you haven’t swapped your toothbrush or replaced the head of your electric brush for a while, the arrival of autumn is a good excuse to treat yourself. Ideally, we recommend replacing brushes every 3-4 months. This helps to ensure effective cleaning, as worn bristles don’t work as well as new ones.
Hone your brushing skills: this autumn, set yourself a goal to improve your daily oral hygiene regime and step up your efforts when it comes to brushing and flossing. If you need any advice or any help at all, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team of dentists and dental hygienists.
Book a hygiene session: many people assume that they need to be suffering with painful gums or bad breath in order to see a dental hygienist, but our hygiene services are accessible to all and we strongly recommend an annual session, even for those with healthy teeth. Seeing a hygienist provides you with a really deep clean, which will banish any bacteria, plaque and tartar and also polish your teeth to give your smile a lovely sparkle.
Cut down on sugary foods: research shows that many people consume too much sugar and this is contributing to high rates of dental decay. The World Health Organisation recommends a daily intake of just six teaspoons of sugar. We also recommend avoiding acidic foods and drinks where possible, as the acids weaken and erode tooth enamel.

What Happens When You Don’t Visit the Dentist

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

Surveys show that many people wait longer than the recommended time to see a dentist. We strongly recommend six monthly check-ups for children and adults in order to prevent oral disease and keep the teeth and gums healthy.

What happens if you don’t see a dentist on a regular basis?

It’s really important to see a dentist on a regular basis, even if you haven’t got any pain and your teeth and gums feel fine. Regular check-ups allow us to spot early warning signs of gum disease, decay, bad breath and even oral cancer and this means that we can provide treatment quickly to prevent the situation from getting worse and save you from suffering.

If you avoid going to the dentist or keep forgetting to book that all-important check-up, your risk of dental disease will increase and you might end up paying more for dental treatment, as complex courses of treatment are more expensive than routine treatments. There is also a risk of staining and discolouration, which may affect your confidence.

There is also a great deal of evidence to support a link between oral and general health and avoiding the dentist may actually increase your risk of general health problems, as well as oral disease. Studies show that gum disease can increase the risk of heart disease and strokes.

Nervous patients at Liverpool Dental Spa

Dental anxiety is one of the main reasons people steer clear of the dentist. At Liverpool Dental Spa, we have expertise in caring for anxious and nervous patients and we promise to make you feel comfortable and to help you overcome your fears so that you are able to come and see us again in the future without any worries or fears.

If you’re due a check-up, now is the time to call and book an appointment. We look forward to seeing you!

Crowning the Success of Our Restorative Dental Treatments

Friday, July 24th, 2015

Even the healthiest teeth can fall foul to injuries and accidents, but at Liverpool Dental Spa we have a host of restorative options to patch up chips and worn edges, repair fractures and ensure you can smile with confidence again. Our dentists are highly skilled in restorative dentistry and we use only the finest quality materials and the latest techniques to produce amazing results with minimal pain.

Our restorative treatments

We offer a range of restorative treatments to repair damaged and decayed teeth, patch up injuries and replace lost teeth. Our treatment options include:

  • CEREC same-day restorative treatment: we are fortunate to have CEREC technology on-site. This gives us the ability to offer same-day bespoke restorative treatment. With CEREC we can design, manufacture and place new veneers, crowns, inlays and onlays all in one day without having to send impressions away or fit temporary measures. CEREC vastly reduces treatment time and it also makes treatment more convenient for patients with hectic schedules. The process is also cleaner and more accurate than traditional methods.
  • Porcelain crowns: as well as same-day CEREC crowns, we also offer hand-crafted porcelain crowns, which sit on top of the teeth to offer protection and make the tooth more robust. Crowns are recommended when a tooth is broken or decayed and they can also be attached to dental implants as part of a tooth replacement. Porcelain crowns match the shade of healthy natural teeth and last for up to five years.
  • White fillings: fillings are placed when a cavity forms in the surface of the tooth. Cavities are holes often caused by acid erosion of the enamel. Fillings help to stem the spread of infection and white fillings restore the teeth without affecting the way it looks.
  • Dental bridges: bridges are a popular tooth replacement treatment for single gaps. They consist of a false tooth fused to a new crown on either side. Bridges can be made from metals or ceramics and they last up to 15 years. Bridge treatment usually involves two sessions.
  • Dentures: dentures are an effective means of replacing multiple missing teeth. They are sets of false teeth that look like natural teeth and enable you to speak and eat with ease and confidence. Dentures are custom-made and are secured by the natural suction of the gums.
  • Dental implants: implants offer a versatile solution to patients with tooth loss, as they can be used to replace single and multiple missing teeth. Implants are small devices made from titanium and are placed inside small holes in the jaw bone and then attached to a crown, bridge or denture once settled. Implants offer the same standard of stability and functionality as natural tooth roots and are an excellent long-term option.

6 Dentistry Awards!

Winners for National UK Award

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team

Winners for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Dental Team
  • > 2008 Best Dental Practice

Finalists for North West Awards

  • > 2009 Best Practice
  • > 2008 Best Dental Team

Finalist & Highly Commended for

  • > 2007 Best Young Dentist Dr Marius McGovern