Our jaws are continually working, helping us to talk, laugh, eat, bite and chew. Over time this maintained use sometimes lead to painful problems, which may hinder our jaws in their day-to-day use.
Indications of jaw problems
Regular clicking of the jaw and sore joints may be indications that problems may be occurring. Other problems with the jaw, however, may occur due to other situations, which may have nothing to do with the function of the jaw. These problems tend to be of a bacterial and infectious nature and can occur due to poor oral hygiene.
Poor oral hygiene and your jawbones
When oral hygiene becomes lax dental bacteria is able to penetrate the tooth enamel, infecting the pulp inside, leading to decay, pus and infection. This, if left untreated, can often lead to tooth loss, followed by the spread of the infection. This movement of the infection attacks the gums beneath the tooth after which is attacks the jawbone. Tooth decay and gum disease start small, but can easily spread if problems are left unchecked and if gingivitis is left to develop into periodontitis it can affect the jaw bone to the point where surgery is required. Maintaining a good dental hygiene of brushing and flossing the teeth can ensure that no such problems can occur, keeping the teeth, gums and jaws strong and healthy.
If you are worried about pain around your jaw joints, or are concerned about the spread of infection from a damaged tooth then we would be more than happy to see you and help you recover your dental health. Problems with the jaw can often affect the way a person eats, so it is within the best interests of your overall health to maintain the health of your whole mouth, including the jawbones. For more information contact the team at Liverpool Dental Spa in Liverpool.
Tags: Central Liverpool, Jaw problems, Jaw problems Liverpool, jawbones